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Patting Zixins shoulder, Jeonsan said, "Hey, it's alright okay? We will deal with this together. And we have our own gang for this. Jihun, Seojun, you, me and the other boys, there is nothing we cannot solve or deal with when we are together."

Zixin smiled and nodded his head. "Thanks man."

"So when are you planning to throw a welcome party?" Jeonsan asked.

"What? Should you throw us one? You are the one who got engaged."

Jeonsan thought for awhile and asked, "When are you getting discharged?"

"When your sister and fiancée will allow me to." Zixin was dying to get out of the hospital and meet everyone.

"I'll talk to Jiyun. I guess you can recuperate at home right?" Jeonsan asked.

Zixin nodded his head and sighed. "I guess."


Oh mansion.

"Calm down Yujin and tell me what happened." Patting Yujin's shoulder, Tzuyu tried to coax her. She had been crying since a really long time and Tzuyu was tired asking her the reason behind it.

Taking out a tissue, Yujin sniffed, "Aunty you had asked me to go for lunch with Seojun right?"

When Tzuyu nodded her head, Yujin added, "But Seojun said he doesn't want to go with me. He said he is busy but when that woman asked him to drop her, Seojun readily left with her. I felt so bad and-"

Cutting her off, Tzuyu frowned and asked, "Another woman? Who are you talking about?"

"There was a woman already present in his office when I arrived. She looked quite intimate with Seojun and-"

"Wait." Taking out her phone, Tzuyu scrolled through her gallery and took out a picture and asked, "Is she the one?"

Wiping her tears away, Yujin vigorously nodded her head. "Yes it's her and-"

Tzuyu gasped and excitedly squealed. "Oh my God, I knew it."

Yujin frowned and was about to ask something when Tzuyu quickly got up and said, "Yujin, I am so sorry. I never thought Seojun likes Misan. In fact, I thought he treated Misan as his sister but I am glad he doesn't. This is such great news and I cannot wait to share it with your uncle. Misan is already like a daughter to me. In fact, Misan and Seojun grew up together. This is like a match made in heaven. You should sit and rest for a while, I'll go and discuss this with your uncle. And please don't mind Seojun's behaviour, my son is in love so he obviously doesn't know what he is doing."

Without waiting for Yujins reply, Tzuyu rushed towards her room.

After Tzuyu left, Yujin clenched her hand into a fist and gritted her teeth. She had been shedding tears in front of Tzuyu because she knew Tzuyu was fond of her and wanted Seojun to marry her.

Yujin felt very angry and frustrated when Seojun left with some other woman. She could see and feel Seojun's fondness over Misan.

Yujin felt sour and insulted when Seojun completely ignored her and rushed after Misan.

She wanted to rant about what happened in front of Tzuyu because she wanted her to talk to Seojun and help her get rid of Misan but who would've thought that even Tzuyu would be so fond of Misan.

Yujin had fancied Seojun since a very young age and there was no way she would let someone else take away something that was meant to hers.


Jeon Mansion.

"WHAT?" Jin shouted his lungs out.

Smacking his arm, Anna frowned. "Why the hell are you shouting? Are you trying to scare everyone away?"

"Oh my God, I am so happy for you both." Giving Jiyun and Jeonsan a hug, Lisa excitedly squealed. "Ahhh I am finally going to become a mother-in-law."

"Woah man this is huge, Jungkook and Jin and official in-laws starting today." Jimin said.

Jin frowned deeper and asked, "Why didn't you tell us about this?"

Scratching his forehead, Jeonsan awkwardly cleared his throat and explained, "I wasn't sure what she would've said so I wanted to keep it a secret so-"

"This is great Jeonsan, don't listen to your uncle Jin. I am very happy that you and Jiyun are together and I know that you'll always keep Jiyun happy no matter what.

"Ahh too bad your dad isn't at home otherwise he would've been super happy. I'll go and call him."

After Lisa left, Rosè gave Jeonsan and Jiyun a hug and congratulated them. "Why don't you both encourage your friends to get married too? It's high time now and I want to become a mother-in-law too."

Jimin frowned and vigorously shook his head and snapped, "No honey, Min cannot get married now because she still so young and-"

"Your daughter is twenty five years old and you think she is still young?" Rosè asked.


Kim mansion.

"So this is why you've been so stressed for all these days?" Jungkook asked.

When Father Kim sighed and nodded his head, Jungkook helplessly shook his head. "You're so unbelievable at times father. Why do you still let her affect your mood like this? It's already been so many years and you know who she is."

Massaging his temples, Father Kim sighed. "I know I shouldn't but I am but getting a good feeling this time. Why did she suddenly call me after twenty-five years? And she even asked about Yuqi and how she is doing."

"Firstly, Yuqi is my daughter. I am her father and Lisa is her mother. Yurin or Sehun, both of them have nothing to do with her." Pausing for a while, Jungkook added, "I don't know what Yeri's intentions are and I don't give a damn about it. No one can take my daughter away from me and even Yuqi is an adult now. She knows what is right and what is wrong so we don't have to worry about Yeri trying to manipulate her."

"I heard she got married to some high rank government official." Father Kim said.

"Hmm and she is coming to country S next week." Jungkook added.


They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 4Where stories live. Discover now