620.Surprise wedding

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Jennie gasped and said, "Big sister she is a legend and my idol. She is a superstar in the fashion industry but too bad she only designs wedding gowns."

Lisa widened her eyes in shock and asked, "What did you say?"

"She only designs wedding…..Ahhhh oh my god." Jennie shouted.

Grabbing Lisa's shoulder, Jennie said, "Big sister I think Big Brother is planning something big for you. I think he is planning to give you a wedding."

"I-I don't know. I mean it's had already been so many since we got married and we already have two kids so why would he do that? It's not necessary." Lisa said.

"Are you kidding me? Why is it not necessary? On my God big brother is so romantic." Jennie said.

Though Lisa felt it was useless but she couldn't help but feel giddy. Though she never complained about their flash marriage but what kind of woman wouldn't want to have a wedding? The thought of marrying the man she loved all over again in the presence of their loved once made her heart bloom and almost burst in excitement.

[Poor Jungkook, his surprise successfully failed.]

"But Jennie what if it's not what we think it is? I mean what if he is not planning anything?" Lisa asked.

Jennie sighed and said, "Big sister it is what we think it is otherwise why would big brother contact Ms Mina? You just chill, relax and excitedly wait for you wedding. Ahhh I am so excited."


Jeon base.

Inside Jungkook's office.

Jin, Jungkook and Jimin were discussing a few important things and at the same time enjoying their wine.

"So what's up? Why did you invite us over all of a sudden?" Jimin asked.

"Hmm before Jungkook's says what he wants to say, I would like you to share with you both something." Jin said.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked.

Jin grinned and said, "We are planning to have another baby."

"Dude that is good news." Jimin said.

Jin nodded his head and said, "Yeah and we think that this is the right time you know. Jiyun is also ready to have a little brother or sister."

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Yeah that is a great idea."

"So now your turn, what were you planning to share with us?" Jin asked.

Jungkook smiled and said, "I am planning to give Lisa a surprise wedding next week."


Jungkook frowned and asked, "What happened?"

Jin shook his head and said, "It's nothing, it's a great plan dude but next week?"

"Ya isn't it too early?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Yes and that is why I did your help."

"Our help? Okay so how can we help you?" Jin asked.

"So I am planning to hold the wedding in our island. Do you think it's okay?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin nodded his head and said, "That sounds perfect."

"And it will just we us and our families and no outsiders. Lisa likes peaceful atmosphere so that will be the best." Jungkook said.

Jin nodded his head and said, "Great idea."

"So since it's a surprise wedding, we have to keep things away from Lisa." Jungkook said.

"Okay but if it's a surprise then how will we take Lisa there?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook grinned and said, "I have a plan."

After explaining Jin and Jimin his entire plan, Jungkook said, "I have already told her that I'll be taking everyone for a vacation so even if I take her there, she won't suspect any and she will have no idea about the wedding until I propose to her for marriage again, did you both understand?"

Jin and Jimin nodded their heads and said, "Cool dude, we are in."

Jungkook grinned and said, "I cannot wait to see that shocked look on her face when I show her the wedding dress."


Gu Mansion.

"Babe clear her schedule for next week okay? We are going out for a vacation." Jin said.

"Vacation?" Jisoo asked.

Jin nodded his head and said, "Yes babe vacation."

"Now where did this come from?" Jisoo asked.

Jin thought for a while and said, "Ehhh…not all of a sudden we were planning about it since a really long time and-"

Placing her hands on her waist, Jisoo raised her eyebrows and said, "You still think you can lie to me."

Jin scratched his forehead and said, "Umm actually..okay but you have to promise not to tell anyone about this."

Jisoo nodded her head and said, "Okay."

"Jungkook is planning a surprise wedding for Lisa in our island so we all have to go there and father will also join us and-"

Cutting him off, Jisoo jumped excitedly and shouted, "Oh my God, that is so romantic. Ahhhh this is so exciting."

"Babe you can't tell anyone about this okay? It's a secret." Jin said.

Jisoo nodded her head and said, "Ehh don't worry."

"I'll go take a shower." Jin said before walking towards washroom.

After Jin left, Jisoo picked up her phone and left the room.


Park Mansion.

"Vacation? But why?" Rosé asked.

"To have fun and we haven't showed the kids our island right? So we can do that and also have some fun." Jimin said.

"I did not see that coming. Who planned all this?" Rosé asked.

Jimin thought for a while and said, "It is Jungkook's idea and then Jin and I seconded it."

"And when did all of this happen?" Rosé asked.

"Today." Jimin said.

Rosé raised her eyebrows and said, "Alright you have two minutes to tell me what is this all about."

Jimin gulped in nervousness and said, "What? What are you talking about? I don't know."

"Okay now you have only one minute to tell me the truth" Rosé said.

Jimin sighed and said, "Alright but you cannot tell anyone about it."

"Okay." Rosé said.

"Jungkook is planning a surprise wedding for Lisa so we all have to go." Jimin said.

Rosé gasped and said, "Oh my God, Mr Jeon is still so romantic. This is so exciting and romantic."

"Babe you can't tell anyone about it okay?" Jimin said.

"Alright, I won't." Rosé said before slowly picking up her phone and leaving the room.


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