609.I hate you

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"What do you mean?" Hyunjin asked.

Rubbing their cheeks together, Yeji said, "Don't be mad but remember when I told you that we should start planning for a baby but you said no."

Hyunjin sighed and said, "Well, that was our wedding night babe and I thought that we should at least wait for a year or two and enjoy our married life first."

Yeji nodded her head and said, "Yes, I understand but I didn't want to wait and you would not agree with me so when Wendy stepped into her fifth month and when we saw Yoongi doting on her, Yuna and I started tampering the condoms."

Hyunjin widened his eyes in shock and asked, "You what?"

"I made holes in all the condom packets that were lying inside the drawers and also the new once that you bought." Yeji said.

Hyunjin chuckled and asked, "Did Yuna do the same thing?"

Yeji nodded her head and said, "Yes,"

"Oh my God." Hyunjin said.

"Well, you can't be mad because I am carrying your baby." Yeji said.

"Babe I am not mad, I am happy. It's our baby and I'll always love you both." Hyunjin said.

"Let's go over Yuna's." Yeji said.


Felix and Yuna's apartment,

"You tampered my condoms? Seriously babe? Couldn't you just talk to me about this?" Felix asked.

Yuna chuckled and said, "Nahh tampering the conforms was fun."

"You are crazy." Felix said,

"Yeji and I planned it together and executed it separately. She worked on her batch while I did on mine." Yuna said.

Just then the doorbell rang.

"I think it's them." Yuna said.

"Alright you sit down and I'll go open the door." Felix said before rushing towards the door.

"Congratulations man." Hyunjin said.

"Congratulations to you too." Felix said.

"We were tricked." Hyunjin whispered,

"I know." Felix whispered back.

Turning towards Yeji, Felix said, "Congratulations would be mother." Before giving her a hug.

"Thank you." Yeji said.

"We should them for a checkup." Felix said.

"I'll take an appointment from sister Jisoo." Hyunjin said.

"Hyun we have to tell everyone too." Yeji said.

Hyunjin nodded his head and said, "We can go to mansion in the evening."



Sitting beside Yoongi, Wendy was thinking about what the doctor had said. They had no idea when Yoongi would wake up and the doctors had already given up hope.

Staring at Yoongi, Wendy let go of his hand and said, "You lied to me. Everything that you had said and promised was a lie. You are a liar Yoongi." Before bursting into tears.

Smacking his arm, Wendy said, "You said that you'll take care of me and our baby but you didn't, you left us halfway. You had promised me that you'll helped me walk when the baby grows bigger, you'll help me change my clothes, wear my shoes. You had promised that whenever I crave for anything you will get it for me no matter what time it is. I wanted to eat cookies yesterday night but you weren't there to get it for me. You know how much I cried yesterday."

Wiping her tears away, Wendy shook his shoulders and said, "Now I am craving for choco chip ice cream, go get it for me. The babies also want to have ice-cream and as a father, it's your responsibility to give them what they want. I also want to eat a bowl of spicy soup with pickles and blueberry jam. Go get everything for me."

"You know how difficult it is when I try you wear my shoes? I cannot bend and you are not there to help me so I started wearing sleepers. You have no idea how much they disturb me at night. I barely manage to catch any sleep at night." Wendy said.

Touching her eyes, Wendy said, "You see this? I have dark circles now. You are making me suffer so much and here I thought that after marrying you, I'll lead a peaceful life. I was doing okay before marrying me. Working at the hardware store and then at the supermarket. I was doing completely fine."

"And our home is also in a mess. It hasn't been cleaned since a really long time and it's all your fault. It's because I have come here and accompany you. You are taking away all my time." Wendy said.

Grabbing his arm, Wendy said, "You promised me that you will come back safe and sound but you didn't. You are breaking too many  promises Yoongi and a gentleman doesn't break his promises. Aren't you a gentleman?"

Shaking his arm, she continued, "Be a gentleman and wake up. Fulfil your promises and make your wife happy. Be a good husband and father."

Covering her face, Wendy said, "Wake up." before bursting into tears.

Getting up, Wendy said, "You know what? Don't wake up because we don't need you. We are doing fine without you and we will manage. You wanted me not to hate you right?"

Walking towards the window, Wendy said, "I hate you. I hate for breaking your promise and leaving me alone but I hate you more for not waking up and coming back to me. I hate you Yoongi, I hate you." Before bursting into tears.

She had a very rough childhood but never did she once felt so low and down. The pain that she had endured when her mother had died and while taking care of Julia was nothing in comparison to what she was feeling right now. The thought about Yoongi not being with her broke her heart into small pieces. No matter how strong and tough she tried to act for her babies, Wendy knew that she was very weak without him. Yoongi was her strength and her power. With him by her side, she could do everything and achieve anything she wanted but without him, she was nothing.

Clutching onto the curtains, Wendy was crying her heart out when a pair of warm hands wrapped around her waist.

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