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Is it important for you to stay? You are not even in the same field as him." Jeonsan was already in a very bad mood because she had to work even on a leave. It was a big day tomorrow and they were supposed to be taking rest but she was forced to work.

Sitting on his lap, Jiyun cupped his face, "Honey, why are you so upset? We will go as soon as he arrives okay?"

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Jeonsan nodded his head, "Hmm so this new gyno doctor, is he cute?"

Suppressing her laughter, Jiyun buried her face on his neck and helplessly shook her head. "Seriously Jeonsan?"


"Are you jealous of someone whom you have never seen before?"

"I have to be careful okay? Why would he even mention your name to the chief? Isn't that strange?"?He asked.

"Well, honestly I don't remember him at all. Remember the seminar I had attended a few months back in the States?" Jiyun asked.

Puffing his cheeks, he gritted his teeth. How could he forget that stupid seminar? It was six months long and he almost lost his cool when he did not see her for so many months. Those were the most painful six months of his entire life. "Please don't tell me you are going for that seminar again. I swear Jiyun, I'll die if you go away this time."

Pulling his cheeks, she chuckled, "No I am not, I was just saying that during the seminar I met many people so maybe he is one of them."

"Hmm so you don't remember him?" He asked.

"No, I just remember my handsome hubby."

Pulling her closer, Jeonsan asked, "What did you call me?"

Inching closer, Jiyun brushed her lips against his and murmured, "Hubby."


Jeon Mansion.

"So you are bringing her over tomorrow?" Lisa asked.

Wonwoo grinned and vigorously nodded her head, "Yes mom, she will be coming tomorrow. She is very nervous because she thinks that you won't like her."

"Hmmm, I can be a bad mother-in-law too."

Hugging his mother from behind, Wonwoo chuckled, "You are going to love her mom, she is very nice and loving."

"Are you serious? She is my son's choice so I know she is already the best."

"What is happening here?" Jungkook asked.

"Your youngest son is getting his girlfriend tomorrow."

Awkwardly scratching his head, Wonwoo said, "Hmm mom, she isnt my girlfriend yet."

"Why not? You haven't asked her out yet?" Jungkook asked. When Wonwoo did not say anything, be added, "What are you waiting for? You want someone else to appear out of nowhere and take her away?"

Wonwoo grinned and vigorously nodded his head, "Hmm, then I can wait for that guy to break her heart and then I'll propose to her for marriage."

"Ahh why does this sound so familiar?" Lisa asked.

Jungkook frowned deeper and gritted his teeth, "Do you wanna be grounded Jeon Wonwoo?"

Wonwoo grinned and added, "I wonder where uncle Sehun—ahhhh."

Smacking his son's head, Jungkook was about to thrash him when Lisa stopped him. "Ah stop hitting my son."

Giving his mom a peck on her cheek, Wonwoo ran away.



"Yes babe."

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Lisa smiled, "You look more handsome when you are jealous."

Pressing his lips on her forehead, Jungkook said, "Let's go somewhere for a holiday after the kids get married. I think we need a break."

"Hmm, we should. I still have to see the world with you."

Caressing her cheeks, Jungkook smiled, "You are my world Lisa."

Slapping his chest, she chuckled, "That was very cheesy."

"But that is the truth."



Neatly dressed in a maroon suit, paired with a white shirt and maroon tie, Jeongin's eyes lit up when he saw Jiyun standing in the entrance along with others.

Her gorgeous face, perfect body and beautiful smile was already making him feel super giddy. In fact, she looked even more beautiful than the last time he had seen him.

"Dr Yook, it's lovely meeting you." Passing him a bouquet of flowers, the hospital chief added, "I hope you'll have a great time here with us."

"I definitely will, I mean how can I not have one when someone as talented as Dr Gu is also present."

"Ahh there you are honey, how can you drop our engagement ring in your office." Walking towards Jiyun, Jeonsan helplessly shook his head and sighed.

Looking at the ring which she was still wearing, Jiyun frowned, "Honey, it's right here."

Lifting her left hand up, Jeonsan smiled, "Ah there it is and here I thought you dropped our engagement ring somewhere."

"Mr Jeon, I didn't know you were there too." The chief said.

"I was waiting for my Jiyun to finish off with her work so that we could go home and take a good rest. Tomorrow is a big day for us you know." Looking at Jeongin who had a very sly smile on his face, Jeonsan narrowed his eyes. He would've never stepped out if this so-called doctor wouldn't have started ogling at his woman right after he stepped into the hospital.

"I never knew Dr Gu had a boy—"

Cutting him off, Jeonsan snapped, "Fiance and would be husband."

Jeongin smiled and said, "Of course, its lovely meeting you Mr Jeon."

"Ah you know Mr Jeon too?" The chief asked.

"Who doesn't know the legendary Jeon family? And Mr Jeon Jeonsan is a very famous face." Jeongin added.

Wrapping his arms around Jiyun, Jeonsan asked, "Babe, can we leave now?"

"Dr Gu, you can take a leave now. I'll show Dr Yook around."

Jiyun smiled and nodded her head, "Sure sir, I hope you are coming tomorrow."

"Of course, how can I miss such an auspicious occasion?"

"Is tehre something important tomorrow?" Jeongin asked.

"Hmm, it's our engagement party and I think that you should come too. What do you say honey?" Jeonsan asked.

Jiyun nodded her hesd and agreed, "Of course, you should also come Dr Yook."

"Please call me Jeongin."


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