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Clenching his hand into a fist, Yunho tried to calm himself down. All he wanted to do was strangle Alvin Churos to death. From the day he saw Elsa, he always had this constant feeling in his mind that something wasn't right which made him feel very uneasy and restless. He started thinking about her constantly and his willingness to find the truth and help her out kept increasing.

"Do we need to take her to the hospital?" Lisa asked.

"It's not necessary at the moment but she still needs a full body check-up later." Jiyun wanted to make sure that Elsa isn't suffering from any severe body damage. She looked pale and skinny in comparison to other women of her age.

Looking at her husband who was immersed in a very deep thought, Lisa wrapped her arms around his waist. "Can we help her?"

Kissing her forehead when Jungkook nodded his head, Lisa added, "This seems very complicated but we also cannot leave her alone."

"Hmmm, I'll find a way out. Don't stress over it for now."

"When will she wake up?" Yunho asked.

"In a few hours may be. She is very stressed and needs to take rest."

"Jeonsan and Yunho, come to the study room." After reminding Lisa not to stress over anything, Jungkook made his way towards his study room while Jeonsan and Yunho followed him behind.


"I really feel so bad for her."

"I know right? She has been through alot."

"But she is so pretty, no wonder Haruto said that Yunho kinda likes her." Misan said.

Somi and Yejin widened their eyes in shock and shouted, "WHAT?"

"Shh keep your volume down girls, don't disturb her. Now why don't you three sit outside and let her take some rest? You can talk to her as much as you want when she wakes up okay?" When Jiyun asked them to leave, Yejin grabbed Misan's hand and dragged her outside.


"Woahh what is wrong with you both?" Misan asked who had been dragged to a corner by her two best friends.

"Who told you about that?" Somi asked.

"Told what?"

"About Yunho liking Elsa."

Misan shrugged her shoulders and answered, "Well, Haruto told me that Yunho told him something about not being able to stop thinking about Elsa."

"Is that true?" Yejin asked.

"Could be, I mean why would Haruto lie right?" When Yejin and Somi gave each other a look, Misan raised her brows and suspiciously asked, "Seriously what is happening here?"

When both of them vigorously shook their head, Misan scoffed, "Seriously? So you both think that you can lie now? Really?"

"Its nothing, we are just shocked because we thought Aston liked Somi so-"

"Oh yes, I was shocked too but Haruto said Yunho kinda likes that girl now. Well, I guess that is okay right? I mean you don't like him and always wanted to turn him down but now you don't have to. Isn't it easier this way? At least things won't be all awkward between the two of you."

When Somi smiled and nodded her head, Misan was about to say something when her phone beeped. Looking at the ID, she quickly excused herself.

"Oh my God, we have to let Hwan know and-"

Cutting Yejin off, Somi placed her hand on Yejin's shoulder and smiled. "I have a plan."

"Ahh please don't tell me that you don't want to tell him about this."

"Are you mad? Obviously he has to know but don't you think he needs to be taught a lesson?" Somi asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Hwan thinks that letting go the woman he likes for his friend is very easy but it's not as easy as he thinks right?" When Yejin nodded her head, Somi mischievously smiled, "So we will make him realise that it's not easy to see me in Yunho's arm. I want him to take an initiative this time, I want to see how he looks when he is jealous."

"You go girl, I am in this with you."

"Great but I need to plan everything out first." Somi was very excited to execute her plan. She could've easily approached him and told him the truth but where was the thrill and excitement in that right?


Study room.

"Did you threaten Alvin Churos to leave the country?" Jungkook asked Yunho who had been exceptionally quiet.

"Yes, when dad told me to cut off all the ties with him, I threatened him to leave the country as well. His activities were suspicious as well. He had connections with the mafia family from Rome which were complicating a few things." Yunho never intended to get involved with Alvin Churos but when he found out that his father had indeed shared a few collaborations with the Churos family in the past, he decided to give in.

"The Churos family were in the right track until Garmin Churos was alive. His way of handling business was much more soothing and appreciable. Even the Jeon clan had a few collaborations with them in the past but after he died, his son took over everything. Unlike his father Alvin Churos believes in things getting done faster so he started resorting to illegal ways of handling the business and when he got involved in the organ smuggling business, we broke off our connection with them and your father did the same." Jungkook explained.

"Alvin Churos doesn't sound like a man who will let go Elsa so easily." Zixin added.

Jungkook smiled and asked, "Who said he will? We would be considered stupid if we thought so."

Pausing for a while, he added, "But we will make sure that he let's her off easily and we are not going to use any underhanded method."

Yunho frowned and asked, "But how?" He was planning to use all his powers to kick Alvin out of the country and make sure he never returns.

"We need to free her from Alvin's clutches permanently and to make sure that everything runs smoothly, we need to follow the law."


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