Chapter 70: Cologne

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Truck, Squad, and Boden pull up as Tonio tries to stop me from pacing. Matt jumps out and runs over to me as Mouse pulls up in his truck. Matt wraps me in a hug as soon as he reaches me.
"It's alright. Shay's a firefighter. She's going to pull through." He says.
"I know. It's just... everything's catching up with me. I've been Kelly's rock for this when I feel like I could just snap at a moments notice with no warning." I say.
"It's alright. You need to rest." Matt says as we walk inside after the others.
"Yeah. Yeah, I do." I say intertwining my fingers with his.
We sit down beside Kelly and Antonio as a nurse walks over.
"I need to see badges if you're going to be armed." She tells all of us.
I pull my badge out of my pocket and we all show our sages to her. She nods and then walks off.

Later that evening

"Family of Leslie Severide?" A doctor asks.
We all stand and he says, "Leslie and the baby girl are fine. Leslie took a beating, but over all she is fine. No broken bones, only a few scrapes and bruises, and a lot of blood loss. She is awake and wants to see her husband, Matthew Casey, Gabriela Dawson, and anyone from CPD who is here."
"Thank you, Doctor. What room is she in?" I ask standing up.
"103" He tells me then walks away.
We all walk to her room and inside to find Shay awake and watching TV.
"Leslie!" Kelly says rushing over to her.
He gently hugs her as we all surround her bed.
"Why are you wearing a bullet proof vest and why is blood running down your forehead, Gabby?" Shay asks as I take her hand in mine.
Everyone's eyes turn to me and I quickly touch my hand to my temple. It stings, but is only a flesh wound.
"I must've been grazed when we went in after you." I say wiping the blood off on my uniform pants.
"How could you have been grazed?" She asks worriedly.
"She was the one who carried you outta that hell hole, Leslie." Lindsay says.
"Stubborn, bull-headed, idiotic, Squad adrenaline junkie." Shay says as I hug her.
I laugh as I pull back and then she pulls back. As Matt passes in front of me I smell his cologne. It sends a wave of nausea through me at the smell and I run in to the bathroom getting to the toilet just in time. Lindsay right on my heels as I run in to the bathroom. She holds my hair back while Matt, Kelly, and Tonio stand at the door their cologne feeling the bathroom.
"Cologne. It's making me nauseous." I say as I sit back on my heels.
Lindsay shuts the door as I flush the toilet and wash my mouth out.
"How far along are you?" Lindsay asks as I sit down on the now closed toilet seat.
"I didn't exactly know I was." I say.
"Well, let's get that vest off of you. It's probably hard to move in." Lindsay says.
"Yeah, thanks." I say as she helps me take the vest off.
She sets the best down and kneels down in front of me.
"You look nervous. Are you ready for a baby?" She asks rubbing my arms.
"What? Yeah. Yeah, we were trying, Lindsay. I just didn't know I was pregnant yet." I say smiling slightly.
"How long you two been trying?" She asks smiling at me.
"Awhile." I say as Lindsay helps me stand up.
"Well, congrats, Gabby. I'm happy for you guys." She says then we walk back out and I carry the vest in my hands.
"Hey, you alright?" Matt asks carefully walking over to me.
"You can come over. I'm good now." I say.
He walks over to me and hugs me.
"So uh either of you telling us what happened or am I going to have to get up out of this hospital bed and make you tell me." Shay says looking between Lindsay and I.
"I'm pregnant." I say.
"What?!" Antonio says his eyes wide.
"I'm going to take a pregnancy test to make sure, but yes." I say.
Antonio turns to Matt and says, "You can't leave now. Got it?"
"Oh I don't plan on it." Matt says pulling something out of his pocket.
"Will you marry me, Gabby?" Matt asks holding up my old engagement ring.
"Oh my god! Yes." I say hugging Matt.
"Congrats guys." Jay says as he pulls Antonio out the door.
"I'll be right back." I say after Matt slips the ring on my finger.
I walk out and see Antonio and Jay walking down the hallway.
"Tonio, wait up." I call after them.
They stop and turn to watch me come after them.
Jay walks off as I reach them and I ask, "Do you approve?"
"It doesn't matter you guys are having a baby." He says crossing his arms.
"Do you approve?" I ask again showing I truly wanted my brothers blessing.
"Of course I do, but I just think that you're moving a little fast, Gabby." He says hugging me.
"Good. Now, stop being so glum. I just got engaged and found out I'm pregnant." I say pulling back.
"I know. Promise, lil sis, I'm happy for you guys. Now, I have to go. I'll see you soon." He tells me hugging me then walking off.
I walk back in to Shay's room to see Lindsay was the only person from the CPD there. She picks up the vest and says, "Congrats, guys. Listen, I have to go, but I will see you guys whenever. Gabby, I will give this vest to Antonio. Bye, guys."
We wave to her as she leaves and then Matt and I leave the room headed to the waiting room.
"So I don't want to let anyone else know I'm pregnant yet besides the ones who already know. If Squad finds out poof goes me doing any rescues, but I won't do as much dangerous stuff from now on." I say.
"Agreed and good, but we will let them figure out we're engaged." He says.
"Yeah." I say.
We walk in to the waiting room a few minutes later and Herman walks over to us.
"You seem different kid. Like... I don't know, but you look different." Herman says looking me up and down.
"When you figure it out come tell us." Matt says as we both try and suppress grins.
We walk over and sit down as Herman, Boden, and Mills go to see Shay.
"I love you. You know that right." Matt says as his thumb rubs soothing circles on my left hand.
"I know. I love you too." I say leaning my head on his shoulder.

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