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Keeping quiet for quite some time, Jeonsan asked, "When did this happen? I mean Jihoon and Min?"

"Yes, even I wanna know because Min never told us anything about it," Zixin added.

"What the hell are you guys talking about? How can my sister have anything with that guy? I am telling you that Jihoon is faking it," Jihun snapped.

Jaehyuk took a deep breath and explained, "I have never seen Jihoon this way, he doesn't eat or sleep properly, that guy is a full mess. Look, I am not asking you all to help him out with Min or anything, I don't think so we should interfere in their personal matters. All I want you all to do this trust us, we can solve this really quickly if we join hands."

"Why would he betray his uncle? I mean there has to be a reason right?" Guang asked.

Jaehyuk nodded his head and answered, "Yes there is, Pulos isn't Jihoons maternal or paternal uncle. In fact, he is nobody."

"Then why did he even decide to side with a stranger in the first place?" Jeonsan frowned.

"Jihoon was only thirteen years old when his parents passed away in a car accident. Fortunately his younger sister survived the accident but she lost too much blood and was hanging between life and death." Pausing for a while, Jaehyuk added, "The Kangjeon family has a very long and dirty history over the years. Jihoon's father, Thomas Kangjeon being the head of the family, made Jihoon the future heir but the sudden death of his father created an uproar in the entire family. Since Jihoon was only thirteen years old, he was not ready to take over anything. At that time, he was weak, vulnerable and his own relatives were after his life. That is when Pulos took advantage of the situation and took control over Jihoon's life."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Jaehyuk continued, "Pulos used to work under Thomas, he was one of the guards and he was the only person who was with Jihoon during the tough times. With his parents gone and his sister??s condition being very critical, Jihoon was lost and shattered. They were running short of O+ blood though Jihoon had the same blood group, he was very young to donate and no one from their family came forward to help them. That is when Pulos who happened to have the same blood group jumped in and saved her life."

"After that, Pulos shifted to Jihoon's parents mansion and started living with them. He took over all the finances and the properties which actually belonged to Jihoon and his sister. For several years, Pulos kept leeching off them. He almost took control over their lives but things changed after Jihoon finished his college. He took over his father's business and slowly kicked out all his relatives out of the picture. Later when he checked the finances, he found that Pulos had been transferring a very high amount in his account every month over the years. He also had been creating his own group for God knows what purpose."

"He wanted to but irrespective of Pulos' intentions, he was there with Jihoon when he needed someone to support him. He also saved his sister and Jihoon was very grateful to him for that so he couldn't really cut him out of his life. He restricted him from getting involved with the finances and other matters but Pulos kept taking advantage of Jihoon. It is Pulos who wants to help Lawrence for some odd reason and he was forcing Jihoon to help him. The only reason Jihoon was helping them is because he feels indebted to Pulos for saving his sister's life," Jaehyuk explained.

Without waiting for anyone's reply, he got up and said, "I will go now because Jihoon is alone but please trust us on this one, we are not here to frame or cheat on you guys."

After Jaehyuk left, Yunho frowned, "Does he not know that Thomas Kangjeon was murdered and not killed?"

"What? Murdered?"

Haruto nodded his head and added, "Yes, We heard about this from a person who has a close acquaintance with the Kangjeon family. That person told us that the whole accident scenario was planned."

"But who did that?" Zixin asked.

"It's either someone from the Kangjeon family or someone who knew them very well. I mean, it can be anybody because Thomas Kangjeon was a well known figure," Yunho answered.

Folding his sleeves, Jihun snapped, "Forget about that for now and tell me that we don't trust him."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Jeonsan said, "I think we can trust him."

"Yeah I feel the same and even if it's a trap, we can deal with it later accordingly," Zixin agreed with Jeonsan.

Seojun nodded his head and added, "And Jihoon is not someone who will use such such a sly method, he is a very straightforward person."

"So we all are on-board with this one?" Yunho asked.

Jeonsan nodded his head before turning towards Jihun, he said, "I think you should go and check on Min, if Jihoon is having a hard time then I think it's the same for her."

"My sister has nothing to do with that man," Jihun snapped.

"You cannot say that Jihun, we still don't know what exactly happened between them so it's too early you judge," Seojun retorted.

Shrugging his shoulders, Guang added, "And so what if they really have anything between them? Is it that bad? I mean, I think they will look perfect together."

"I know right? Jihoon is a very handsome man and our sister Min is very stunning and gorgeous." Yunho commented.

Scrunching his brows, Jihun snapped, "Stop with this rubbish matchmaking and I don't know about you guys but I will never trust this guy no matter what and—"

Cutting him off, Seojun chuckled, "I cannot believe you are still fussing about that underwear incident."

"Seriously Jihun, it happened so many years ago and I still think that Jihoon wasn't the one who stole you underwear," Zixin added.


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