696.Depends on what you want

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Somi nodded her head and said, "Ahh yes but now I change my mind. I need you close to me, very close. I want to have everything with you and I will also tell everyone about it."

"Why are you doing this?" Hwan couldn't understand why she suddenly changed her mind. How could he keep himself away from her if she kept clinging onto him?

"Why?" Placing her finger on her chin, Somi continued, "Hmm, why? Maybe because I know that you are hiding something and purposely pushing me away so I decided to make you realize what you are missing."

Hwan pursed his lips and sighed. "Somi, I-"

Cutting him off, Somi rolled her eyes at him. "Yes yes, I know nothing can happen between us." Pausing for a while, she added, "But the question is, why? Do you think that I am not beautiful enough?"

Hwan widened his eyes in shock and snapped, "What? No." Somi was the most beautiful woman he had ever met.

"Hmm, then why?" Somi asked.

"Hwan, dad is calling you downstairs." Misan said.

Somi grinned and said, "Ahh go Hwan, uncle Yoongi is calling you."

Hwan gritted his teeth and glared at her. Such a cute little cunning thing. How could someone be so cute and evil at the same time?

"Woahh what happened here?" Misan asked.

"It's nothing, Misan, let's go and find Yejin."

After Somi and Misan left, Hwan sighed and followed them behind.


Yuqi's room.

Placing her chin on his chest, Yuqi asked, "Why are you so scared of dad?"

"I am not scared of him." When Yuqi raised her eyebrows, Zixin added, "Okay, maybe he is a little scary and I am a little scared."

"Ahh what are you talking about? Dad is the sweetest and cutest in the whole world."

"Uh huh, only you girls think of uncle Jungkook that way but the truth is, he is very scary." Zixin had always felt very scared of Jungkook. Apart from the fact that Jungkook was sweet and cute only to the girls, Zixin knew each and everything about his father-in-law's scary deeds.

"Father actually likes you otherwise you wouldn't be here, sleeping right beside me, on my bed." Yuqi said.

Pinning her down, Zixin asked, "So that means I can do whatever I want right?"

"Depends on what you want."

Pressing his forehead against hers, Zixin added, "There are many things that I want to do, like kissing each and every part of you."

Without waiting for her reply, Zixin started trailing kissed down her neck.

Clutching onto his hair, Yuqi closed her eyes and let out a muffled moan when Zixin started nibbling her skin.

Stopping her above her cleavage, Zixin got off her and sat down on the edge of the bed. With his hands clutched onto the either side of the bed, he was having a really hard time dealing with his over excited hormones. No matter how much his body craved for hers, Zixin wanted to follow traditions and wait until their wedding night. He wanted to be one with her on the very day they take their wedding vows.

With his eyes closed, Zixin was taking deep breaths to calm his overly excited hormones down when Yuqi hugged him from behind.

"What happened?" Yuqi asked. When Zixin shook his head, Yuqi added, "You don't want to? I mean-" Stopping midway, Yuqi blushed vigorously. She wanted him too but was too shy to say it loud.

Grabbing her waist, Zixin pulled her towards him and made her sit on his lap. "It's not that, I just don't want to rush things."

With her arms hooked around his neck, Yuqi asked, "Why do you think it's rushed? In fact, I feel like things are super slow between us." They had been dating for more than eight years now but they never went far from kissing or hugging each other.

"Wait what? Are you complaining?" Zixin asked. When Yuqi nodded her head, he chuckled and added, "You want something to happen?"

Pouting her lips, Yuqi sighed, "I don't know, I feel like maybe I am not attractive enough so maybe I don't excite you."

Zixin widened his eyes in shock and snapped, "What? You are kidding right? Who told you that you are not attractive? Forget about that, how could you assume that you don't excite me?"

Cupping her face, Zixin continued, "You make me crazy Yuqi. Everytime I am with you, I can barely control myself. Each and everything about you is so attractive and alluring that there are times when incompletely lose my cool. I just don't want to do things which you don't want to do. I have been controlling myself since-"

Cutting him off, Yuqi wrapped her legs around his waist and grabbed his collar. Pulling him closer, Yuqi crashed her lips together against his.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Zixin closed his eyes. It was very rare for Yuqi to initiate such a passionate kiss and he didnt wanna miss a single nanosecond of it.

Yuqi moaned when his tongue met hers.

Sliding his hand inside her top, Zixin caressed her bare skin before taking his hand further upwards.

Just then, someone knocked at the door.

"Sister Yuqi, brother Zixin, uncle Jungkook is calling you down." Yejin shouted.

Breaking off the kiss, Yuqi and Zixin chuckled before getting off each other. "We will be there in a minute."

"Yejin surely knows how to spoil our lovely time." Zixin complained.

Fixing her clothes, Yuqi said, "Let's go down."

"Hmm, I'll be there in a minute."

Yuqi frowned and asked, "Why? Are you not going down with me?"

"Hmm I still need to deal with someone."


Looking at the huge bulge on his pants, Zixin awkwardly cleared his throat. "I'll be down soon."

Yuqi blushed and slowly nodded her head before getting up.

Stopping right in front of the door, Yuqi slowly made her way towards Zixin again.

"Hmm, what happened?" Zixin asked.

Biting her lower lip, Yuqi lowered her head and asked, "Do you want me to help you?"


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