787.Hwan and Misan's truth

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Gritting his teeth, Jeonsan snapped, "Cute? What makes you think that they look cute?"

"Okay then how do you think they look together?" Yuqi curiously inquired. Based on how possessive the Jeon family members were about their wives, sisters and daughters, she was expecting the same kind of reaction from Jeonsan and a worse one from her father.

Without waiting for a single second, Jeonsan answered, "Like brothers and sisters, Hwan is too old for Somi. My sister is small and well Hwan is big." Though he knew that he sounded very lame but he didn't care, all he wanted to do was to prove his damn point.

Rubbing his chin, Zixin raised his brows. "So are you trying to tell us that twenty-five years old Hwan is old for your twenty-four year old sister?"

Pursing his lips, Jeonsan retorted, "Why do you have to bring up their age? That isn't necessary and—"

Cutting him off, Jiyun snapped, "Yes because age is just a number and it doesn't matter so does your stupid and besless opinion." Before Jeonsan could say anything, she fumed, "And what are you even gonna do if they are dating for real? Be a villainous brother and just separate them? You do realize that you will have to accept them no matter what?"

"So I don't have any say in my little sister's life? Does my opinion not matter at all?"

"Yes it does but not something that is so baseless and petty," Yuqi answered.


Outside the Jeon mansion.

Pouncing into his embrace, Somi snuggled closer. "I cannot believe that I have to sleep alone in my cold bed tonight without my handsome cuddler."

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Hwan suggested, "Well if you keep your door open around midnight, your cuddler might just manage to slip in and accompany you all night."

"You are staying here tonight?"

He smiled and nodded his head, "We are flying out early tomorrow and there are still a few things to be taken care of, I need to stay here and help out with a few things."

Biting her lower lip, she hooked her arms around his neck. "That means that you are going to be very tired after all the hard work so—" Running her finger through his chest, she added, "Why don't I give you a nice special massage when you come to my room."

"Hmm sounds like a great plan, I love massages."

Tiptoeing, she smiled and threaded her fingers at the back of his hair. "I am sure that you will." Without waiting for his reply, she lightly pressed her lips against his.

Just then a car stopped right in front of them.

Panicked and shocked, the two of them quickly ducked down.

"Oh God, who is that?" Somi whispered.

"I have no idea honey, do you think they saw us?"

Slowly lifting her head, she tried to peep and check who it was. She frowned when she saw Misan and Seojun walking towards the back of the back of the mansion hand in hand.

"I-It's brother Seojun," she answered.

"Oh, is he alone?"

"Yes," she reluctantly lied, she didn't want him to freak out unnecessarily.

Just then Hwan's phone started ringing. Taking out from his pocket, he sighed, "It's work, I forgot that I had to sign an important document back in my office."

With curiosity and anxiousness to find out what was happening there was killing her, she quickly gave him a peck in his lips and tried to send him away as soon as she could. "Alright, drive safe and give me a call when you reach there."

Caressing her cheeks, he answered, "I'll be back soon."

When she smiled and nodded her head, he hopped into his car and drove away.

After making sure that he was out of sight, she rushed towards the direction where Seojun and Misan had gone.


Behind the mansion.

Hiding behind a tree, Somi widened her eyes in shock and covered her mouth to stop herself from making any sound.

With his arms wrapped around her waist, Seojun had a huge frown on his face while Misan was pulling cheeks, trying to convince him over something.

"You are just overthinking," Misan chuckled.

Seojun vigorously shook his head and answered, "No I am not, your dad had serious plans of torturing me."

"Why on earth will dad torture anyone? In fact, no one knows about us so we are safe," she explained.

"How sure are you that uncle Yoongi will not kill me when he finds out?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Misan answered, "Well, I can't say that he won't react at all, I mean he is my father and considering the fact that he is a bit possessive about me, I expect him to overreact a bit." When Seojun scrunched his brows, she quickly added, "But there is nothing to worry about because we have mom to control him."

When he sighed and helplessly shook his head, Misan tiptoed and pressed her lips against his. "I love you."

When the two of them started kissing, Somi silently groaned and rolled her eyes. She always had this feeling that Misan was keeping something away from everyone but she shrugged it away thinking that maybe it was her guilt of keeping things away from Misan making her think that way. But who would've thought that her feeling wasn't wrong.

Not wanting to see them turn wild and make things awkward, she was about to leave when she felt something land on her head. Thinking that it's some kind of insect, she screamed her lungs out and blew her cover.

When Misan saw her, she widened her eyes in shock and quickly pulled away.

Quickly approaching them, Somi yelled, "There is something on my head I—"

Removing the leaf that was stuck on her hair, Seojun answered, "Relax, it's just a leaf."

Breathing a sigh of relief, she quickly tied her hair into a messy bun. "Ahh, I-I actually knew that it was a leaf but anyway, I'll get going now."

"Somi wait," Misan called her out before rushing after her.


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