692.Ms Hitler

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Clutching onto his chest, Wonwoo faked a groan, "Ouch that hurts. It's okay big brother, I still love you."

"Jungkook is really very biased, he clearly loves and treasures his daughters more than his sons."

"That is not true, Jungkook loves everyone dearly, right honey?" Lisa asked.

"Wonwoo is right honey, I love my daughters more." Jungkook said.


Everyone: +_+

"Damn, why are we even alive? This is discrimination dad. You are discriminating between your kids which is not cool." Wonwoo added.

Ignoring his son's rant, Jungkook continued, "So a grand engagement first and then a destination wedding followed by a grand reception."

"I agree with that." Jin said.

Yuqi chuckled and nodded her head, "I'll go with dad's arrangement."

"Me too." Mian added.



"Somi? What are you-oh my God, why are you crying?" Yejin asked before wrapping her arms around Somis shoulder.


"You are burning Somi, what are you doing outside?" Taking off her coat, Yejin placed it on Somi's shoulder and dragged her inside the mansion.

Stopping mid-way, Somi wiped her tears away and asked, "Is Misan here?"

"No, she will come after sometime but why?"

"Bec I-"

Rubbing the side of her arm, Yejin "Hey, stop crying okay and tell me what happened."

Without waiting for her reply, Yejin added, "Let's go to your room first, you need to take meds."

Wiping her tears away, Somi nodded her head and followed Yejin.


Urecon Corporation.

Stretching her neck, Min massaged her forehead and kept on staring at the draft in front of her. It had already been a week since she started working on her new project to renovate Urecon corporation and she wanted everything to be perfect.

"That frown doesn't suit your face."

Turning towards the man standing near the door, Min sighed, "You are here again? I thought you already left."

"Almost everyone left but what are you still doing here?" The man asked.

"Can I ask you the same question?" Min asked.

The man chuckled and answered, "Well, I am the employee of this office and I can stay as long as I want to."

"And I am in charge of renovating this place so I can stay as long as I want to." Min snapped.

"Fair enough Ms Hitler."

Narrowing her eyes at the man who had been bugging her since the very day she started working, Min retorted, "Excuse me, what did you just call me?"

"Well, if you stop behaving like Hitler, I might as well stop calling you that." The man added.

When Min rolled her eyes at him, the man threw his head back and let out a hearty laugh. If someone else would've dared to roll their eyes at him, that person would've been dead by now but he actually felt helpless and amusing when Min opposed or lashed out at him.

"I think I should ask Mr Yoon to increase your workload because you seem to have lots and lots of free time." Packing her things, Min picked up her bag and left.

"Hey Ms Hitler, you left your pencil." The man said.

"Keep it." Min answered before walking out of the room.

Staring at the pencil, the man chuckled. "Interesting."

"Ahh there you are, do you have any idea how long I have been looking for you? Seriously Jihoon, you need to stay in one place." Jaehyuk Yoon said.

"What is it?"

"Hmm that-wait, why are you smiling?" Jaehyuk asked.

Staring at the pencil, Jihoon smiled. "Nothing."

"You know that you look very creepy when you smile like that right?" Jaehyuk asked.

"Why? Is my smile that bad?" Jihoon asked.

Jaehyuk shrugged his shoulder and shook his head. "Well, not bad but it feels weird because you seldom smile. Okay, I am not gonna lie, it freaks me out when you smile."

"Why would it freak you out? Ah anyway, why were you looking for me?" Jihoon asked.

"Jeon clan has called us for a meeting day after tomorrow." Passing him the tab, Jaehyuk added, "They want to set the boundaries."

Taking the tab from his hand, Jihoon smirked, "Are they already scared of us? What about her? Did you find her address?"

Jaehyuk nodded his head and said, "Yeah, I already found out her address and her whereabouts. You can visit her anytime you want to."

"Observe her for sometime and make sure she doesn't leave the country. Also, why don't you help me find a few things about Yang Min as well?" Jihoon asked.

"A few things? What do you mean?" Jaehyuk asked.

"Hmm like, what she likes, her favourite flowers, her daily routine and whether she is romantically involved with some other man to not."

Jaehyuk widened when eyes in shock and gasped, "No, don't tell me you-"

"What? I just wanna know a few additional things about her okay? What is wrong in that?"

"You wanting a few additional details about a woman is not okay, okay? She is a Yang, Jihoon and you know that the Yang and the Li's are relatives and family friends right?" Jaehyuk asked.

"You are too noisy Jaehyuk, just do what I told you."


Jeon mansion

Somi's room.

"And then he tells me that he is going on a date with Jasmine. Can you imagine how I felt when he told me that? Like Jasmin seriously? I felt like banging his head against the wall." Yejin was still very pissed with Haruto.

Giving her friend a hug, Somi sighed, "Ah it's alright, come here, take hugs."

"Okay now tell me what happened." Yejin asked.

Somi thought for a while and said, "You cannot tell this to anyone okay, including Misan."

"Not even Misan? But why? Is it something related to her?" Yejin asked.

When Somi nodded her head, Yejin got up and quickly locked the door. "Okay now tell me what it is in detail."



Namjoon and Delila's daughter: Yejin

Jin and Jisoo's son: Gu Junkyu

Hyunjin and Yeji's son: Haruto

Felix and Yuna's son: Yunho

They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 4Where stories live. Discover now