38- Ice Skating and Keeks

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Emilys Pov

Once we were all done with drinking our starbucks drinks, and for my case also eating a muffin. We headed over to the out door ice skating rink. I used to take classes as a kid back at Dallas so I'm sure I still got this in the bag! I learned a few tricks like twirls and what not, I hope I still got it!

We all got our skates and slipped them on making sure they were tied tightly. We made our way to the ice carefully, thankfully there weren't that many people at this time, only four people actually. As soon as my skates touched the ice I smiled and started skating away from the others with ease. I laughed when I saw Fizzy and Ben tripping over each other and hanging onto each other for dear life.

"Fancy seeing you here" Marcus said skating up to me backwards with a smirk on his face.

"Race you?" I asked with a smirk on my face. "Your on" He said. I giggled and grabbed his hand taking him to one side of the ice rink. "Okay you have to skate all the way to the other side" I said and he nodded. Thankfully the other four people here were not skating in the middle. They were just skating along the wall.

"On your mark! Get set! Go!" I yelled and as soon as I said go I was off. "Oh shit" I heard Marcus yell but I kept going. I made it to the other side and when I turned around I saw Marcus laying there in the middle of the rink on his bum. I started laughing at him and skating my way towards him. I reached out to help him up. His lips turning into a smirk. Shit.

"Ah!" I shouted as Marcus pulled me down on top of him. Well jokes on him because it's not like I landed on the the ice! Woo!

"Dumb ass" I said as I stood up giggling. He reached out his hand again with a pout on his face.

"Oh Marcus after that you get to help yourself up!" I said with a smirk as I skated away. He glared at me and tried to get up on his own, but Marcus being him feel down again on his bum. I took out my phone and quickly took a picture of him. I then went to my keek app and decided to video this.

"Hello keeksters! So we are just here at the ice skating rink... and this happened..." I said as I flipped the camera so they could see Marcus laying helplessly on the ice. He smiled at the camera and did an awkward wave before saying. "I think I've fractured me Nikkie Minaj!" I laughed and stopped the camera, posting the keek without a caption.

I helped Marcus up. Only when he came up he crashed into me. I stumbled back a bit but Marcus caught me. Our faces were pretty damn close. We sure do end up like this a lot don't we? Before I could answer my own question Marcus' lips were on mine. I smiled and pressed my lips onto his. The warmth feeling nice on my cold and numb lips.

"Aye! There are children here!" Fizzy yelled from across the ice skating rink. I was tempted to flick her off but then remembered that yes there was actually children here. Poo. I chuckled and pulled away from the kiss looking at Fizzy who had a smirk on her face. I stuck out my tongue and rolled my eyes. I looked back up at Marcus who was starring at me with a small smile on his face. I blushed and pecked his lips quickly before grabbing his hand and skating towards Fizzy and Ben.

Alright so here is what happened.

We continued skating. I being me showed off a few of my tricks. Marcus being himself tried to copy me but failed and fell on his bum yet again. Which I thankfully caught on video! Ben and Fizzy wouldn't leave the wall. And when I had finally got them to skate in the middle they feel down. Everywhere. It was hilarious. And I even got it all on video. And Marcus posted some of it on his keek. It was a funny day. At least it was for me!

Just outside the skating rink was a hot chocolate cafe place so we decided to get some to warm us up. We drank it there in the cafe and just talked and laughed.

Authors Noteeeeee



Did you know Sam Pepper was in Big Brother once?!??

I would love to go on Big Brother

They should make one for teenagers...

Okay well I'm half asleep and tired and lazy and I just feel like shit. Sorry if this chapter was shit. Its a result of my attitude. SO FUCK OFF. hehe Jk but yea...

Alright I love you my llamacornssssss


-A xxx

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