13- What Happened?!?

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Emily's POV

I woke up in my bed just like any other morning, only this time I had an arm wrapped tightly around me. My eyes almost fell out when I realized the strange person holding me was wearing nothing but their boxers, and as for me, I was only in a very large t-shirt that wasn't even mine, and my underwear.

I jumped out of bed with wide eyes, looking at  who was in bed with me. And of course, it's Marcus. I seriously hope I did not have sex with him last night.

"What the hell Marcus!" I yelled at him, he jumped up and rolled on the floor mumbling an 'ow' when he hit the cold hard ground.

"What?!" He yelled getting up confused.

"What do you mean 'what!'" I said trying to mimic his 'what' . "What the hell happened last night?!" I questioned, frightened of the possibilities.

"I don't remember!" He yelled tugging at his hair in frustration.

"Oh my God! This is why I don't drink!" I said looking at all the empty beer cans and bottles left around the room from last night. I remember we had a few drinks, but the rest is a just a blur.

"I was drunk too! So its not like I meant for it to happen! What ever it is that happened." 

"Marcus j-just get out... I need to find out what happened last night" I said sitting down on my bed and looking at my hands shamefully.

"Yea we'll when you do give me a call" He said walking out of my room, he closed the door but soon opened it again walking in while saying.

"I need my pants...." He grabbed his pants that were lying on the floor next to the shirt I wore last night, well fuck.

"Um.... you're wearing my shirt" He said pointing to the large t-shirt I was wearing.

"Oh sorry" I said about to take it off, until I noticed I wasn't wearing a bra underneath. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a random shirt and changed in the closet.

"Here" I said tossing the t-shirt to Marcus, he swiftly caught it and walked out of the room again while slipping his shirt on.

I sighed when I heard the downstairs door shut. I laid on my back and covered my face with my hands. I felt my eyeliner and mascara still on my eyes making them feel heavy. I got up and walked to my bathroom like a zombie, looking in the mirror. I almost screamed at the reflection I saw. I definitely looked like a freaking zombie.

I grabbed my makeup wipes and began to take everything off.

I quickly took off all my clothes and took a nice long relaxing bath, blocking out the world and playing my music.


I was laying in bed on my laptop doing absolutely nothing. Living the dream.

I decided I wanted a snack so I got up, I looked for my uggs and finally saw them under my bed.

I laid flat on the floor as I reached out to grab them when something else caught my eye.

I reached out for the shiny blue packet and brought it out from the bed. My eyes again almost popped out when I read the word 'condom' on the packet. I noticed it was not used either.

Oh God.

This has to be Marcus'. I mean I don't own any! And if its not used than that means.... we.... didn't use protection... okay this better be an extra one! Cause if that son of a bitch didn't use protection I will cut a bitch!

Right when I was about to put the condom down everything just suddenly came back to me quickly.

We were drunk. So so drunk.

"Marcus stop" I said giggling with every word. He was laying on top of me, tickling my sides. 

"You're so cute" He whispers. I look up into his beautiful eyes and give his nose a boop with my finger. 

"You're pretty cute yourself" I whisper back. He starts to give me small kisses on my cheek, and then my neck, and he keep getting lower. And it feels so nice. 

"Marcus" I breath out. He moves back up to meet my face. He places his soft lips on mine. And we slowly start to deepen the kiss. I wrap my legs around him and pull him as close as possible to my body. 

"Emily" Marcus moans out. We flip ourselves over so that I am now on top of him. I start taking my top off, his hands around my waist.

"Emily?" Fizzy calls out from downstairs.

I snap out of the memory and quickly put the condom in my night stand drawer and walked downstairs to eat some nutella and bawl my eyes out, praying to God I am not pregnant and that it was just an extra condom that Marcus may have had.

"Hey Fizzy" I try to act as cool and calm as possible. "What's up?" I asked picking up her legs and sitting down, then placing her legs on my lap as I began to eat nutella.

"hmm nothing much! So... did you and Marcus, do the deed?" She asked raising her eyebrows at me suspiciously.

"What?! No!" I said in a high pitched voice, something I tend to do when I'm lying.

"Emily, I was barely even drunk. I heard it all" She said "I just wanted to see if you'd try to hid the fact that you guys had sex last night" She said calmly with a smirk on her face.

"Oh God Fizzy what do I do?!" I asked placing the jar of Nutella on the coffee table and facing my friend.

"Why are you freaking out over it?" She asked shrugging her shoulders.

"Cause... I don't think we used... protection" I whispered  as I fiddled with the loose strings on the pillow that was placed on my now crossed legs.

"What?!" She said as her eyes got wide like mines in the morning when I had woke up, only not as bad.

"Yea... I don't fully remember...." I said trailing off and biting my lip nervously.

"Emily! You need to get a test!!" She said standing up in shock.

"Fizzy its not just gonna tell me if I'm pregnant over night!" I said while Fizzy stared down at me in shock. 

"Ugh! Fine but you're gonna get a test soon!" She said sitting back down.

"What if I am... pregnant" I said with worried eyes and looking at my friend helplessly.

"I- ... I don't know Em" She said softly and giving me a sympathetic look.

"Fuck. My. Life." I said tilting my head back and pressing the pillow against my face.


Authors Note!!

Plot twist!

Is she prego? Guess you'll have to wait and see!!



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