Chapter 36: Shattered

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I hang up and head to the commons. When I walk in Antonio is talking to Matt.
"Hey, Gabby. We are doing everything we can to find Mariana. She couldn't have gotten too far." Antonio says.
I nod and walk out to the apparatus floor. I start to walk towards the bunker gear room when someone grabs me from behind and spins me around. Before I can do anything Mariana punches me and knocks me out.

1 hour later
Matthew Casey's POV

"Has anyone seen Gabby? Last time I saw her she went out to the apparatus floor." I say as I walk to the fridge.
"No, she still hasn't came in." Otis says.
"I'm going to go look for her. Antonio, you want to come with me?" I ask as I head towards the apparatus floor.
Antonio nods and we walk out to the apparatus floor. I start to look around when I see Gabby's phone laying on the floor, back facing up.
When I pick her phone up I see that the screen is shattered and peices of it fall out as I pick it up.
"Antonio, over here. Something is wrong, look. Gabby's phone is shattered. I hate to say it, but I think Mariana has her." I say as I hand Antonio Gabby's phone.
The doors burst open and Gabby comes in pulling an unconscious Mariana by the hair.
She takes her over to Antonio and says, "Get this bitch out of here, Antonio."
Antonio takes Mariana as she wakes up and they walk out the door. As soon as they are out the door Gabby walks over to me and says, "I would hug you but since my nose is still bleeding I probably shouldn't..."
I hug Gabby anyways and we walk inside to the commons.
"God, Gabby, you can't stop from getting hurt can you, what happened?" Shay says as she wets a rag and walks over to us.
"Mariana. She knocked me out and drug me out to her car. I woke up when she was trying to put me in the trunk. When I woke up I head butted her, elbowed her in the gut then knocked her out. Then, after I knocked her out I drug her in to the apparatus bay by her hair." Gabby says as she sits down.
Shay starts cleaning the blood off Gabby. I sit down at the long table as Antonio walks back in.
"Mariana is with Vought. We are going to take her down to the station, but Gabby we need you to come with us. We have to get your statement." Antonio says as Shay finishes cleaning the blood off Gabby.
"Load up, guys. We are going with them." I say as Antonio walks out.
We walk out to the truck and load up. On our way there Gabby doesn't say a word and Jones sits crushed between the wall and Herman. I turn around and look at Gabby sitting in the seat behind me.
I take her hand and hold it as we head towards the station. When we get there Antonio meets us in the lobby and says, "Gabby, come on upstairs. Guys, wait here."
I shake my head and say, "Where ever she goes we go. No talking about it."
Antonio shakes his head and we go upstairs. When we get up there Mariana is sitting there talking to Vought.
I feel Gabby's hand tense and I hold on to her arm. When we get over to Antonio's desk he hands Gabby a paper and they walk back to a room behind us.
We all turn around and wait for them to finish and watch as Mariana says something to Vought and they both walk over to us.
"How's Gabby doing? I was only trying to help her get away from you all. I mean would you want to be in a dead end job with a dead beat for a fiancé?" Mariana asks as she puts her hand on my shoulder.
Suddenly, Gabby knocks Mariana off her feet in one punch then says, "Stay away from my family, bitch. That includes Antonio, Mom, and the CFD."
Vought pulls Mariana to her feet and cuffs her. Then, takes her away.
"Gabby, you need to be more careful about where and when you hit someone. You are in a police station." Antonio says as he puts the statement on Vought's desk.
Gabby nods and hugs Antonio than silently walks down stairs. I shake Antonio's hand and we head down stairs.
When we get down there Gabby is already out in the truck so we walk out there, but when we get to the truck she's not there. A note is taped to the side, so I pull it off and read it out loud.


"I need some time to clear my head. What Mariana told you was all false. There wasn't even a sliver of truth in what she told you guys. I need to think about everything, and I should be back to the house soon after you guys get there.

Gabriela Dawson's POV

I tape the note to the truck and walk towards the house. I was ready to give up and give in.
In the last year I had gone to hell and back. But I wasn't ready to stop. I just kept going back in and going back in, and thanks to me I had once again put my family in danger.
I see the truck pull in to the apparatus bay as I look up. I walk up to the house and walk into the commons with Truck 81 on my heels.
"Jones, you don't need to do your drills today. Rest today and pick up on them tomorrow." I say as I sit down on the couch. She nods and walks over to the long table and sits down.
Casey says, "Well it is time for shift change. I will see you when you get home."
"Ok, well Shay, my mom, and I are going wedding dress shopping." I tell him as I kiss him then walk to my locker.
Jones says as I close my locker, "So, wedding dress shopping? I know we haven't been the best of friends, and I know that you aren't all sunshine and fluffy clouds like you act. You have things going on that were set in motion long before I got here. I feel like I'm putting more strife on-"
"Jones, just spit it out please." I interrupt her.
Jones clears her throat and asks, "Well, I was thinking maybe I could come with you?"
I look at my watch and then look back Jones.
"Listen, I really just need sometime with friends and family. I see you as a friend, but I need time with close friends. I've really been needing this and I want to keep it small and simple. Plus, if I'm not out to Shay in like five seconds she is going to kill me. Sorry, Jordan." I say as I walk towards the door.
She nods and walks to her locker. I walk out to where Shay is waiting at my car and we get in...

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