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Wonwoo thought for a while and asked, "Does it?"

When Sana nodded her head, Wonwoo chuckled. "My name isn't tough to pronounce. Come on, give it a shot."


"It won't sound awkward if you don't feel awkward. Or do you think that I am scary?" Wonwoo asked.

Sana vigorously shook her head and explained, "No, you aren't scary. Your brother is more scary than-ahh" covering the mouth, Sana again vigorously shook her head, "No No, I mean-"

Wonwoo chuckled and said, "It alright, I know big brother is scary. But he is also not actually scary. Okay maybe a little but I am the sweetest."

When Sana chuckled and helplessly shook her head, Wonwoo asked, "What? Why are you laughing?"

"Look at your praising yourself. I never thought my boss was so full of himself." Before meeting Wonwoo, Sana strongly believed the rumours about the cold and strict Li brothers but after meeting Wonwoo personally, Sana's perspective of him took a 180 degree turn. She didn't understand why he was behaving so differently with her but it still felt nice.

"Well since you did not bother to praise me, so I thought maybe I should praise myself."

Placing her hand on her chest, Sana faked a gasp, "Ahhh you are looking so handsome today."

Helplessly shaking his head, Wonwoo sighed, "You know, a small kid can fake praise better than that."

Passing him the paper bag, Sana said, "It's your shirt. Neatly dry cleaned and all ready to wear."

"Thank you very much." Tapping his fingers in the bag, Wonwoo asked, "Do you need to go somewhere after this?"

"I'll go home."

"Great, let's go for a movie." Wonwoo excitedly exclaimed.

Sana widened her eyes in shock and asked, "What? movie? Just the two of us?"

When Wonwoo nodded his head, Sana hesitated for a while. "I don't think that is a really nice idea I mean-what if someone sees us?"

"So? So what if they see us? Now don't tell me you are ashamed of my fantastic appearance and handsome face."

"No I am not but-"

Cutting her off, Wonwoo excitedly rubbed his hands together. "Perfect then let's go."


Urecon corporation.

"Ms Park, this way." An employee guided Min towards the meeting room.

Grabbing all her things, Min slowly followed the employee.

"Please settle down, the boss will be here shortly."

Min smiled and nodded her head before settling down her things. She was there to present her idea on how she had planned to renovate the new headquarters of Urecon Corporation.

Just then a man entered the room and casually made his way towards the desk.

Glancing at him once, Min kept on doing her work.

Sitting down, the man raised his eyebrows when Min completely ignored his presence.

Running his fingers through his hair, the man chuckled. Min was indeed the first woman who had ignored his handsome face and appearance. Usually it would be him who would ignore women.

Just then another man entered the room and approached Min.

"Ms Park, I am sorry for the delay."

Min got up and gave him a polite smile, "It's alright Mr Kang, I did not wait for long."

"Please call me Yeosang."

Min smiled and nodded her head. "So shall we start?"

"Ya sure, please let me help you carry them." Grabbing a few random things, Yeosang made his way towards the desk.

Placing the things down, Yeosang sat down on his seat and waited for Min to settle down.

"So are you ready?" Yeosang asked.

Min nodded her head and started explaining her entire plan. From how the pantry would be renovated to the CEO's office, everything was perfectly planned and thought of.

"So these are the things that my team has come up with but if you want any changes then we can work on that. You just have to give me the details of your requirements and I'll get back to you with a new design in a few days." Min explained.

When the man sitting beside Yeosang nodded his head, Yeosang smiled and said, "This actually sounds perfect Ms Park and you have been in this business for quite sometime now so you obviously know better than us."

Pausing for a while, Yeosang added, "But can you handle everything on your own? I mean you know how huge Urecon Corporation is right? Do you want us to hire some other company too and then-"

Cutting him off, Min asked, "Does Mr Kang know what my first project was?" Without waiting for his reply, she added, "My first project after I started my company was to renovate the entire Park Corporation followed by the Li Corporation. And if I am not wrong, the Jeon and Park corporation is much bigger and huge than Urecon Corporation. But if Mr Kang thinks that I don't have the capability to renovate his huge company, you can go look for someone else."

"Oh no, please don't get me wrong. Anyway just forget what I said and let's seal the deal."

"I'll send the contract through my assistant by today. Please go through them and sign it. We will start the work as soon as possible." Getting up, Min started gathering her things.

"It will be a pleasure working with you Ms Park." Yeosang said.

"It's a pleasure working with you too."

After Min left, Yeosang sat down and helplessly shook his head, "She has a sharp tongue."

Looking at the door, the man smiled and murmured, "Feisty."


Oh Enterprise.

"Did brother Seojun ask them to call me back?" Misan asked.

The assistant vigorously shook his head and denied. "No no Ms Min, it wasn't the boss. Boss has nothing to do with this."

When Misan raised her eyebrows, the assistant gulped in nervousness. For some odd reason, Misans gaze was making him break into a cold sweat.

"I want to see brother Seojun." Misan demanded.

"Boss is in a meeting right now but Ms Min can wait in his office." After witnessing how important Misan is for Seojun, the assistant didn't dare to treat her unfairly. He loved his job and more importantly, he loved his life.


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