792.Freaking out

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Turning around, Hwan kissed her forehead and explained, "I had to check a few things before we left so I had to wake up early. I know that you don't like it when someone disturbs your sleep so—"

Cutting him off, she said, "I will never mind if you are the one waking me up." Wrapping her arms around his waist, she buried her head on his chest, "I don't like it when you are not there beside me when I wake up."

Kissing the top of her, Hwan smiled, "Hmm so as a compensation of disappointing you early in the morning, why dont I make breakfast for you?"

"Sounds like a lovely plan Mr Min." Hooking her arms around his, she smiled, "Lets go my talented chef."

"See honey, I told you that there is something going on between them," Huang whispered.

Covering her mouth, Misan started sobbing, "Oh my God, I cannot believe this."

When he saw tears streaming down her cheeks, he widened his eyes in shock. "Babe why are you crying? Look, it's no big deal, I am sure that they are hiding this for a reason or may be they are scared that you will overreact and—"

Cutting him off, she vigorously shook her head, "No, I am not sad because they did not tell me about their relationship, I am just very happy for them." Wiping her tears with the back of her hand, she continued, "They look so cute and happy together, I have never seen Hwan so happy before. Did you see that smile on his face? That was the most genuine one I have ever seen."

Pulling her into his embrace, Huang smiled, "I am happy for them too and I am sure that Hwan will support us just the way you do."



"Jihun, where is Min?" Yuqi inquired.

"She is in the washroom." Glancing at his watch, he frowned, "In fact, it has been quite sometime now, she should've been back by now."

Placing her hand on his, Lia smiled, "I'll go check on her."

After Lia left, Jiyun curiously asked, "Jihun, how is she now? She did not show up after that day so we were very worried."

"I tried calling her but she never answered my calls, I am actually very worried for her," Yuqi added.

Wrapping his arms around her shoulder, Zixin smiled, "Don't stress over Min honey, I am sure she will be fine after today."

"What do you mean?" Jiyun asked.

"Andrew is coming for the wedding so I am sure that they will reconcile and things will become normal again," Jeonsan answered without taking his eyes off Hwan and Somi who were reading something in someone's phone together with a bright smile on their face.

Smacking his forehead, Jiyun snapped, "Will stop staring at them like a creep? What the hell is wrong with you Jeonsan, can't you just leave them alone?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he casually turned down all the accusations. "What? I am not staring at them, I am looking at the plane."

"Well, we have a feeling that there is something going on between Somi and Hwan but Jeonsan is totally against it," Yuqi explained.

Raising his borows, Jihun smiled, "I do know that Hwan is seeing someone, not sure if it's our Somi."

"How do you know that he is seeing someone?" Jeonsan frowned.

"What? Didn't you see that lipstick mark on his neck that day? Considering the fact that Hwan isn't someone who sleeps around with random women, I assumed that he is definitely dating someone so—"

Cutting him off, Jeonsan gritted his teeth, "Why the hell would my sister give Hwan neck kisses? She is small and innocent." Turning towards Yuqi, he snapped, "Yuqi, tell them that Somi is still small, remember how we used to carry her and run around?"

"That was like twenty years ago Jeonsan, she is no more small or innocent," Yuqi answered.

Waving his hand in thin hair, he turned all grumpy, "Ah what do you guys know."

Unaware of all the discussion that was happening, Somi and Hwan were busy checking out baby clothes for Somi's friend whose baby shower was around the corner.

"Ah they are so cute, look at this blue one," she chuckled.

"I like this pink one, it's so bright and fresh." Pausing for a while, he inquired, "So when is the baby shower?"

"Day after tomorrow but since I cannot attend, I am sending my blessings."

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Hwan pondered, "Isn't she of your age?" When she nodded her head, he continued, "Early pregnancy?"

"Early and unplanned, they were careful but there are certain things that cannot be controlled," she explained.

Scrunching his brows, he muttered, "We should be extra careful about protection."

Looking at the frown on his face, she chuckled, "What are you freaking out for? It's not like we are pregnant."

"Not freaking out, I just think that early pregnancy isn't nice."

"Why the hell are you both talking about pregnancy?" Wonwoo inquired.

Clearing his throat, Hwan explained, "We were just talking about Somi's friend who is expecting so—"

Cutting him off, Somi continued, "So Hwan was telling me that he isn't a big fan of early pregnancy."

Nodding his head, Wonwoo asked, "Which friend is that again?"

"Hmm the one who once dropped ketchup on your shirt," she answered.

Thinking for a while, he nodded his head, "Brown eyes, tall and deep dimples on—" He stopped midway when Hwan and Somi pursed their lips and gave him a weird look.

Sticking his tongue out, Wonwoo slowly turned around only to find Jennifer glaring at him with her hands on her hips. "Hey babe, when did you come back from the washroom?"

"Hmm, right before you started describing some random woman's eye color." Sitting beside, she inquired, "So does she have a beautiful smile, a perfect body and hands that fits perfectly on yours too?"


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