746.100 pounds

197 6 0

"Really? I don't look fat right?" Somi asked.

Misan raised her brows and asked, "Are you crazy? When on earth were you ever fat or even chubby?"

"I know but still, I need to be careful of everything okay? What if Hwan starts—" stopping midway, Somi awkwardly cleared her throat. "I mean what if Hwan and others start making fun of me?"

"You know my brother would never do that and even if he dares to, you can always complain to dad you know and he will take care of him."

Just then Yejin entered the room with a huge grin on her face. Lying down in the bed, she took a deep breath and started blushing.

Elsa, Somi and Misan gave each other a look before starting their enquiry.

"Bec, what happened? Are you okay?" Khuli asked.

"Uh-huh, I never felt so good before."

"Your face looks very red, are you having a fever?" Elsa asked before touching Yejin's forehead.

Somi chuckled and said, "Maybe she has Haruto fever."

Sitting up straight, Yejin sighed in satisfaction, "Your cousin is amazing and an outstanding kisser too."

Squealing in excitement, Misan beamed, "Oh my God, you and Haruto?" Giving her a hug, she added, "Finally, I am so happy for you."

"I am happy for me too," Yejin was very happy after Haruto told him about his feeling. She had crushed on him for more than six years so the thought of officially being his girlfriend was making her feel giddy.

"Only being happy won't help girl, we need details." Somi excitedly said before closing the door.


Wonwoo's room.

"So you both are together now?" Wonwoo asked.

Taking a bite of the pizza, Haruto nodded his head, "Uh-huh, I have a girlfriend now."

"You know I always knew that you liked Yejin but since you never showed any kind of interest, I assumed that you don't."

Hwan chuckled and said, "Not only Ash, I think everyone thought the same."

"Anyway, we are happy for you and Bec." Giving him a hug, Wonwoo added, "At least you have a partner when we go for that Venice trip."

"Oh damn, is that trip still on?" Yunho asked.

"Obviously it is, Haruto and I already have a partner already so you guys better hurry up and find someone. No one is going for the trip alone this time."

Turning on the TV, Yunho said, "The game is about to start."


2 am

Slowly walking into Somi's room, Hwan closed the door and made his way towards the bed and snuggled beside her.

As soon as he laid down beside her, she wrapped her arms around his waist and muttered, "I thought you wouldn't come."

Kissing the top of her head, he sighed, "The game got extended and I couldn't leave it midway."

Resting her chin on his chest, she inquired, "What happened? You sound a bit weird."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, he answered, "Uncle Jungkook told me that you are my sister and so did your brother."

"Ahh so is Mr Min angry because everyone thinks I am like your sister?" When he nodded his head, she chuckled, "Hmm, they are saying that because they have no idea about our relationship honey."

"But what will happen after we tell them? Don't you think they will feel wronged?"

"Well since you are also a family, maybe they will let you off after a few kicks and punches," She chuckled.

When Hwan sighed and helplessly shook his head, Somi pulled his cheeks and chuckled, "Why are you always so worried about this? We love each other and that is what matters. You know that our families will never forcefully separate us, they will understand if we tell them that this is what we want Hwan. Now stop making that face and kiss me."

"I'll kiss you all night but first let's discuss how we are going to break this thing to our families. We need to tell them before the Venice trip because I wanna go there with you."

"Ahh yes, I almost forgot about the trip." Wrapping her legs around him, she gave him a peck on his lips, "We will figure it out before that."

Caressing her cheeks, he smiled, "Okay, I love you."

"I love you more."

"Hmm, I thought you wanted to show me your new lingerie." Hwan complained.

Pulling away, she sat up and started glaring at him. "We need to talk about this."

Looking at her serious expression, he started panicking, "What happened babe? Did I do something wrong?"

"This is very serious and I am worried that if this continues, you won't love me anymore."

He widened his eyes in shock and inquired, "What? Why wouldn't I not love you? That is insane and it's never going to happen." Hwan could not imagine himself not loving her or Somi not being a part of his life.

Placing her hand on her waist, she frowned, "Yes, you will definitely stop loving me if I weigh a hundred pounds."

"What? You? Hundred pounds?" Without waiting for her reply, he chuckled, "Have you not seen you babe? There is no way you can ever weigh a hundred pounds."

"I will if you keep feeding me like a pig." Rubbing her stomach, she sighed, "I look fat in my clothes these days."

Pulling her into his lap, he said, "Come here."

Wrapping her legs around his waist, she buried her face on his neck.

Caressing her back, he smiled, "I won't stop loving you or say a word even if you weigh two hundred pounds okay? I love you no matter what and there are different methods to burn calories."

"I don't like going to gym."

Kissing her nape, he asked, "Who said that I am talking about gym or working out?"

Pulling away, she smacked his shoulder and blushed. "Stop being naughty and bring me my innocent Hwan back."

Throwing his head back, he chuckled, "I thought you liked all the versions of Hwan."

"I prefer the innocent one more."

Keeping quiet for quite sometime, he groaned in pain. "Honey I think you broke my thigh."

Somi frowned and smacked his shoulder, "Hwan, stop being mean."

"Alright, alright I am sorry," he chuckled.


They Were Meant To Be Together | Book 4Where stories live. Discover now