42- Phones ruin the moment XD

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Emilys PoV

I skip into the kitchen taking out all the ingredients I will be needing. Pasta, ground beef meat, sauce, and salad stuff. I pour water in a pan for the pasta and put it on the stove, letting it sit for a few minutes to boil. once it is ready I open the package of pasta (spaghetti pasta) and pour it into the pan, moving onto the meat. I take out another pan and let it sit on the stove until it is ready, I put the meat in and use a giant spoon thing to cut it.

I let it sit and move onto the salad, taking out the lettuce, tomato, cucumber, celery, and carrots.

I chop everything up and pour it into a random clear plastic bowl. I add a bit of salt and then set it off to the side, starting to mix the meat and pasta. Once it is ready I get out to plates and forks.

"Marcus it's ready!" I yell, serving myself. I pour Italian dressing on my salad and then get a bottle of water.

"Food!" Marcus yells running into the kitchen and grabbing his plate. Serving himself a huge amount of each. I giggle and sit down at the table. Crossing my legs and eating like a lady. Haha no, fuck that shit! hehe.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Marcus asks with a mouth full of pasta and meat. I giggle and roll my eyes, taking my napkin and wiping off a bit of sauce that landed on his chin. He smiles at me and I blush lightly, for no freaking reason. Ugh this boy...

"What kind of movie?" I ask raising an eyebrow while stuffing lettuce in my mouth. Attractive I know right.

"I was thinking a Disney film" He answered smiling widely. I also smiled, nodding my head in agreement.

"Can we watch Lady and the Tramp?" I asked with a hopeful smile. He chuckles and nods his head, I do a small happy dance in my seat and he laughs at me.

"You're such a kid" Marcus says ruffling the top of my hair.

"Maybe I am actually a kid... pretending to be an adult... like the reverse orphan! only... I'm not an orphan" I said wiggling my eyebrows at the end and laughing lightly.

"I'm dating a frrreeeaakkkk" Marcus says doing a weirded out look, I hit his arm lightly and he pouts at me.

We finish eating our food so I throw, no not literally, our plates into the sink and push Marcus back.

"Race you up!" I say running up the stairs, Marcus yelling that I was cheating. I giggled as his arms locked around my waist and spun me around, throwing me, yes this time literally, onto the bed. His body hovered over mine, he leaned down and hovered his lips over mine. His breath trailing down my neck. I was about to start kissing him when he pulled back winking at me and going to where we keep the movies.

"You tease!" I yell pouting even though he can't see me. He laughs and just continues to look at the movies. He finally finds lady and the tramp and he puts it on. We get onto the bed properly and he pulls me onto his lap. His arms locked around my waist and mine resting on top of his, a smile planted lightly on my lips.

It was only 4 P.M now and the movie was just about to finish up. I get off of Marcus' lap and sit criss-crossed on the bed, slouching my shoulders in an ever so slightly lady like manner. Sarcasm!

"Now what?" I ask chuckling while rocking back and forth. My cheeks puffed out and my eyes wide, normal ya know.

"I have a few ideas?" Marcus says leaning into me, I was just about to start leaning in also when I remembered something. I rested my lips on his, not moving, just breathing. And when I felt him about to press his lips against mine, I pulled away with a smirk on my face.

"So, ice cream?" I ask with a wide grin as he looks at me with a pout. I smile innocently.

"Tease" He says getting up and standing in front of me.

"Karma" I say sticking out my tongue. He smiles and rests his hand on my cheek, leaning down and looking me in my eyes. His eyes flicker down to my lips and back up to my eyes.

"You're so beautiful" He says softly, his thumb running against my heel back and forth.

"Shut up" I say giggling and rolling my eyes. His stare doesn't move though, he stays looking into my eyes seriously.

"What? Is there something in my teeth?" I ask chuckling.

"You do know that you're beautiful right?" He asks raising an eyebrow at me. I chuckle and lush him away from, running a hand through my hair.

"I guess?" I say unsure of what to say. I mean if I say no then I will probably get a lecture and I am just too tired for that!

"Well you are, don't let anyone" He pulls me up from the bed so I'm standing in front of him. "Tell you" He sits down where I originally was, his hands connected with mine still. "Different" He finishes pulling me onto his lap.

I blush and nod my head slowly, turning my attention to our connected hands. He lifts up my chin with his hand and presses his lips against mines. Neither of us teasing each other this time. I wrap my legs around him and my arms slowly move up until I feel his hair in my hands. I play with his hair and he keeps one hand on my waist and the other moved from my chin to my cheek. Our bodies pressed against each others.

"AND WE DANCED ALL NIGHT TO THE BEST SONG EVER! -" I pulled back from the kiss startled from the sudden noise.

"What the heck?!" I ask looking around to see where the music is coming from. Marcus blushes and pulls out his ringing phone from his pocket. I chuckle and roll my eyes as he answers his phone.

"What's up mate" He says into the phone as I begin to braid a random part of my hair.


Hey guys sorry!

I have marching band practice

Like from Freaking 8:30-5:45 and I'm just so tired by the end and ugh I'm sorry!

But anyways I am really really sorry!



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