693.Most delicate flower

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When Somi did not say anything for a long time, Yejin sighed. "Somi we have been best friends since we were kids, why are you hesitant to share something that is bugging you?"

Keeping quiet for quite something, Somi said, "So yesterday Hwan and I got stuck in the rain so we had to take shelter somewhere."

"Okay so? It isn't like we haven't spent a night with the boys." Yejin asked.

When Somi took a deep breath and lowered her head, Yejin widened her eyes in shock. "Did you both kiss?"

When Somi nodded her head, Yejin gasped and excitedly squealed, "Ahhhhh this is huge Somi, how? I mean who initiated it and why isn't Hwan here?"

Looking at Yejin with teary eyes. Somi sobbed, "Hwan doesn't like me."

"What do you mean?" Yejin asked.

After explaining everything, Somi wiped her tears away and added, "I never realised this Bec but I think I love Hwan."

"Aww come here, take hugs."

Hugging her friend for comfort, Somi sniffed, "Thank you so much Bec, I really needed hugs."

"What now?" Yejin asked.

Somi shook her head and sobbed harder. "I don't know."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Yejin asked, "Hmm but don't you think this is strange?"

"Strange? What strange?"

Pulling away, Yejin added, "Hwan's behaviour. I mean out of all the guys, Hwan is the most sweet and gentle. So don't you think his rude behaviour is a little out of the box? It's so unlike his sweet character."

Wiping her tears away, Somi vigorously nodded her head. "I felt like that too but why would he do that?"

"Hmmm, may be because Yunho likes you and since him and Hwan are best buds, if Hwan has anything with you, it will hurt Yunho's feelings and their friendship too?" Keeping quiet for quite sometime, Yejin added, "Well, if I was in Hwan's place, I wouldn't want to ruin my friendship with you or Misan at any cost too."

"I-I didn't think that way and I think that you are right. So that means Hwan is deliberately ignoring and pushing me away because he is feeling guilty? Well, he is stupid." Somi frowned and groaned in frustration.

"I think that is the case. Ahh but you and Hwan look so cute and perfect together. I really wish things would get better between you two."

"I am sorry about Haruto, Ahh you know my cousin is stupid right?" Somi asked.

Yejin chuckled and nodded her head. "He is but he is cute too so his stupidity can be ignored."

"I think I should go and talk to Hwan." Getting down from the bed, Somi was about to rush out of the room when Yejin stopped her.

"Hwan already left but-" placing her hand on her waist, Yejin smirked, "I guess I know how to call him back."


Min Enterprise.

Inside Hwan's office.

Holding a wine bottle in his hand, Hwan was sitting on his chair thinking about Somi. He didn't want to think about her but no matter how hard he tried, she never left his thoughts.

Weren't they just friends until yesterday? But what happened all of sudden? When did he fall for her? Had he been unknowingly loving her since a really long time?

Many questions about Somi and only about Somi were running in his head constantly. When she asked her to never talk to her again, Hwan's heart shattered into millions of pieces and he couldn't stay there any longer.

He decided to divert his mind and work until he felt better but nothing worked. She was all that he could think about. Forget about working, he didn't even feel like opening any of the files that were lying on his table.

Just then, Hwan received a call. Keeping the bottle on the table, Hwan got up and shouted, "What? But how? I'll be right there."

After hanging up the call, Hwan grabbed his keys and rushed out of his office.


Jeon mansion.

"Honey, you are supposed to take a rest." Jungkook frowned and placed his hand on his daughter's burning forehead. "Look, you still have a fever."

"I am fine dad, I just don't want to miss the fun with you guys. And I already took the meds so I'll be fine." After assuring her father, Somi raised her eyebrows. When Yejin winked at her, Somi smiled.

"So the day after tomorrow we will have the engagement party. Zixin and Jeonsan get to work, Jiyun and Yuqi start with your shopping and grooming." Jin said.

"Wait what? How is that even fair? Brother Jeonsan and Brother Zixin need to groom too." Looking at his mom, Wonwoo pouted his lips. "Mom, your sons are getting bullied by your husband again."

"Aww my baby come here." Giving Wonwoo a hug, Lisa frowned at her husband. "Why do you always bully my son's?"

"Because they are boys and they have to be tough. My daughters are as delicate as a flower. If I don't take care of them, they will wilt." Jungkook said.

"Ah is it? Then who am I?" Lisa asked.

Walking towards his wife, Jungkook pushed Wonwoo aside and wrapped his arm around Lisa's shoulder. "You are the most delicate flower and this is why I have and I will always treasure you."

"Awww dad gets all the cookie points." Somi said.

"All cookie points from my side too uncle Jungkook." Jiyun added.

Just then, someone rang the doorbell but before the maids could make her way towards the main door, Somi ran towards the door shouting, "I'll get it."

After opening the door, Somi quickly stepped out, making sure that no one saw them.



When Somi opened the door, Hwan breathed a sigh of relief. Running his hands through his hair and face, Hwan pulled her into his embrace. "Oh thank God you are okay. I was so scared."

Hwan almost freaked out when he received a call from Yejin who told him that Somi had fainted and fallen from the stairs. She also told him that Jiyun was checking on Somi and asked him to come over as soon as possible.


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