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TW: Shipping off to War

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TW: Shipping off to War.

[Get You The Moon - Kina]
1:40 ─〇───── 2:13
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

Beverly's POV

The slow rise and fall under my head wake me up, the sunlight seeping through the blinds and scorching my eyes. Opening my eyes, I see the disarray around me. Clothes are scattered all around the floor, and two mugs of coffee are on the table, now cold and old. Underneath my head is the naked chest of Bucky, him deep in sleep and snoring softly. We lie on the couch, not having moved after last night.

We had talked until the moon fell, the sun arising and warning us of the last remaining hours we had together. We said we would stay up until then, wanting to spend every waking hour together, but our activities of that day tired us out enough that when our heads hit the pillows of the couch, we fell asleep together.

I look up at his face, memorizing the small imperfect marks and scars over his face. He has small amounts of freckles scattered around his nose and under his eyes, a blanket of dots. The tip of his nose has small crinkle lines from where he crinkles his nose when he doesn't like something. His lips are in a permanent pouty position, their plump and soft nature making it almost impossible not to reach over and kiss them.

The longer I look at his face, the more he moves, probably subconsciously feeling my eyes on him. His eyes move under his eyelids before opening fully, finding my blue orbs. His face breaks out in a smile, his hand reaching up and stroking my cheek. As quickly as it came, his smile falls, fastly becoming a frown.

"What's wrong?" I worry.

"I have to go soon." He realizes.

I had completely forgotten that he was due to leave me soon. The time we spent together was a beautiful distraction from the horrors that are sure to occur. I grab his hand from my cheek, kissing the palm and smiling up at him.

"Then, I need to get you ready, soldier." I joke.

"Yes, mam." He plays along.

I look over at the clock on the wall, growing at the time. We barely have over an hour until he has to be at the train station. Getting off the couch, I grab my bra and panties and put them back on. I throw his uniform off the floor, but he doesn't move. He sits on the edge of the couch, looking down at his feet. I crouch in front of him, picking up his chin with my finger and making him look at me. He smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. Pulling his face by his chin, I press my lips to his, kissing him passionately. He reciprocates, pulling my body into his.

"Hey, look at me." I pull from the kiss. "We will see each other again, okay?"

"But when will that be?" He stammers.

"Honestly, I don't know. But, what I do know is that you will come back to me. You are a fighter, Bucky. You always have been."

He pulls me into a hug, his head pushed into my neck and taking in my scent. I smell like roses, coconut, and sex. He smells of pinewood, strong cologne, and a small picture of me, it probably rubbing on his last night. Pulling from the hug, I put my dress back on, watching him slowly get changed into his uniform. Even if I hate that he has to wear it, I have to admit, he looks good in it. I walk over to the kitchen, grab two bowls from the cabinet and look around for any food we can have before we have to leave. With the cabin not in use for so long, there is only a few spare packets of oatmeal in the back of the cabinet. It looks old but it is still in date. It's not exactly a meal you cook your lover the morning after sex, but it will have to do for now.

I add water from the tap, mixing the two together in their individual bowls and placing them on the dining table. Bucky walks over, takes one of the chairs and picks up a bowl, spooning the food into his mouth. We eat together in silence, masking up any last minutes we have together. We don't need to say anything together, our hands touching as we eat says enough. Unfortunately, with the small portions we had, the food doesn't last long, meaning we have to leave soon.

I stand from the table, placing the dishes in the sink. I'll come back for those after. I'll probably have to wash the couch and everything on it. Bucky stands behind me, pulling me into a hug from behind and placing his chin on my shoulder. I stop moving, feeling his skin against mine. I don't know how long it will be until I feel that again. I lean my head on his chest, giving him access to my neck. He kisses the nape of my neck, getting one last smell of my perfume.

he walks away from my body, grabbing me by my hand and towards the front door. All the candles are blown out and the keys are in my hand as we walk out of the cabin, our hands not realising the others. Walking through the woods, the sunlight seeps through the leaves, forming a pathway towards the train station. We walk through the city, seeing the aftermath of the Expo from last night. There are small confetti pieces on the floor, the car has been driven off stage and it is all empty now. Even the recruitment centre looks distraught. I honestly expected Steve to still be there, trying to find a way to get on the train with Bucky.

The train station is packed with men in their uniforms, their wives and children waving goodbye. Some have brought bigger amounts of people, their mothers and siblings saying goodbye. Bucky stops in front of the line of men, pulling me closer to him. I look up at his face, locking his expression in memory. For a split second, he looks relieved as he watches my face.

I pull Bucky into a hug, my arms wrapped around his neck as small tears slip down my cheeks. I sniff into his uniform, trying not to make it obvious that I am crying. Noticing it, he pulls my face to look up at him, his finger whipping away the stray tears.

"I promise to write to you as much as I can, doll."

"You promise?" I demand.

"I would write to you every day if I could." He chuckles.

I slip my arms from his neck and down to his waist, my hands pressed against his chest. I look at the uniform, seeing his name sewn into the material. Even if I don't show it, I am extremely proud of him. He has come far from the boy who stood up for me and Steve at recess.

"Can you promise me something else?" I ask.

"Of course, doll. What is it?"

"Promise me you will come back to me." I look up at him with teary eyes.

"Doll-" He sighs.

"No, Bucky. I need you to promise me this. I know I said that you would come back, but honestly, I don't know anything about all of this. I just need you to come back to me. I need you to come back to Steve, to Rebecca, to your Mom." I start to ramble.

"Okay." He pulls my face to his chest, silencing my cries.

"You have to promise me this, Bucky." I plead.

"Doll, I can't promise that I will come back. But, I can promise that I will try everything in my power to come back to you. I can't lose you, Bevvy."

He reaches down, pulling my chin up and kissing me softly. I don't care who sees me, I push my body closer to his, feeling the softness of his lips against mine. I hug the top of his body, getting further into the kiss and moaning softly at the passion it excludes. He pulls from my body, still holding my face firmly.

"I can't lose you either," I whisper against his lips.

Even though I know I feel it, I can't say that I love him. For now, that will be enough. I just hope that he understood me and that it didn't scare him off. From the small smile on his face, I'd say that I was safe. he pulls from my body, our hands not letting go until our arms are stretched and he starts walking away. I watch him board the train, followed by other young men. He sits on a window seat, looking out of it and smiling at me. I wave him goodbye just as the train starts. He waves back, the train moving far away, leaving a cloud of smoke in its wake.


𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐘𝐌𝐈𝐀² - 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ♥︎ 𝘑. 𝘉. 𝘉Where stories live. Discover now