601.Kiara's end IV

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Outside the mansion.

"Big boss, I'll be back in a second." Yoongi said before rushing inside.


Inside the mansion.

Walking towards Wendy, Yoongi squatted down and said, "Don't panic and take care of yourself okay?"

Wendy nodded her head and said, "Okay."

"And stay at the mansion with big sister and the rest okay? I'll always be at peace if you stay here." Yoongi said.

Stretching her hands towards him, Wendy said, "Promise me that you'll come back safe and sound."

Thinking for quite some time, Yoongi placed his hands on hers and said, "I promise." Before kissing forehead and leaving the mansion.

Placing her hand on her baby bump, Wendy tried to calm herself down.


Abandoned warehouse.

"Big brother who was that aunty?" Yuqi asked.

Jeonsan shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"She is so scary." Yuqi said.

"Yuqi you cannot be so weak, you have to be brave. Remember what uncle Songpa told us? In situations like this, we should not panic and think properly before doing anything." Jeonsan said.

"But brother what can we do?" Yuqi asked.

"I have a plan but we have to wait." Jeonsan whispered.


"What do we do now?" David asked.

Cleaning her gun, Kiara said, "Do whatever you want with that girl but I won't let anyone touch little Jeon."

David frowned and asked, "What do you mean? You were supposed to call Jeon Jungkook here."

"I have changed my mind, I'll call Kim Lalisa instead." Kiara said.

Clapping her hands in excitement, she continued, "Oh and then we can kill that girl and Kim Lalisa together. She gets to die with her ex-lovers daughter, doesn't that sound interesting?"

"What makes you think that Jeon Jungkook will let his wife come here all by herself?" David asked.

"She is a mother David and a mother can do anything to save her kids. Kim Lalisa is no exception." Kiara said.

Just then a man entered the room and said, "Sir, Jeon Jungkook is here along with his men and police."

David frowned and he asked, "How did they find this place out so fast?"

"The young master is with them too." The man said.

David gritted his teeth and said, "That ungrateful brat."

"Nobody will harm Jeon Jungkook but you are free to kill others." Kiara said.

"Get the team ready." David shouted before rushing outside.



"I don't want anyone of you to act recklessly. Stay safe and protect yourself well." Jungkook said.

"The kids are in one of the rooms on the ground floor. There are almost forty men excluding Kiara and my father." Danson said.

"Do you want to deal with him by yourself?" Jungkook asked.

Danson nodded his head and said, "Yes."

"Alright guys scatter." Jungkook shouted.

Just then, two loud gunshots were heard from the warehouse.

"Yuqi, Jeonsan." Jungkook murmured.


Inside the warehouse.

"What about the kids?" David asked.

Loading her gun, Kiara said, "They are two little kids and are tied and locked inside the room, what do you think they can do?"

Pausing for a while, Kiara said, "We will first attack the people around Jungkook and then we will use the kids to lure him inside the warehouse." Before walking outside.

Gesturing his men to take positions, David also followed Kiara outside.

"Brother Jeonsan, are they gone?" Yuqi asked.

Looking around when Jeonsan did not see anyone, he quickly twisted his hands and wiggled it out from the rope.

Yuqi widened her eyes in shock and asked, "Brother Jeonsan how did you do that?"

Jumping down from the chair, Jeonsan quickly rushed towards Yuqi and started untie her rope.

"Ahh this is so tight." Jeonsan said.

"Brother Jeonsan it's loose, I can wiggle my hand out." Yuqi said.

After helping Yuqi free her hands, Jeonsan grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the door.

"It's locked." Jeonsan said.

"Now what do we do brother Jeonsan?" Yuqi asked.

Looking around when Jeonsan saw a window, he said, "We can jump out of the window."

"But momma says that we shouldn't do that." Yuqi said.

"We are on the ground floor of Yuqi nothing will happen." Before dragging her towards the window.

Since the window was a bit high, Jeonsan dragged the chair towards the window and said, "Okay, I'll go down first and then I'll help you out okay?"

Yuqi nodded her head and said, "Okay."

After opening the window, Jeonsan squeezed himself out of the window.

After dusting his clothes, Jeonsan said, "Yuqi, fast come down."

Sitting on the bottom of the window, Yuqi said, "Brother Jeonsan what if I fall?"

"I won't let you fall, now come down." Jeonsan said before grabbing Yuqi's hands.

Yuqi nodded her head and jumped out.

Jeonsan smiled and said, "See, I told you that I won't let you fall."

"Brother Jeonsan, you are the best." Yuqi said before giving Jeonsan a hug.

"Okay, let's go." Jeonsan said.



The crossfire between the two groups was getting more and more intense when Songpa saw two familiar kids running out from the backside.

"Big brother, Jeonsan and Yuqi." Yoongi shouted.

"Jeonsan, Yuqi STOP." Jungkook shouted.

When the two kids heard their father's voice, they excitedly exclaimed, "Dad." before rushing towards Jungkook.

David and Kiara who were standing not too far away from the kids widened their eyes in shock.

"How did they come out?" David asked.

"Shoot the girl but don't harm the boy." Kiara said.

Jungkook was about to rush towards the kids when Yoongi shouted, "I'll get them." before rushing towards the kids.

"No Yoongi stop." Jungkook shouted.

"Boss." Eunwoo shouted before pushing Jungkook away.

Eunwoo collapsed on the ground, holding his arm which had been shot.

Dodging the bullet shots and taking cover, Yoongi slowly made this way towards the kids.

When David saw Yoongi coming towards the kids, he gestured his men to stop firing.

"Eunwoo." Jungkook said before squatting down.

Eunwoo groaned in pain and said, "I am fine sir, are you okay?"

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "I am fine, why did you do that?"

Eunwoo smiled and said, "This is nothing compared to what you have done for me and my family big boss."


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