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"She won't get mad right? I mean what if she doesn't wanna be with me anymore? What if she hates me?" Haruto asked.

"Dude, stop being a wuss and get the hell out of here. I won't accept anyone else as my sister-in-law apart from Yejin so you better run as fast as you can. They are meeting at the Wilton cafe on the fifth street."

Without saying anything, Haruto rushed towards his car, completely ignoring everyone.

"Where is he going?" Wonwoo asked.

"To get us a sister-in-law," Somi excitedly exclaimed.


Wilton cafe

Haruto frowned when he saw Yejin smiling at the weird looking guy from the banquet. They were talking about something but whatever it was, he wasn't liking the way he was looking at Yejin.

Storming towards them, he grabbed Yejin's hand and yanked her towards him.

Yejin frowned and tried to free her hand from his grasp. "What are you doing, Haruto? Let go off my hand."

"What am I doing? Really? You are out on a date with some other man and you still have the nerve to ask me that?" He snapped.

"I can go on a date with anyone I want to," she retorted.

"No you can't, no one is going on any dates okay? Neither you nor me. Going on dates with any other man or woman is a big no no."

Looking around, Yejin sighed, "Haruto don't create a scene here."

"I don't care, I am not going until you come with me." There was no way he would leave her alone.

Hyunbin got up and was about to say something when Haruto glared at him and gestured him to sit down.

"I can't leave a date in between and why should I listen to you? You don't have any control over my life or anyone I date so stop interfering."

Looking at Hyunbin, Haruto frowned, "So are you telling me that you like this guy?"

"What if I do? Will you leave if I say that I like him?" She asked.

Gritting his teeth, he pulled her closer, "You are going with me no matter what Yejin."

"You—mmmm," she widened her eyes in shock when Haruto pressed his lips on hers and wrapped his arm around her waist.

Closing her eyes, she hooked her arms around his neck and started kissing him back, completely ignoring the surrounding and Hyunbin who was staring at them.

Placing his other free hand on her neck, he deepened the kiss. It felt so much better than he had thought it would.

After sometime, he slowly pulled away and pressed their forehead together. "I don't have any control over your life and I don't wanna control it either but I do have control over not letting you date anyone else other than me. I know I was stupid in the past and didn't realize how much you mean to me Bec. I don't just see you as my childhood friend, you are too special to stay only in the friendzone area."

Yejin blushed and was about to say something when Haruto suddenly scooped her into his arms.

"This place is too crowded and I don't want you anywhere near that guy," he said before walking out of the cafe.


Sana's place

Checking herself out in the mirror, Sana smiled in satisfaction. Wonwoo would be here any minute because they were about to go out for a romantic walk in the park and she wanted to look the best for him.

When the doorbell rang, Sana grabbed her bag ans rushed towards door thinking that it was Wonwoo.

"Coming," she yelled before adjusting her pants and opening the door.

Looking at the man whom she hadn't seen for years and also had no intention of meeting, she pursed her lips.

"Where you expecting someone else?" Jihoon asked before walking inside the apartment. Sitting down on the couch, he added, "Were you expecting it to be the Jeon guy you are seeing for the past few months?"

"What are you doing here and how did you get the address?"

Taking off his coat, he sighed, "Now that is rude my little sister. We are meeting after four years, I was at least expecting a warm hug."

Massaging her forehead, Sana took a deep breath, "What do want from me brother Jihoon?" Without waiting for his reply, she added, "Look, there is a reason why I left home four years back and I don't wish to go back. I am happy now, I have a great job and may be I even managed find someone I truly love and adore. My life is perfect now and I don't want you or anyone else to ruin it."

Scrunching his brows, Jihoon pursed his lips, "Why do you think that I am here to ruin your life or take you back? Can't I just visit my sister because I miss her? Do you think that I am that selfish?"

Lowering her head, she awkwardly cleared her throat. "So you aren't here to take me away? Or force me not too see Wonwoo anymore?"

Raising his brows, he asked, "How do you know that we are after the Li's now?"

Gulping in nervousness, she hesitated for a while before answering, "Hmm I have someone who keeps updating me about everything that is happening back in the mansion."

"Kareem?" Jihoon asked.

"Yes, it's him but you can't do anything to him okay? It's not his fault." Sana snapped.

"If you know that I am against the Li's now then why are you still seeing that Jeon guy?" He asked.

Sana frowned and vigorously shook her head, "Because you are not against them, that man is."

"Sana, respect—"

Cutting him off, she snapped, "I don't wish to respect the man who took away my brother from him. He completly changed you brother Jihoon and you are no more the person you used to be."

"He is the reason why we both are alive now Sana, don't forget that," Jihoon retorted.

"I wish I would've died along with mom and dad in that accident than being indebted to that man for saving my life," Sana yelled.


They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 4Where stories live. Discover now