719.Banquet II

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Ben frowned when someone placed his hand on her shoulder. He gritted his teeth and clenched his other hand into a fist.

Smacking his arm, Sam snapped, "I thought we are here for closure so that you can move on but look at you ogling at her like a hungry wolf."

"What? I am looking at her for closure okay? Just let me look at her as much as I want to today so that tomorrow, I don't feel like looking at her anymore."

"You are so fucking doomed Ben, you are ogling at someone's wife."

Gritting his teeth, Ben retorted, "You don't have to keep mentioning that. I know she isn't mine and I also know that she is married to some other man and not me. This isn't something new okay? So can you please stop saying it over and over again?"


Without waiting for his reply, Ben stormed his foot and walked away.


"Where is Wonwoo?" Yejin asked.

"He hasn't arrived yet." Haruto said before hooking his arms around her neck.

Slapping his hand away, she frowned, "Keep your hands and pranks away from me."

"Such a beautiful looking woman but you have a serious attitude problem. Here I am trying to flirt with you but look at you shutting me up so rudely."

Rolling her eyes at him, she snapped, "Go flirt with that Jasmine."

"Her name is Jasmine."

"Uh huh, wave your middle finger at her on my behalf when you meet her."



Looking at the man who just called her out, Haruto frowned.

"Hi, I am Hyunbin, the guy whom you were supposed to meet."

Looking at Yejin, Yinhia frowned deeper, "When did you start meeting guys?"

"When you started dating girls." She said before walking away but Haruto grabbed her hand and dragged her far away from the weird looking Hyunbin guy.

"Haruto, what are you doing?" She protested but he refused to let go.

Making her sit on a chair, he sat down beside her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Are you—"

Cutting her off, he said, "You are very noisy."

"Let me go."

"You aren't going anywhere and don't even try to.run away because if you do, I'll carry you around which will be ever embarrassing with so many people watching us."

Yejin frowned and snapped, "You can't do this."

"Uh huh? But guess what, I am doing it."


Intertwining their hands together, Wonwoo chuckled, "Hey, what are you so worried about? Everything is gonna be okay and everyone is gonna focus on the main couples today so I doubt if anyone will notice us."

"Are you sure you want to take me with you? What if I make a fool out of myself and embarrass you?" Sana asked.

"Hey, you'll never embarrass me okay? Why would you even think like that?"

"What if I trip and fall or something bad happens?"

Kissing her knuckles, Wonwoo added, "Then I'll fall with you and we will get up together, hand in hand. I am never leaving your side."


"I promise."


Inside the hall.

"Ahh look at you people, you all are looking so lovely." Hugging Jiyun and Yuqi, Lisa added, "I am so happy for my little ones."

When Jin who was sulking since morning saw the huge grin on Jungkook's face, he frowned, " Why would you smile that way? Aren't you sad that your daughter is leaving you?"

"Who said she is leaving? My daughter will always stay near me. What makes you think that I will let them go? Yuqi and Somi will always stay in my radar."

"What do you mean? Zixin is not returning back?" Jin asked.

Patting his friend's shoulder, Jungkook grinned wider before walking towards his daughter.

Glancing at his watch, Jimin said, "It's time to start the ceremony."


Looking at Jeonsan and Jiyun exchanging their rings, Jeongin chuckled. They looked so happy and so in love but he knew that this wouldn't last long.

When Jeonsan wrapped his arms around her waist, the grin on Jeongin's face widened. One day, he would also wrap his around her delicate and soft body. He would touch her and ravish her entire body until he satisfies the accumulated lust and yearning he had for her. One day, she would be his to touch and feel whether she likes it or not.

Looking around, Jeongin started looking for someone who would help him quench his lustful thirst before he could finally get hold of Jiyun to take care of him.

He smirked when his eyes landed on a waitress who was serving drinks and smiling at him at the same time.

Gulping down the content of the glass, he slowly made his way towards her.



"Thank you so much guys."

"Ahh sister Jiyun, you are finally my official sister-in-law. Oh my God there are so many things we can do together." Somi excitedly said before giving Jiyun a hug.

"What? It's not like we don't do things together now."

"But it's different now so I am sure that it will feel different too."

"Are you both planning to abandon me already?" Yuqi asked.

Sticking her tongue out, Somi chuckled, "Well, I don't think so brother Zixin will allow us to take you away."

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Zixin grinned from ear to ear, "That is true, no one is taking my fiancee away."

"Oh my God, who is that woman with Wonwoo?" Misan asked.

"Ahh she is so pretty."

"Yo dude, is she the employee he was talking about?" Haruto asked.

"Employee? What employee?" Jeonsan asked.

"She is probably an employee of Jeon corporation." Yunho said.

Jeonsan chuckled and helplessly shook his head. "And here I thought my brother is spending so much time in the office because he wants to give me a break."

"He ditched us so many times saying that he is busy in the office. Well, now we know what kept him there." Haruto added.

"Aww they look so cute together." Misan said.

Leaning towards her, Huang whispered, "We look cute too."


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