37- Amen. Preach!

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Emilys Pov

The day went by so fast! Here is a little recap on today's events!

We went to Nandos, Alfie seemed fine so I guess he is over Fizzy. Woop woop! We basically stuffed our faces with food and had a good laugh. At the mall we got banned because we wanted to try inappropriate unicycling... Yea it was a horrible idea. But before we did that I was able to take Fizzy to Jack Wills. She bought a hoodie and some sweats, and I bought two pairs of sweats and a dark blue beanie. I love beanies. And sweats. Yea I loge a lot of things!

All in all it was a productive day? I suppose!

We are currently ordering Nandos and trying to pick what movie to watch right now. Definitely not a romance though. We all agreed on that.

"BATMAN MARATHON!!" I shouted, jumping up and raising my fist in the air. Everyone agreed but since it was late we are just gonna watch The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises. Best movie ever!

"Wait! I'll be right back!" I said dashing up the stairs and into my room. I looked through my draws of onesies, yes I have a draw just for onesies. Be jealous! I grabbed my batman onesie and I quickly changed into it. I put my hair up in a messy bun and then took off the lipstick I was wearing and replaced it with Baby Lips chapstick. Love this stuff!

I ran downstairs and jumped the last step, yea I know. Got a dare devil over here! Like a boss! I laughed at my own weirdness, out loud. Thankfully the guys didn't hear me. I went into the kitchen and threw a bag of popcorn into the microwave. I grabbed each of us a Dr Pepper and then grabbed two bags of crisps. Yea all this time with British people really changes you. I don't have the accent but I do have the slang! Kind of...

Once the popcorn was done I put another one in and then poured the already popped one into a big bowl. I took the drinks to the living room, handing everyone one their own and leaving mines on the coffee table. I went back and grabbed the two bags of crisps (Lays to be exact) and tossed one to Fizzy and Ben, the other to Marcus. By the time I got back to the kitchen the popcorn was ready. I poured it into a big bowl also and then took the two bowls to the living room. I handed one to Fizzy and Ben and the other was for Marcus and I.

Since there were two couches one was possessed by Fizzy and Ben, the other by Marcus and I. Obviously. I popped the DVD in and pressed play. I snuggled close to Marcus and leaned my head against his chest. A warm blanket over us.

"Cute Onesie by the way" Marcus whispered into my ear. I giggled and just started eating popcorn as the movie came on.

"Damn. Anne Hathaway is so hot!" Ben said when the credits for The Dark Knight Rises started coming on. Fizzy and I both shared a look and then at the same time threw a handful of popcorn at him. Marcus laughed, his chest vibrating underneath my body. I stood up and folded the blanket, placing it back in its normal spot. (which is the arm of the chair) I fixed the pillows a bit and then threw away all the trash. I yawned when I was done and I could feel my eyes growing heavier with each second.

I felt my body being lifted from the ground bridal style.

"Lets get you to bed" Marcus said planting a kiss on my temple. I didn't say anything, I just leaned my head against his chest as he began to walk up the steps.

I felt my body being placed onto the warm and soft bed, the sheets being placed above my tired body. I sighed and adjusted my body to a comfortable position. Which happened to be my back against Marcus' chest. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me even closer to his. He kissed my head and then I started to drift off to sleep.

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