23- Tests gone wrong?

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Emilys Pov

I waited anxiously next to my phone as I waited for the call that would either give me hope or ruin my world. Marcus had left to Alfies to film a new video, he wanted me to come along but I protested against it. I bit my nails down to the numb as my foot tapped slowely, but increased in speed each minute. My heart stopped when my phone began to ring the familiar song, which was payphone, I bit my lip as my hand slowely made its way to the phone. I picked it up and answered it without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I choked out

"Emily its Doctor Florez, we have the results" He said pausing in the middle of his sentence. "I'm so sorry Em-" I froze as the phone fell from my hand and feel onto the floor, I let the tears fall as I fell to the floor. I rocked back and forth as I cradled myself, my knees pressed tightly against me. I heard the doctor trying to talk to me, but he eventually got the picture that I didn't want to talk. He hung up and the only noise that was present was my muffled cries and occasional screams of horror.

I only wanted to be in the embrace of Marcus more than anything but he wasn't here, I was alone. I didn't have Fizzy here with me either to comfort me and tell me everything was alright while shoving ice cream in my mouth to keep me from screaming and scaring the neighbors.

I fell asleep after a while which was something I usually do when I cry for a long period of time. I was waken when I heard the door close and Marcus' voice question why I was on the floor. I looked up and felt the dry tears against my red and hot cheeks. My eyes burned and were probably red and puffy.

"What's wrong Em?" Marcus asked rushing over to me and helping me up to my feet, I felt so weak and like I was about to faint any second. Marcus noticed this and quickly lifted me up bridal style.

"T-the b-baby" I whispered. "Is g-gone" I continued as I broke down into more tears, I leaned against his chest not wanting to see his reaction. He probably wont want me here any more, he probably only invited me here because I was pregnant with his child.

"Shhh its okay" He said as his voice cracked he slowly began to walk and make his way to his room, he placed me on his bed gently and took his coat off. He laid next to me as he wrapped his arms around me, and when I finally opened my eyes I saw a few tears fall from his eyes and slowly stream down his cheeks.

We stayed like this for what felt like hours, I didn't even get up for food. Marcus tried to get me to eat but I kept denying the food, I could tell it was just making him feel worse but I just wanted to grieve right now. He finally figured that out and just laid with me as he sang random songs, he even tried singing little things.

I woke up from the burning sun light, I was pressed against Marcus' bare chest as his hands were tangled into my hair, I smiled softly as I sat up. I covered his body with the blankets and closed the dark curtains making it much darker in the room. I walked to the bathroom and sighed at my reflection. I cleaned my face from whatever makeup that was left over from yesterday. I brushed my teeth and put my hair up in a messy bun.

I changed into a very large t-shirt that I think was Marcus' but I don't really care right now, its so comfortable. I slipped on shorts making it seem like the very large shirt was actually a dress. I put on ankle socks and then walked over to Marcus.

"Marcus" I mumbled trying to wake him up. Nothing. I lightly poked him. Nothing still. I nudged him this time, but yet again nothing. When I was about to try and push him his hands shot up and wrapped around my waist as he pulled me down so I was on top of him. I giggled softly and laid my head on his chest as I listened to his steady heart beat.

"Do you have to do anything today?" I asked hoping he didn't so he could just stay with me for the day.

"I have to do a video with Caspar... but I can stay with you if you want" He said trying to keep his eyes opened. I frowned slightly un happy but hid it.

"No you go, I don't want you to disappoint your fans" I said biting the inside of my cheek to restrain the tears from coming down. I cried so much yesterday I cant believe there are still more in me.

"Are you sure?" He asked rubbing circles on my back.

"Yup... I need to take a grip on all of this anyways" I said rolling off of him.

"Alright, but don't hesitate to call me. Oh and by the way I like the shirt and all but its not mine, its Caspars. He left it here" He said chuckling. I took that in for a few seconds before pulling the shirt off (yes she is wearing a bra) and changing into a different t-shirt, this time one of mine.

"I don't even wanna know how his shirt ended up in your room" I said chuckling. He smiled at me and I just gave him a 'what' look. "You have a cute laugh" He said causing me to blush.

"Just get ready" I said walking out of the room and going to the kitchen. I quickly made a few pancakes, most for Marcus seeing as though I am not hungry even though I haven't eaten since yesterday morning. I sliced a few strawberries and put them around Marcus' stack of pancakes making it look like a sun. I grabbed the can of whip cream from the fridge and shaked it quickly. I made a smiley face on the pancake and then made eyes as well. Even though I am not happy at the moment, actually far from it, it doesn't mean he shouldn't be happy, I want him to be happy.

I did the same thing with my pancakes which was just a stack of two, Marcus' a stack of four. I poured two glasses of orange juice and placed them next to the plates. I set it to where I would be sitting in front of Marcus. I placed a bowl of bacon in the middle and then was finished.

"Marcus!" I yelled and soon I heard a door close and then footsteps making there way down the stairs and then towards the kitchen. He walked in and smiled softly at me, he saw the breakfast I had made him and his smile grew wider. "Food!" He yelled placing his bag that held his recording equipment down.

"Thanks love" He said kissing me on the cheek making me blush once again, I simply nodded my head as he sat down in front of me. We ate in silence but it wasnt awkward, but the fact that we had just lost our baby was clearly in the corners of our minds. Neither of us wanting to be the starter of the topic we both are clearly dreading.

"You sure you will be okay" He asked finishing his third pancake and starting with the last one. I nodded my head since my mouth was full. He gave me a sympathetic smile. "Will you be okay?" I asked biting my lip. He paused taken aback by the question. "Y-yea" He stuttered out.

"I should get going" He said standing up, I nodded and grabbed our plates and placed them next to the sink, as well as the glasses. I leaned against the island and watched as he picked up his bag, he turned to me and smiled softly before walking out. I bit my lip and nearly a few seconds later he came rushing back into the kitchen, he grabbed my face with his hands and pressed his lips against mine. Not forcefully though, it was slow and passionate but yet still hungry. I was taken by surprise and my eyes were wide at first but they soon closed and my lips began to move with his in sync. I kept my hands on his arms as his stayed on my cheeks.

He pulled away after a minute or so and leaned his forehead against mine. "What was that for" I asked chuckling. "I don't know" He said chuckling himself, he placed a kiss on my forehead and took a few steps back. "Guess I better go now" He said smiling, my face probably mirroring his. I heard the door shut a few seconds later and I sighed as my fingers rubbed my temples.

What is happening.

Authors note!

Don't hate me!

I didn't want to but I didn't want to do the whole

"9 months later" shit thing and then they have a baby. Because its hard to write when the chick is pregnant cause she cant do shit! All she can do is cry, throw up, complain, and eat! XD

No offense the pregnant people! XD

I hope you don't hate me :c

I hopped you guys liked this chapter! If you did vote, comment, fan!


-A xxxx

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