758.I lost her

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After dropping Elsa at the airport, Yunho dropped by the park where he was actually supposed to propose to Elsa but he couldn't.

Sitting on their regular bench, he sighed. He was feeling dejected, defeated and awful, he had never felt so down in his entire life. The feeling of never seeing her again was killing him and what made the feeling worse is that he could do nothing about it.

He didn't want to hold her back and neither did he want to make things awkward between them.

Just then Hwan sat beside him and placed his hand on Yunho's shoulder. "You okay man?"

He shrugged his shoulders and chuckled, "I just lost the most important person in my heart, does that sound okay?"

"Somi told me what happened and asked me to check on you. I had no idea where you were so I had to use illegal methods to get to you," Hwan chuckled.

"Hey, did you track me down?" When Hwan nodded his head, Yunho sighed, "Thanks for checking on me man but I think I wanna stay alone for a while."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Hwan asked, "Why didn't you tell her?"

"Tell her what?"

"About your feelings and how you are insanely in love with you? I mean maybe she would've stayed and—"

Cutting him off, Yunho sighed, "Maybe she would've but I don't like 'maybe'. I mean if she really felt the way I feel for her, do you think she would've left me alone? Do you think she would've walked out?"

Pausing for a while, he continued, "I don't know why I couldn't convince myself to confess to her but I do know that I don't wanna be someone who tries to come in between what she really wants to do. I want her to live her life the way she wants, she deserves to live a free life and enjoy each and every moment."

"But what about you Yun? What about your feelings and what you want? Are you planning to spend the rest of your life thinking what would've happened if you had told Elsa about your feelings? Do you want to regret this for the rest of her life?" Hwan snapped.

Shrugging his shoulders, he shook his head. "Maybe I will but I guess I'll just deal with it. I just didn't wanna make things more difficult for her. I mean imagine how contemplated and confused she would've felt if I had told her about my feelings when she was about to leave? We all know how thankful she is of me and all of us. I just didn't want her to feel guilty and sad for breaking my heart. I—"

When Yunho choked, Hwan patted his shoulder. "It's okay, you can cry."

"You will not tell anyone about it right?"

Hwan smiled and shook his head, "Our little secret."

Taking out his handkerchief, Yunho sobbed for a while and inquired, "When you were having this separation phase with Somi, did you cry too?"

"Honesty, I cried when she did. I mean come on, so what if we are men and we are supposed to be tough? We are still human beings and we do bleed. Crying is a universal thing and not just a girly thing so cry as much as you want." Pausing for a while, Hwan added, "Mom says that sometimes crying solves everything. It makes you feel light and it relaxes your heart."

Looking up, Yunho took a deep breath. "I lost her man, she wanted to hug me before leaving but I couldn't, I just couldn't hug her because I was worried that if I do, it would break me."

Giving him a hug, Hwan tried to console him. "Hey, you'll get over this and everything will be okay. Just give yourself some time and I am sure everything will be fixed. You are most sorted amongst all of us and I am sure you'll find a way out of this."

"I don't see that day coming anytime soon."

"But I am sure it will, every cloud has a silver lining remember?" When Yunho nodded his head, Hwan got up and said, "I'll wait for you in the car, take all the time you want okay? And if you wanna talk to anyone, remember that I am always there for you."

"Thanks man but you can go home if you want to, I'll need to stay here for a while."

Hwan sighed and nodded his head before leaving but just then, his phone rang.

"Hmm okay, I'll be right there," he said before hanging up the call.

"What happened?" Yunho inquired.

Thinking for a couple of seconds, Hwan answered, "Wonwoo wants us to go over to his place, it's something very important."

"What happened?" He frowned.

"Well, hmm–" hesitating for a while Hwan said, "Someone tried to kill him."

Yunho frowned deeper and jolted up. "What? When? And who?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Hwan shook his head, "We need to go there and find out."

"Alright, let's go."


Jeon mansion.

"I thought you were coming back on Saturday Zixin," Lisa said.

Giving his would be mother-in-law a hug, Zixin answered, "I happened to finish my work earlier so I turned in early."

Patting his back, Lisa smiled, "You did great, Yuqi was missing you so much."

"When are you parents coming?" Jungkook inquired.

"This weekend, they wanted to come with me today but dad had to deal with something important so they got stuck."

"Yuqi is in her room," Lisa smiled.

Zixin nodded his head and rushed towards Yuqi's room. He was away for quite sometime and he was missing her alot.

"Jeonsan it's alright, why don't you rest and I'll be back before you know it." Jiyun tried to persuade Jeonsan.

Jeonsan frowned and vigorously shook his head. "No, I am going with you."

Jiyun sighed and helplessly shook her head. "I—"

"What is happening here?" Ming inquired.

"Jiyun has to go to the hospital and she doesn't want me to go with her," Jeonsan complained.

Glaring at him, Jiyun rolled her eyes before turning towards Lisa. "I just don't want him to stress over anything and take some rest, is that too much to ask?"

Cupping Jiyun's face, Lisa chuckled, "Jeonsan is just like his father, they love following their wife's even when they wanna pee. I convinced myself to get used to it honey and you should do that too, there is no way you can escape this."


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