695.I am sad

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"Hmmm, are you telling me that you were also naughty Mr Yang?" Yuqi asked.

"Of course honey."

"But we were always together when we were small so why am I unaware of your naughtiness?" Yuqi asked.

"We boys used to do guy things when you girls were busy playing with your doll house and-" inching closer, Zixin whispered, "You'll witness my naughtiness when we are alone in our room or may be right now, in your room."

When Yuqi blushed and looked away, Zixin intertwined their hands together and pulled her up.

"Where are you both going?" Jungkook asked.

Zixin vigorously shook his head and sat down. "No, we aren't going anywhere."

Pulling him up, Yuqi said "Dad, I'll just show Zixin around."

"What is there to show? Hasn't brother Zixin already seen everything?" Wonwoo asked.

"Yuqi, Zixin don't listen to anyone and go wherever you want to." Turning towards her husband, Lisa added, "Jungkook let's go and take a walk in the garden."

Jungkook quickly got and grabbed Lisa's hand. "Okay honey, let's go."

"Ahh we will take a walk too." Jisoo said.

"Alright then, let's take a walk before discussing other things."

"Wendy, we are going to the nearby supermarket. Yuna wants to buy something from there. Do you wanna join us?" Yeji asked.

Wendy nodded her head and smiled. "Ya sure." Turning towards her husband, Wendy added, "I'll be back soon okay?"

"Have fun honey and I'll be waiting for you."

After Yuna, Yeji and Wendy left, Somi moved towards Yoongi. "Uncle Yoongi."

"Yes princess, what happened?" Yoongi asked.

Cupping her cheeks, Somi pouted her lips. "I am very sad uncle Yoongi."

Hwan who was sitting right beside his father froze.

Yoongi frowned and asked, "Sad? But why? Did something happen?"

Looking at Hwan whose face had already turned pale, Somi raised her eyebrows at him before turning towards her uncle Yoongi again. "Uncle Yoongi, what will you do if someone makes me cry?"

"What? Someone made you cry? But who? Tell me who is it and I'll torture that person to death. How can someone make my princess cry? Tell me who made you cry so that I can deal with that person my way." Yoongi asked.

When Somi did not say anything, Yoongi frowned deeper. "Somi tell me who is it?"

When Somi pointed towards him, Hwan's soul almost left his body. He wanted to run away but his whole body froze. His father would definitely kill him today and his mother wasn't around to save him too.

Smiling at Hwan, Somi said, "Hwan knows him. In fact, he was right there when I was getting bullied but he did not do anything."

"WHAT?" Yoongi shouted before glaring at his son. "Someone bullied Somi right in front if you and you did not do anything? What the hell is wrong with you? How can you watch her get bullied?"

"Dad I-"

"Shut up, I-" Yoongi stopped when his phone buzzed. Taking out his phone when Yoongi saw the caller ID, he glared at his son and shouted, "It's your mom but you wait here, I am not done with you yet."

After Yoongi walked out, Somi chuckled. "Ahh that was fun."

"What was that?" Hwan asked.

Pouting her lips at him, Somi tilted her head and asked, "What was what?"


Looking around when Hwan saw a couple of maids, he took a deep breath and grabbed Somis wrist. He frowned when he realised that her body temperature was still high.

"What are you doing?" Somi asked. When Hwan did not say anything, Somi added, "Not that I mind you holding my hand or squeezing me in your embrace but uncle Yoongi will be back any minute and-"

"Taking you to your room, you need to take meds and then sleep."

"Just to let you know, I have already taken my meds and I need to talk to uncle Yoongi about something really very impor-" Somi stopped midway and smiled when Hwan started dragging her away.


Inside Somi's room.

"Okay now tell me what was that?" Hwan asked.

"What was what?"

"You know what I am talking about Somi." His father would definitely not let him go after what she had said. He was actually in great trouble but here she was acting all cute and innocent.

"Hmmm, I will stop if you tell me the real reason."

When Hwan did not say anything, Somi inched closer. Running her fingers through his collar, Somi smiled, "If you think that you can get away with this so easily then you are wrong. Don't forget that I am a Jeon and Jeon's don't give up so easily."

Sliding her hands to the back of his neck, Somi continued, "If you think this is over then you are absolutely wrong Hwan." Tip-toeing, Somi brushed their nose together and added, "I'll see how far you can pretend and resist me."

With her lips just a few inches away from his, Hwan gulped in nervousness. Why is it suddenly so hard not to kiss her? Why did her lips look extra attractive and sweet?

Running her fingers through his hair, Somi smiled. "Imagine what will happen if I tell everyone how you took advantage of me on that rainy night and how helpless I felt that I had no other choice but to let you assault my lips all night." When Hwan frowned, she added, "Father, uncle Yoongi, brother Jeonsan, big brother Ben, Sam and Joowon. Ahh and there is Wonwoo and Haruto too. Tsk tsk everyone will lash out at you and you know how possessive they are of sister Yuqi and me."

Patting his right cheek, Somi pulled away and sighed, "Ahhh God bless you."

"Are you trying to threaten me?" Hwan asked.

Placing her finger on her cheek, Somi pretended to think and answered, "Yes."

Hwan frowned and gritted his teeth. He was feeling very frustrated but she was too beautiful, breathtaking and important to him to lash out his frustration at. "I thought you said you didn't wanna see me or talk to me. I thought we were already clear about not having anything between us and not mentioning this incident ever again."


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