732.I knew

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Somi and Misan widened their eyes in shock and quickly defended themselves.

"I mean where is Hwan? He was with you people right?" Somi asked.

"I want a leave from the office tomorrow so I was looking for brother Seojun, where is he?" Misan asked.

Giving both of them a very weird look for a couple of seconds, Haruto said, "Hmm, brother Seojun and Hwan are with brother Jeonsan and others."

Awkwardly scratching her forehead, Misan excused herself to the washroom.

"Somi, how long are you planning to hide this from Misan?" Yejin asked.

"Hide what from Misan?" Haruto asked.

Yejin and Somi widened their eyes in shock and gave Haruto a weak smile. Helplessly shaking his head, Yunho sighed and hooked his arms around Haruto's neck.

"Dude, why are you interested in their girly talks? Come, let's go and find out how sister Clara is doing."

After Yunho took Haruto away, Yejin and Somi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay so now, how long are you planning to hide this from Misan?"

Somi shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, "I have no idea but I'll figure it out."

"What do you mean by later? When will your later come? Ahh even I have to lie to Misan along with you." Yejin snapped.

Poking Yejin's arm, Somi grinned, "I promise I'll solve this soon."



30 mins later.

Discussing something with the assistant doctor, Jiyun stepped out of the emergency room.

When Ben saw her, he quickly approached her and asked, "How is she Jiyun? Is she okay? She was bleeding a lot and then her head—"

Placing his hand on Ben's shoulder, Taehyung said, "Calm down and let her talk."

"Don't worry brother Ben, she is out of danger now. We will shift her to the room soon." Jiyun informed them before walking away along with the other doctor.

Ben breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the nearby bench. Each passing second when she was inside was like a ticking bomb for him. The thought of losing her forever made his heart ache.

Just then Jeonsan arrived along with others after dealing with Farak and his craziness. The number of bizarre things that they found in his farmhouse was very disturbing and horrifying so they decided to handover Farak to the police so that they could deal with him accordingly.

"How is sister Clara?" Jeonsan asked Yunho.

"She is out of danger now."

Looking around when Hwan saw Somi, he smiled at her but the latter rolled her eyes at him and walked away along with Yejin.

Hwan frowned and was about to follow her when Jeonsan called him over.


Inside the room.

Sitting down beside Clara, Ben held her hand and brushed his thumb lightly on the scratch mark right on her knuckles. Seeing the bandage wrapped around her head and foot, his heart ached even more.

Patting Ben's shoulder, Sam said, "It's okay man, she is alright now."

Ben sighed and nodded his head. He was glad that she was okay. Now he couldn't wait to sort out everything and lead a happy life with her where he would give her all the happiness and love that she deserved.

Though everything that happened was a misunderstanding that was partially created by Philip but Ben also blamed himself for being careless. Only if he had followed his instincts and investigated a bit deeper about the Lafit family then maybe the situation would've been different now.

Just then Jiyun entered the room along with Clara's reports. Turning towards Philip, she asked, "Sister Clara was seeing a psychiatrist?"

Philip frowned and shook his head, "I have no idea."

Jiyun mocking chuckled and retorted, "So you had been staying with her but you have no idea that she was under anxiety medication?"

"No I—"

Ben frowned and asked, "What? Anxiety?"

"Hmm, not only that, there is a very high count of sleeping pills in her blood which means that she had been taking them regularly." Jiyun added.

Philip frowned deeper and asked, "What?" When Ben gave him a furious look, he added, "I swear Ben, she never told me anything about her anxiety attacks or those pills. In fact, I never saw her taking one."

Jiyun sighed and helplessly shook her head, "Anyway, other things are okay and there is nothing to worry about. It's good that we found out earlier so we can treat it accordingly. We have a very renowned psychiatrist in our hospital right now so I have already booked an appointment already."

"That is great so now let's not talk about the past anymore. Clara is okay and that is what matters the most. We all should go and let her rest." Jungkook said before patting Ben's shoulder and leaving along with Ming.

After everyone left, Philip stepped forward and said, "I'll come tomorrow—" looking at Clara, he added, "I think I owe her an explanation."

When Ben nodded his head, Philip sighed left.


Outside the hospital.

"Babe wait—" Hwan shouted before rushing after Somi who was ignoring him repeatedly. He had no idea what he had done that pissed her off.

Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her into his embrace and placed her chin on her shoulder. "I missed you babe."

"Let go."

He frowned and asked, "Why? Why are you angry? Did I do something?" Kissing her nape, he added, "I am sorry for whatever I have done, I promise I won't repeat it."

"Ahh so are you telling me that you won't let Jasmine blow you in the future?" Somi snapped.

Widening his eyes in shock, he shouted, "What? And who Jasmine?"

Squeezing out of his embrace, she gritted her teeth, "Don't pretend like you don't know who Jasmine is."

Hwan thought for a while and asked, "Jasmine from highschool?"

"There, I knew that you were pretending. How can you not know her?" Groaning in frustration, she stomped her foot on the ground and snapped, "I thought I was your first kiss and I will be your first in everything in the future but who would've thought that Jasmine has already—ahh God I don't even want to think about it."


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