794.Wedding I

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Keeping quiet for quite some time, Seungmin sighed. He never told Sooji anything about Jeongin because he didn't want her to take any kind of unnecessary stress and with the baby coming, he couldbt tell her anything eevn if he wanted to. Sooji's preganacy had many complications and the stress would make it worse.

Though he always made sure that Jeongin maintained a distance from his wife, he was still always worried. This is also one of the reasons why he never mentioned it and told her anything about him because he thought that the lesser she knew, the safer she was.

Removing his hand from her shoulder, she sobbed harder, "See, you don't want to answer me even though I am asking you a question, you always do this." Pausing for a while, she added, "Just go from here, leave us alone for sometime. I need some time to get back to pretending that I don't care about my husband lying to me."

"Sooji why—"

Cutting him off, she snapped, "Don't try to convince me with your sweet words again. Even if you are good with playing with words and my feelings, it doesn't mean that you can always do that." Keeping quiet for quite some time, she added, "I think you should go back home, baby and I will follow you later."

"What are you talking about? How can I leave you alone? I would never do that even if you were not pregnant and you know that."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighed and was about to add something when Sooji interrupted him, "Just leave alone for sometime."

Without saying anything, he quietly stepped out of the room.


Jihoon's place.

Running his fingers through the rim of the glass, Jihoon was completely dazed out thinking about random things and Min when Jaehyuk entered his apartment.

Looking at his friend who was still sitting on the couch wearing his pj's, he frowned, "Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? We have a flight to catch in an hour, you were supposed to pack and be ready by now." Picking up the papers which were scattered all over the floor, he snapped, "Forget about packing, you are not even dressed yet, don't you wanna go and make things right with Min and Sana of course?"

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Jihoon asked, "What if she doesn't want to see me?" Without waiting for Jaehyuk's reply, he added, "Is it a mistake to go there and force myself on her? She did say that she doesn't want to trust me anymore so should I go there and spoil her best friend's wedding?for her?"

Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed, "This isn't the right time to discuss this topic and I thought we were done discussing this, why are you thinking about it again?"

Taking a sip from his drink, Jihoon chuckled, "Because I feel like a loser."

"Why do you always help me out Jae? Why?" Without waiting for his reply, Jihoon added, "Don't you have a life of your own? And I have never seen you with a woman for a long time now, when was the last time you had sex?"

"And why are you so worried about my sex life?" He chuckled.

Shrugging his shoulders, Jihoon answered, "Just curious because if you ever wanna get laid, there is a diary in my room which has contact numbers of women who wanna get laid too."

"You want to give it to me? What will you do then?"

Getting up, he vigorously shook his head, "I won't be needing that anymore, I'll surely die all alone and single. In fact, I have plans of taking an early retirement and shifting somewhere peaceful to spend my old age with nature or maybe I'll become a monk."

"You? A monk? Don't make me laugh dude, just go and get ready," Jaehyuk chuckled.

Helplessly shaking his head, Jihoon started walking towards his room.

Stopping him midway, Jaehyuk said, "Oh and nice move of letting Pulos know about our meeting with Jeonsan and the group, he is in a very panicked state and gathering funds."

When Jihoon gave him a weird look, he chuckled, "What? You thought that I woulf never figure that out?"

Pointing at him, Jihoon smiled, "Thank me later pal."



The brides and grooms mutually decided to choose it as their wedding destination because Yuqi and Jeonsan wanted to start their new life from the place where their parents had got married to which Jiyun and Zixin readily agreed.

By the time they landed on the island, it was almost evening.

"This is actually very funny, when we visited this place for the first time, Lisa was expecting Jeonsan and when we came back again for the wedding, Lisa was again pregnant with Wonwoo and Somi," Anna chuckled.

Helplessly shaking his head, Jin muttered, "I hope no one is pregnant this time."

Looking at Lisa, Rosè inquired, "Hey Lisa, you aren't pregnant right?"

"What? Of course not." When Lisa shook her head as well, Jungkook added, "You see, of course not."

"We are about to become grandparents now, what are you guys talking about?" Lisa chuckled.

When Huiling approached Somi, Hwan started walking faster and caught up with the other guys.

"Hey Somi, you did not tell my brother about Seojun right?" Misan inquired.

"Of course not, I think you should tell him on your own."

"Hmm, do you think he will freak out?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Somi nervously chuckled, "How will I know, he is your brother."

"Well, I heard that you both are spending lots of time together recently so I thought you might know better." Without waiting for her reply, Huiling added, "I am planning to tell him about us tonight so if he freaks out, will you handle him for me?"

Awkwardly clearing her throat, Somi said, "I guess I can try."


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