3- The look in her eyes

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Fizzys POV

I saw that look in Emilys eyes that she hasn't gotten before in a long time. She was smiling so brightly and I could basically feel her happiness from this side of the train. Happiness was just radiating off of her.

I couldn't help but feel bad for my dear best friend, she has to get over it someday, she has to. Why is it that she has to be so stubborn about it? Ever since... Ugh I cant say it, not just yet... But maybe Marcus, maybe he is the one to finally make her live again.

One can only hope though...


Marcus' POV

God she was so cute and funny. Why did she leave so quickly though? She seemed scared out of her mind when she last looked back at me. Did I say something to offend her?

"Hey mate we should start getting ready" Alfie said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I gulped in nervousness, why was I nervous? I nodded unable to yet speak. I got up and drank some water as Alfie looked at me as if I had murdered someone.

"What?" I finally asked.

"Nothing..." Alfie said as he dropped his bag onto his bed and took out his clothes.

"Okayyy.....?" I said as I went into the bathroom to wash my face, I just need to stop over thinking it, maybe that look was just cause she was in a hurry to leave? Yea that's gotta be it....

She just seemed to be enjoying herself when we were takling on the train, so what happened after that? Was it because I held her hand? I only did it because she looked scared out of her mind trying to get out without getting ran over, but the sparks I felt when I held her hand were unbelievable. Maybe she felt it also. But I doubt it...


I changed into a dark blue T-shirt and dark wash jeans. I kept my hair in its quiff but added a bit more hairspray to it.

"Ready to go?" Alfie asked grabbing his camera and turning it on, his finger hovering over the record button. I rolled my eyes playfully at him and nodded.

"What's up guys!" He yells into the camera "God" I remarked, I opened the door and walked out into the empty ghost like hallway.


*at the mall now!*

"Alfie what the hell are you doing?" Zoe asked laughing at Alfie; see we were currently at TopShop, the womens section, and Alfie was sizing a dress for himself... yea I don't even know...

"Marcus you try one!" He said trying to put the hanger over me so the dress would sit in front of me, did that make sense? Course it did....

"No I have man pride!" I said pushing him and the dress away, sticking my tongue out at him as he just rolled his eyes playfully at me and placed the dresses back on the rack. "We don't tolerate toxic masculinity in this friendship" Alfie says.

"I'm going to go pay for this now" Zoe said giggling as she walks away to buy her sunglasses and top. Alfie and I wondered around.

"Marcus look, I bought, well not yet but I'm going to buy you this... lip gloss stuff for you, beauty treats" Alfie said as he showed his camera the multi colored lip gloss package.

"Oh that's so... sparkly... thank you Alfie that is so generous of you" I said grabbing the package from him and showing the camera again with an awkward smile.

"Isn't it just so lovely guys? I mean how great would this pink look on me?" I said pointing at the pink lip gloss and back at my lips.

"It will match your cheeks!" Alfie said laughing and poking my crimson red cheeks, I just hit him on the head with the package and turned around as I heard Zoe call for us.

Emilys POV
*at topshop*

"Marcus?! Alfie?!" I heard some girl shout several times at TopShop. I was currently walking around with Fizzy, so far I have decided to buy a dress and some heels.

"What?!" I heard a male voice yell back, they sounded fairly close to me, that sounded like...

"Emily?" I heard the familiar accent ask, and soon I heard footsteps walking towards me. Shit, shit, shit! I yelled in my mind as I began to slightly panic in the inside, I looked at Fizzy who had a look that read 'calm yo tits' and I just looked back forward to see Marcus looking at me.

"Hey... why did you run away at the train station?" He asked raising his eyebrow at me.

"I... um.... was in a hurry?" I said but it came out more as an unsure question, I heard Fizzy step up about to say "No you we--" she didn't get to finish because by then I was sending death glares at her and she shut her mouth.

"Sorry" I mumbled to Marcus as I quickly began to try and walk away.

"Hey! why do you keep leaving?" Marcus asked as he caught my wrist and turned me back around to face him, it wasn't an aggressive pull though. More like a light tug.

"I...I don't know" Don't I sit on a thrown of lies?

"Well, can I have your number?" Marcus asked and I was going to make up an excuse like 'I forgot my number... or.. my phone is at the hotel' or some shity excuse. But I just nodded my head slowely, took my iphone5 out of my purse, and passed it to him. Then he gave me his.

I saved my name as 'Emily' I know boring. He handed me my phone back and I saw he saved his number as 'That Sexy MOFO Marcus' I smiled slightly but soon stopped and just put my phone back in my purse.

"I will see you later then, bye" I said quickly running off to the check out, soon followed by Fizzy who was just making small talk with Alfie and Zoe the whole time.

"You okay?" She asked, concern in her eyes as she knew why I was feeling like this. I nodded in response as I payed for my stuff and then waited for Fizzy to pay for hers. Once we were done paying we left the mall and went back to the hotel to start getting ready for the club. I'm only going against my will to be completely honest...



You probably wanna know what the big secret is....

But..... you're just gonna have to wait :D


Because it helps me wanna do updates more often (:


Because it makes me feel special XD and lets me know you enjoy my fanfic (:

*Marcus voice* Ill talk to your sexy faces later! byeeeeeeeeee!

-Ash (:

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