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Jihun sighed and helplessly shook his head. "Where is Jeonsan? Is he coming?"

"What do you mean by he is coming? Do you think that he has a choice? He has to come."

"What is this meeting about? I tried asking Hwan but he seemed to be in a hurry," Jihun informed.

Zixin shrugged his shoulders and said, "I called him too but he—I think he was exercising or something."

Just then Yunho and Haruto arrived. "Sorry we are late, we were dealing with some other thing when we received Hwan's call."

"Hwan isn't with you guys?" Jihun asked.

Yunho shook his head and answered, "No, we had called him over but he turned us down saying that he has something to do."

Placing his hand on his waist, Jihun gritted his teeth. "Great, so the one who calls everyone isn't here yet and where the fuck is Jeonsan?"

"Dude calm down, what are you so hyped up about?" Jeonsan asked.

Glancing at the watch, Jihun frowned deeper, "Why are you coming so late?"

"Seems like brother Jihun is in a very bad mood," Haruto whispered.

Yunho chuckled and nodded his head, "I think he had a fight with sister Kathy."

"Jihun chill, the meeting hasn't even started yet," Jeonsan snapped.

Just then Hwan rushed inside and shouted, "I am so sorry, I am late."

Looking at his condition, Zixin frowned, "Hwan, what happened? Where were you? And just look at your clothes, why is it so messy?"

Fixing his collar, Hwan hesitating for a while before explaining, "I had to take a quick shower so—"

Raising his brows, Haruto inquired, "You took a shower?" When Hwan nodded his head, he continued, "There is a lipstick mark on your nec—ouch." He winced in pain when Yunho pinched his waist.

"What the hell are you talking about? That is Hwan's birth mark you idiot," Yunho snapped before glaring at him.

Haruto frowned and was about to say something when Yunho gestured him to stay shut.

Quickly fixing his collar and shirt, Hwan awkwardly cleared his throat and tried to divert the topic. "I received a call from Yoon Jaehyuk, Jihoon Kangjeon wants to meet all of us."

Jeonsan raised his brows and asked, "Jihoon wants to meet us?"

"Didn't he turn us down a few weeks okay? What does he want now?" Zixin inquired.

Gritting his teeth, Jihun slammed his hand on the table. "Damn, I hate that guy."

"I wanted to turn them down too but Jaehyuk sounded a bit desperate. I thought it was something urgent so I gave him a time and called everyone over," Hwan explained.

"Hmm maybe it is something important, let's wait for them." Jeonsan knew that Jihoon would never take an initiative to meet if it wasn't something important.

Turning towards Jihun who was grumbling like an old man, Zixin rolled his eyes, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Gritting his teeth, Jihun snapped, "I still hate that guy, I can tolerate Jaehyuk but Jihoon, never."

"Jihoon? Don't tell me we are here to have a meeting with Jihoon and Jaehyuk," Huang frowned.

Jeonsan nodded his head and said, "Yes we are, they want to talk about so nothing important."

Sitting down beside Zixin, Huang asked, "What does he want?"

"We have no idea," Hwan answered.

"Hold on a sec," Pausing for a while, Yunho asked, "So you guys already know Jihoon Kangjeon?"

Zixin nodded his head and said, "We were in high school together and even college."

"So you people are friends?" Haruto asked.

Huang nodded his head and answered, "Yes."

"No, we are not friends," Jihun snapped.

Just then a guard entered the room and informed, "Someone is here to see you boss."

"Bring them in," Jeonsan ordered.

Slumping on the couch, Haruto leaned towards Yunho and inquired, "So you are going to tell me or do I have to ask?"

"Tell you what?" Yunho asked.

"Dude, there was a lipstick mark on Hwan's neck and I am sure that it isn't a birthmark."

"Are you sure that it isn't? I mean I think that Hwan has a very marky body," Yunho explained.

Raising his brows at him, Haruto said, "Okay, I didn't know we have started keeping secrets from each other."

Yunho sighed and helplessly shook his head. "Let's talk about this later."

Haruto was about to retort when Jaehyuk followed by Jihoon entered the room.



"Come on honey, you have to finish this," Seungmin insisted.

Sooji sighed and vigorously shook her head. "I am so full Seungmin, I can't eat or drink anything."

"But the doctor said that you need to eat healthy food because this will help you recuperate faster. Finish this for the baby honey, please."

"Alright," she said before finishing the entire bowl.

Just then Jiyun entered the room alone with Jisoo. "Mr Seungmin this is Dr Gu, she will be taking over Sooji starting today."

"I am so glad that you are here Dr Gu, I have been impatiently waiting for your arrival," Seungmin delightfully greeted Jisoo. There was no way he would let Jeongin come anywhere near his wife so he had specially requested for Jisoo to take over Adrian's case.

Jisoo smiled and said, "The pleasure is all mine, now why don't you step out for a bit so that I can check on her?"

Seungmin nodded his head and head before stepping out of the room.

After excusing herself, Jiyun rushed after Seungmin.



"Seungmin, wait," Jiyun shouted before catching up with him.

"Dr Gu, is everything okay?" He inquired.

She nodded her head and answered, "Yes but I want to ask you something."

"Okay, please go on."

"Why don't you want Dr Jeongin to treat your wife?" She asked.

Looking away, he answered, "I am not comfortable with it."

"So you are not comfortable with your brother treating your wife?" She retorted.


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