641.Will you help me get over you?

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When Jeonsan gave him a threatening look, Wonwoo gave him a 'It's a fact' look, Jeonsan rolled his eyes.

"Seriously brother Jeonsan you are such a great and powerful man. There are actually people who fear you and pee their pants when you give them your stern and cold look. But why do you turn into a scared mouse when it comes to confessing your feelings to sister Jiyun? I mean you both are childhood sweethearts and you both share the same birthday as well. You know how rare that thing is? I would love to have something like that but I know it's difficult but you have it brother Jeonsan." Wonwoo explained.

When Jeonsan did not say anything, Wonwoo added, "Brother Jeonsan don't let this opportunity go. What if sister Jiyun finds someone else? What will you do then? Sit back and cry? Remember what happened when dad made the same mistake that you are doing right now? He almost lost mom. If not for his extremely good luck, he would've never got a second chance. But what if your luck is not as good as dad's? Think about it."

"So what do I do?" Jeonsan asked.

Wonwoo rolled his eyes and said, "Dance. Ahhh like seriously bro? You don't know what you have to do? You have to confess, you have to propose to sister Jiyun."

Jeonsan gulped in nervousness and asked, "But how do I do that?"

Banging his head on the desk, Wonwoo groaned. "Oh God why am I even alive? Big brother don't you check the internet? There are so many proposal videos these days. It's all over the Internet."

Taking out his phone, Jeonsan started looking for proposal videos.

Wonwoo chuckled and helplessly shook his head. Taking out his phone, Wonwoo forwarded his naive brother a few links. "Check the ones I just sent you."

"Get out and attend all the afternoon meetings for me." Jeonsan said.

Wonwoo widened his eyes in shock and shouted. "What? Elder brother how can you do this?"

"You are the VP of this company Wonwoo, take responsibilities."


"Out." Jeonsan ordered before starting the first video.

Wonwoo frowned and grumpily walked out of Jeonsan's office.


Jeon mansion.

"We will take lunch for Jeonsan and Wonwoo." Jiyun excitedly exclaimed.

"Yes, I have not met Jeonsan and Wonwoo since a really long time." Min said.

Massaging her temples, Yuqi said, "Ummm..why don't you both go? I am not feeling well."

Lisa frowned and asked, "Yuqi what happened?"

"It's nothing serious mom, just a mild headache. I still have to go for a night shoot today so I'll take some rest." Yuqi said.

"Are you fine?" Min asked.

Yuqi nodded her head and left.

After Yuqi left, Jiyun sighed. "I am sure she will call Zixin now."

"Giving her the card was a good idea right?" Min asked.

Massaging her temples, Jiyun shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know."


Inside Yuqi's room.

After closing the door, Yuqi rushed towards the bed and took out the card from her bag.

Caressing the card with the top of her fingers, Yuqi smiled. She felt nice and happy whenever she heard or saw his name.

Taking out her phone, Yuqi punched in Zixin's number.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down, Yuqi called him.

After almost three or four rings, someone picked up the call.

"Hello." The man from the other side said.

Yuqi closed her eyes and sighed. Tears started running down her cheeks. She missed his voice.

She wanted to say 'hi' or a 'hello' but couldn't. Covering her mouth, she was about to hang up the call when he said, "Yuqi."

Wiping her tears away, Yuqi took a deep breath and answered, "Yeah it's me."

Both of them did not say anything for a really long time. The silence was killing Yuqi. She wanted to say something but didn't want to say anything at all. She was fighting with herself when Zixin decided to break the painful silence between them. "How are you?"

"Hmmm I am good. What about you?" Yuqi asked.

"I am good too." Zixin said.

"That is nice." Yuqi said.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Yuqi continued, "I heard the news about your engagement but since I did not have your number so I couldn't congratulate you. I got your number from Jiyun and Min today so I thought I should at least congratulate you. I mean we are childhood friends so it would be rude if I didn't."

When Zixin did not say anything, Yuqi clutched onto the sheets and cried harder. Taking a deep breath, she added, "I am happy that you are a very successful man now. I see you in the news, magazine and newspapers all the time. I am so glad that you achieved what you always wanted to."

Wiping her tears away, Yuqi chuckled and added, "I won't lie to you, it did hurt when I heard about your engagement because I thought I was supposed to wait for your return. I thought since you promised me, you would come back. And now that you are engaged, I don't know what to do."

Pausing for a while, Yuqi asked, "What should I do Zixin? I know I shouldn't be waiting for you anymore. In fact I should've stopped the very day I saw the news about your engagement but I didn't. It's not like I didn't want to but I couldn't. How do I get out of this Zixin? You have always helped me since we were young. You helped me with my homework, my project, my assignments, everything. Will you help me this time as well? Will you help me get over you? I need someone's help because it's hard and it hurts a lot."

To pretend herself from sobbing louder, Yuqi covered her mouth and cried. She didn't want to cry, she wanted to be strong but everything was out of control. She didn't want to wait for him, she didn't eat to talk to him, she didn't want to think about him but she was doing everything she didn't want to.

After a few minutes, she heard him sigh. A long deep sigh but he didn't say anything. He chose to stay quiet and that silence broke Yuqi's heart.

Wiping her tears away, Yuqi apologised, "Look at me, you are such a busy man and I am taking away your time, I am so sorry. I hope you live a very blissful and happy life Zixin. I wish you all the happiness and I hope you keep soaring high and high."

After wishing him luck, Yuqi tossed her phone aside, buried her face on the pillow and cried harder.


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