720.Banquet III

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Nudging him with her elbow, Misan blushed and stepped away. It was too dangerous to stand near him because she didn't trust herself. What if she gets carried away and ends up kissing him in front if everyone?

She hadn't disclosed their relationship to Somi and Yejin yet and she knew that they would get super mad if they ended up finding it out that way.

When Jihun saw Seojun grinned from ear to ear, he raised his brows and hooked his arms around his neck. "You look damn happy today man, what is the real reason behind that creepy grin of yours, please enlighten us."

"Ah it's nothing, I am just very happy for my friends." And of course for himself. Misan was his girlfriend now and that is the best thing that had ever happened to him. Ah how badly he wanted to officially hold hands with her or marry her but he knew that there were many things that needed to be sorted before that happened and the first thing would be impressing her dad who wasn't really fond of him.

The thought of Yoongi always made Seojun nervous. What was there not to be nervous about him? He was dangerous and everyone knew how possessive he was of his Misan. He needed to figure out a very nice way to impress his would-be father-in-law.

"Hey guys, this is Sana." Turning towards Zixin and Jiyun, Wonwoo added, "Sha, you already know him and she is sister Jiyun."


"Thank you so much and it's lovely meeting you. No wonder our little Wonwoo looks like love struck fool, you are very beautiful."

Wonwoo vigorously coughed while Sana couldn't stop blushing.

Patting her brother's back, Yuqi sighed, "There there little lover, we know that your girlfriend is beautiful but don't get choked in excitement."

"She isn't my girlfriend yet." Wonwoo said without disappointment slammed all over his face. How wonderful it would be if she was officially his girlfriend?

"Ahh why not? You both look so good together." Somi excitedly said.

"She is my youngest sister Somi."

"It's lovely meeting you."

Giving Sana a hug, Somi added, "You better accept his proposal otherwise Yishen will start crying and then run to mommy complaining how you ditched him."

"Somi, stop it." Wonwoo shouted.

Sticking her tongue out, Somi rushed towards Jeonsan. "Brother Jeonsan, Wonwoo is shouting again."


"Ahh you always take her side." Wonwoo complained before puffing his cheeks.

There there my little brother, I'll take your side." Yuqi said before hooking her arms around his.

"Ooo baby Wonwoo needs his big sister to protect him? How cute." Yejin teased.

"Do you want your big sister to change your diapers too?" Zixin asked.

Smacking Zixin's arms, Yuqi said, "Stop making fun of Wonwoo. What will Sana think of him?"

"Ahh I am taking her away before you people completely destroy my image in front of her."

"Leave her here with us." Somi said.

"No way, I am gonna go find mom and dad." Wonwoo said before taking Sana away.


"Clara, I gotta go now. Matt is really mad over something and—"

"Its alright, you can leave. I'll be okay."

"You can also leave early if you don't like it okay? I'll go now." Without waiting for her reply, Philip rushed out of the hall.

Swirling the wine, Clara sighed and was about to take another sip when someone say down beside her.

"That is your third glass for the night, a sip more and you'll be all tipsy." Ben said before taking the glass from her hand.

Without retorting, she gave him the glass and sighed.

"What is it?"


"Something is bothering you."

Lowering her head, Clara shook her head, "It's nothing."

"Hmm, you know why I don't get a married woman vibe from you?" Without waiting for her reply, Ben added, "No ring, no husband beside you when you are looking so mesmerizing and of course because my heart refuses to accept that you are."

Clara chuckled and said, "Only you can come up with things like this."

"There is the smile I was looking for. Too bad your husband isnt here to see it. By the way, where is my enemy?" He asked.

"He had something important to do so he left."

He frowned and asked, "Leaving you alone?"

"It was important, I guess."

"So he just leaves you here in this crowded party where you barely know anyone?"

"Its alright, I'll be leaving soon too."


"I'll book a cab."

"You see, just saying but I would've never done that." Pausing for a while, he added, "I would've never left you alone."

When she did not say anything, Ben stretched his hands towards her, "Dance with me."

He knew she wouldn't agree but he still asked because he wanted to. May be for closure, yes, he wanted to dance with her for closure.

Ben was about to started convincing her and urge her to dance with him when Clara placed her hand on his.

Wrapping his hand around hers, Ben took a deep breath. It still felt so good when he held her hand.

Tightening his grip around her hand, he led her towards the dance floor.


Dance floor.

With his arms wrapped around her waist, Ben said, "I never thought you would agree."

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he added, "You cried today."

Clara who had been holding her tears for a really long time couldn't take it anymore.

When a tear rolled down from the corner of her eyes, Ben wiped it off with his thumb. "I am here to get a closure from you so this might be the last time you see and this might be the last time you get to touch me."

Swirling her around, he pulled her closer and added, "I always knew that you are hiding something from me Clara and I tried very hard to find it out but found nothing. I know you more than you do and I know you are not happy with whatever that is happening in your life."


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