764.Yeri's end

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Composing himself, father Kim asked, "How long?"

"She was diagnosed with cervical cancer last year, it was the third stage then," Jungkook answered before walking towards his wife.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he asked again, "The treatment, is she undergoing any treatment?"

"She refuses to undergo any kind of treatment, Lisa also tried to convince her but she didn't want to," Wrapping his arms around Lisa's waist, Jungkook added, "I had a talk with her husband too, he told us that she hasn't been doing well at all and he is tired trying to persuade her for the treatment."

Just then Sehun and Yoona arrived.

"I got your message, what happened? Is everything alright?" Sehun inquired.

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Everything is okay with us but I think you need to know this too."

"What is it?" Sehun frowned.

"It's about Yeri," Lisa answered.

Sehun frowned and pursed his lips. "Why are we talking about her again? Did she do something inappropriate again?" Looking at Yuqi, he added, "Did she do anything to Yuqi?"

"Honey, listen to Lisa first, let her talk," Yoona tried to calm Sehun down. She knew he did not like talking about Yeri but the current atmosphere and expressions were clearly saying that it was something important.

After telling them everything about Yeri's illness, Jungkook continued, "They are leaving tonight for the States again and Yeri wanted to meet everyone before that."

"S-She told me it was her last wish and I couldn't say no," Lisa added.

Glancing at the watch, Jungkook said, "I have asked the guards to send them in, they should be here any minute now."

"Why does she want to meet any one of us? Hasn't she already caused all the ruckus she wanted to? Isn't all of that enough?" Hyunjin nagged.

"Hyunjin, don't say that," Yeji muttered and gestured to him to stay quiet.

Before he could say anything else, Yeri entered the mansion along with a man.

She was very an off-white simple long dress and had a dark brown pashmina draped around her shoulder. Her face was paler than a white sheet and her eyes were swollen red.

Looking at the man standing beside her, Yeri tightened her grip around his hand. When he nodded his head, she slowly started walking towards her father while the man stood by the door silently.

Looking at her father who was also looking at her intently, Yeri pursed her lips. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she someone managed to mutter, "Dad."

A tear trickled down from the corner of father Kim's eyes but he quickly looked away.

Pausing for a while, she continued, "I know that no one wanted to see me today but I wanted to see all of you for the last time. I know what I am about to say doesn't matter at all but I still want to say it, I am sorry. I am sorry for whatever I have done in the past to hurt you all. I was so blinded with anger, jealousy, fame and money that I forgot the importance of family and loved ones in my life. I don't expect any of you to forgive me or let me be a part of this family again, I just wanted to do this for my inner peace. I also know that I don't deserve to be here with you all, I deserve to be alone."

Walking towards Yuqi, Yeri sobbed harder. "Out of all the people, I have wronged you the most." Cupping Yuqi's face, she smiled, "You have grown up to be so beautiful and wonderful."

Looking at Zixin, Yuqi said, "And you must be Zixin."

Zixin smiled and nodded his head before looking at Yuqi who stood there with an expressionless face.

"All these years, I have regretted many things that I have done. I wronged my family and everyone around me but the only thing I regret the most is leaving you behind. I don't expect anything from you but can you please do me a favor?" Yeri asked.

Without waiting for Yuqi's reply, she continued, "Can you please call me mother? I–I know that you don't want to but please, just say it like you don't mean it."

Taking a deep breath, Yuqi said, "I know that you are very sorry for your actions and I really appreciate you for coming back and facing everyone. I even wish you a speedy recovery and I'll also add you in my prayers but I am sorry."

Removing Yeri's hands on her cheeks, she continued, "I understand you feeling sorry towards me but you don't have to, I don't have any complaints and I have never cursed you or bad mouthed about you."

"Mother is a really big word and the only person who is and will always remain my mother is—" pointing towards Lisa, Yuqi added, "My mom and I can't go around calling anyone mom even though I don't mean it."

Lowering her head, Yeri sobbed harder, "I just wanted to hear how it would sound when you called me out. I would've felt even more at peace if you would've addressed me as you mom."

"I am sorry but I can't, I wish all the best and I hope God gives you the strength to fight over this." Yuqi couldn't say or do anything more apart from wishing her a speedy recovery. Calling her mother didn't feel right and she didn't wanna say it even if she didn't mean it.

Wiping her tears away, Yeri smiled, "Yes, I totally understand. I am sorry for putting you in such a tight spot, I really didn't mean to make you feel awkward."

"It's alright, I don't mind," Yuqi answered.


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