781.Jeongin's Truth

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When Jeongin didn't say anything, the woman begged, "Now please let me go, please."

"You lied to me?" Taking off his gloves, he started laughing, "Oh God, now this is funny."

For some odd reason, Jeongins laughter gave her chills and she shivered in fear. She could say that he wasn't mentally sound and this was scaring the shit out of her.

Taking off his gloves, he helplessly shook his head, "So you have been pretending all this while and I couldn't even figure it out." Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he smirks, "You really tricked me this time. In fact, you are the first woman who managed to do this to me."

"Please I—"

Inching closer, he chuckled, "Fascinating, really very fascinating." Pausing for a while, he inquired, "Are you an actor?"

She vigorously shook her head and panicked, "No I am not."

Scrunching his brows, he sighed in disappointment, "Why not? You should have pursued acting, such a waste of talent."

When he took out a knife from his pocket, she begged, "Please let me go, please I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Oh no darling don't worry I am not killing you, I am just helping you rectify your mistake. You shouldn't waste your time doing something that isn't the best for you so I'll help you end your life and then you will reincarnate again. This way you can pursue something that you are fond and good at, acting."

Tightening his grip around the knife, he plunged it inside her stomach and then immediately withdrew it out. "This is what you get for lying to me."


Next morning.


"You don't have to worry about anything Seungmin, I'll arrange everything for you and Sooji," Yunho said.

"Ash is the right man, you have helped us a lot and now it's our chance. We will make you and Sooji always feel at home," Haruto added.

Seungmin sighed and nodded his head. "Thank you so man, I am just very stressed lately.??

"Is it your crazy so-called brother again?" When Seungmin nodded his, Yunho frowned, "I thought he already left the States."

"He did—It's just very complicated, I don't think so I will deal with his shit anymore," Seungmin ranted.

"I also think that you should stop cleaning his mess now, he is taking things lightly because you are helping him out all the time." Looking at Sooji who was soundly sleeping, Haruto continued, "And with a new member coming in your family, I think you should totally cut off all the toxic people out of your life and start living a more normalized life."

"I agree with Haruto, my father has always taught me how I should never let what I do affect my family or the ones who are close to me and I think you should start following that too," Yunho explained.

"You guys trust me right?"

Patting his shoulder, Yunho beamed, "Of course we do man, we know each other for years so why wouldn't we?"

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he continued, "I had actually come here for a reason but the sudden accident just messed up all my plans. I am actually here to hand over my brother to the police and also the evidence about him."

"What? I don't understand, did he do something again?" Yunho frowned.

Walking towards Sooji, he tucked her inside the blanket and left the room along with Haruto and Yunho.



"What are you trying to say and what exactly happened?" Haruto inquired.

Pinching his brows, Seungmin thought for a while before explaining everything to them. He had no concrete proof that it was Jeongin who was responsible for all the mysterious killing of pregnant women but he had a very strong hunch that he was very much involved. Seungmin had already assigned a few of his men to spy on Jeongin and he was expecting some kind of lead soon.

"The killing of pregnant women happened in the area recently, I think my brother is involved in this. I already have a few men working on finding evidence, it should be in soon. I wanted to tell you both first because I'll be needing help for getting him caught," Seungmin explained.

Haruto frowned and stuttered, "Your brother is the most wanted serial killer, are you sure?"

"I am not very sure whether he is involved in this but I do know that he has the capability of doing what is happening lately."

Yunho was about to say something when his cell phone started ringing. When he stepped away to answer it, Haruto asked, "What if he isn't involved in this? What will you do then?"

"I will still turn him in because he is getting out of hand lately, he is—" Lowering his voice, Seungmin inched closer, "He has started killing people Haruto and I don't want to support this anymore."

"We have news, a woman was found in the dumping ground but luckily she is alive. She is being rushed to the hospital and they are suspecting that it's the work of the serial killer again," Yunho explained.

Taking out his phone, Seungmin quickly called his men to check whether they got any lead and also to know where Jeongin was.


Jeon mansion.

"Jungkook will you stop fussing about it and start packing? It's almost your son and daughter's wedding, we are flying out tomorrow but you are still grumbling why your other daughter hasn't called you yet," Lisa snapped.

"But I told Hwan that Somi needs to call me when she wakes up and—"

Cutting him off, she retorted, "She will be home by evening and Hwan is with her so why are you worrying so much? Dont you trust him?"


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