640.Friend Zoned

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Shopping mall.

"Why would you do that?" Yuqi asked.

Jiyun chuckled and helplessly shook her head, "Because your brother is naive and shy. His whole body turns red even if I stare at him for more than thirty seconds."

Yuqi chuckled and asked, "So did you ask him?"

"Ask what?" Jiyun asked.

"Whether he will propose to you or you have to do that as well?" Yuqi asked.

Jiyun chuckled and said, "Well chances are that I have to do it. Not that I mind but I'll be happy and at peace if he does it."

"Yuqi, Jiyun." Min shouted before rushing towards them.

"Ahhhhhh-" Jiyun squealed before giving Min a hug.

"I missed you both so much." Min excitedly exclaimed.

"I missed you too."

"How can you both hug without me?" Yuqi pouted her lips and complained.

Pulling Yuqi for a group, the three best friends hugged each other to their heart's content.

"Alright let's go and eat something first, I am hungry." Rubbing her stomach which was growling, Min grinned.


Inside a cafe.

After placing their order, Jiyun asked Min, "When did you come back?"

"I came back yesterday night." Min said.

"Hmm how was your meeting?" Yuqi asked.

Min was an architect and owned her own company. She often travelled overseas to attend meetings personally and never relied on anyone.

"It was okay but-"

"But what?" Jiyun asked.

"Yuqi, I lied to you." Min confessed. She didn't want to but she also couldn't keep it in.

Yuqi raised her eyebrows and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I....ummmm.....actually I had a meeting in country C and not in the States. Look don't get mad okay? I know you have this thing with country C so I did not tell you about it." Min lowered her head and sighed.

Keeping quiet for quite sometime, Yuqi asked, "Did you see him?"

Min sighed and nodded her head. "I swear I didn't want to. In fact I didn't even want to see his face and I ignored him too but then he called me out. I told him that I didn't want to talk to him but he said that for old times sake he wants to have at least a cup of coffee with me, so I agreed."

Pausing for a while, Min continued, "He was very happy and also said that he was glad that he at least met one of us. He said that he misses everyone. He asked about everyone, Jeonsan, Jiyun, brother Jihun and you. I was about to talk to him about that matter but he received an emergency call and left. But before leaving he gave me his card and said that everyone should stay in touch with him."

Taking out the card from her bag, Min placed it on the table. "Look Yuqi I am totally on your side but even after seeing Zixin after so many years, he still seemed the same. I could still feel and see the change in his expression whenever I mentioned your name. He seemed exactly the same to me."

Straightening her back, Jiyun cleared her throat and added, "Ummm actually even I met Zixin when I was in the States. We both were special guests of a charity programme and had to sit together. He was happy to see me and he also asked me the same question like he did to Min. He also teased me with Jeonsan like he usually does. We also attended the charity banquet together. There were many people around him so I couldn't talk to him about you. But before leaving, he also gave me his card. Hmmm the same one." Taking out a card of her bag, Jiyun placed it on the table.

Both of them then pushed the card towards Yuqi and gave her a meaningful look hoping that she would understand what they were trying to say.

"Oh and one more thing, I did not see a ring on his finger." The first thing she looked for when she met Zixin was a ring but she somewhat felt happy when she did not see one. She would have definitely bashed him if he had one.

"Ahh yes even I noticed that." Min added.

"Look Yuqi I did not say this earlier because I understand how you are feeling right now. Why don't you just talk to him and clear things out? I mean talk to him and come to a conclusion. This way you can prepare yourself to move on. I mean you can't stay like this for your entire life right?" Jiyun explained.

Without saying anything, Yuqi took the card, and carefully placed it inside her bag. "Alright let's eat."


Jeon Corporation.

Meeting room.

Tapping his fingers on the table, Jeonsan was busy thinking about something else when the employee who was nervously explaining his first presentation asked, "So boss what do you think?"

"Hmmm what should a man do if the woman he loves says that they are just friends?" Jeonsan asked.

Employee: *_*

Other employees: 0_o

Iseul( Jeonsan's assistant): :O

The employee scratched his forehead and awkwardly cleared his throat. "I don't know sir."

"Ehhh boss, I think it's bad because that woman just friend zoned that guy and being friend zoned is bad." Another employee answered.

Jeonsan frowned and glared at him.

The employee who had just dared to answer, gulped in nervousness and lowered his head.

Getting up, Jeonsan got up and said, "Meeting adjourned." before walking out of the meeting room.


Inside Jeonsan's office.

"Yo bro you called me?" Wonwoo asked.

Jeonsan nodded his head and gestured his brother to come on.

"Wohoo you look worried, what happened?" Wonwoo asked.

"Has a woman whom you like ever friend zoned you?" Jeonsan asked.

Wonwoo raised one of his brows and grinned. "Sister Jiyun friend zoned you didn't she?"

When Jeonsan frowned, Wonwoo chuckled and helplessly shook his head. "I knew it."

Pausing for a while, Wonwoo added, "You see brother Jeonsan, you deserve to be friend zoned."


[Quick question.
Should I change Zixin's name or let it be as it is?]

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