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"She is already in the Jeon mansion so she is safe." Pouring another glass of wine for himself, Jihoon continued, "And what makes you think that she would agree to live with us even if you had sent our men to fetch her? My sister is very stubborn Jaehyuk, she will die but will never agree to live with me and I deserve it."

"No you dont deserve this Jihoon—" Snatching the glass from his hand, Jaehyuk snapped, "Why would you even think like that? You don't deserve any of this and we will fix this. We already had a talk with them—"

Cutting him off, Jihoon mockingly smirked, "Nothing is going to fix all this mess Mic, what makes you think that Min will forgive me even if Jeonsan and others believe me?" taking the glass from Jaehyuk's hand, he added, "I lost my sister and the woman I love, how fucked up can life be?"

Pinching his brows, Jaehyuk tried to make him understand. "Why are you losing hope? Everything will be okay Jihoon, I am sure that Min will also understand the entire situation and willingly accept the relationship again."

Gulping down the entire content of the glass, he chuckled, "Who are you kidding Jaehyuk? Listen, I know you are my friend and you wish for my best but it's over man, I have already lost everything and there is nothing to save."

Pursing his lips, Micheal sighed. He had never seen Jihoon so broken and lost, his heart ached for him. He had already lost many things in his life and he didn't want him to suffer anymore. "Don't say that, I'll talk to Min and—"

Cutting him off, Jihoon frowned, "No, you are not going to do anything like that, I don't want to disturb or interrupt her life anymore. Maybe this is for the best, Min deserves much better, a man who will always treasure her and someone who will never hurt her."

Taking a deep breath, Jaehyuk tried to calm himself down before changing the topic. "What about Pulos? Are you letting him go? He is trying to play his dirty tricks on you again."

"He surely found out about the meeting and is trying to warn us. Jeni is safe with that Jeon guy but we have to make sure that he doesn't find out about Min." Jihoon knew that if Pulos finds out his connection with Min, he will surely target her to make him vulnerable.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Glancing at the watch, Jaehyuk frowned, "Who is it at this time? Did you invite anyone?"

"I think it's Jihun, he wanted to meet me personally so I called him over." Jihoon answered before walking towards the door.

When Jihun entered the apartment, Jaehyuk excused himself to give the two of them some privacy.

"Do you want a drink?"

Jihun shook his head and snapped, "I am not here to drink."

"I know." Pausing for a while, he inquired, "Are you here to ask me to stay away from Min?"

"What makes you think I'll ask you to stay away from here?"

Glaring at him for quite some time, Jihun sneered, "I'll ask you a small question and I want an honest answer." Pausing for a while, he continued, "Did you or did you not hide my underwear when we were in college?"

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Jihoon inquired, "Are you talking about the incident that happened during the tournament?" When Jihun nodded his head, he chuckled, "Wait, so you seriously thought that I stole your underwear? Dude are you insane?"

When Jihun did not say anything, he smirked, "Is this the reason why you are always cold towards me?"

"That was a very embarrassing incident and—"

Cutting him off, Jihoon chuckled, "Are you nuts? Do I look like someone who would go around stealing underwear? Well, but I did see someone taking it out of your bag."

Narrowing his eyes, Jihun snapped, "Who?"

"Jeonsan, Zixin and Seojun, I saw them take it out of your bag but I did not stop them because I thought it was funny and it was kinda funny," he chuckled.

"What? They did that?" When he nodded his head, Jihun gritted his teeth and groaned in frustration. He couldn't believe that his own friends made him face such an embarrassed situation.

"Don't blame me, they are your friends so I thought they were having some fun."

Taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down, Jihun sat down on the couch. He would definitely deal with his friends later but now he had to deal with something important.

"I assume that you aren't here only to interrogate me for your missing underwear," Jihoon stated.

"I don't like talking indirectly, so I will be blunt and I also expect you to answer me bluntly and honestly." Pausing for a while, Jihun added, "Do you love Min?"

Without wasting a single second, Jihoon answered, "I do, I love her alot and I miss her alot too." There was not a single minute and day when he did not think about Min. He missed everything about her, her smile, her rants, the way she scolded him and cared for him. He had even stopped going to the office because everything little thing there reminded him of her and it made him feel very awful.

Without saying anything, Jihun got up and started walking out of the apartment.

Stopping him, Jihoon asked, "Did you meet her? How is she?"

"As miserable as you are." Pausing for a whole, Jihun added, "My sister is very precious to me Jihoon and trust me when I say that if you hurt her or if I see her crying because of you in the future, I'll kill you. So you better keep that in mind and behave."

"I would never purposely hurt her, she is very precious to me as well," Jihoon retorted.


They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 4Where stories live. Discover now