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AN: There is no trigger warning for this chapter, but it is important in the main plot

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AN: There is no trigger warning for this chapter, but it is important in the main plot.

[Believer - Imagine Dragons]
1:40 ─〇───── 2:13
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

Beverly's POV

Bright lights shine through the living room windows, even in the daylight, they are still seen from inside the house. It pulls up outside my house, stopping on the street in front of the door. The windows are tainted, the driver hidden behind the glass. It eerily watches the house, waiting for me to enter inside. I stand from the couch, pull my coat over my body and walk over to the front door. Before opening it, I take a deep breath, calming myself down.

I exit the house, locking the door behind me and entering the back passenger door. The cushions are soft yet plump, black and leathered. The car looks even more luxurious on the inside, the entirety of it designed with soft, black materials. The driver sits in the front of the car, a small window separating us. When I strap myself in by the seatbelt, he starts the engine, driving away from my house.

The streets are blurred and tinted through the windows, the car passing through the town quickly. The autumn breeze is soft outside, and the orange leaves are scattered all over the ground. The tree trunks are naked, all the leaves blowing in the wind and blanketing the streets. Quickly, the car passes the park, getting deeper into the city. We pass the large building - bank, library, and grocery store. The buildings get smaller, and businesses owned by townspeople arrive. He stops the car outside a bookstore, small and cosy on the outside.

He exits the car, motioning for me to do the same. I do, closing the door and following him into the store. The walls are stacked with bookshelves, heavy with books and dust. The colour of the room is dark brown, academic aesthetic all around me. A Clark worker stands behind the front desk, glasses parked on the edge of her nose. She looks up at us, smiling at the driver.

"Wonderful day for this kind of weather." She speaks.

"Yes, but I always carry an umbrella" The driver responds.

She smirks, pushing a button on the side of the cashier's box. A loud clicking sound echoes through the wall, running through the ceilings. A bookshelf shifts, moving across the wall and revealing an open doorway. The secret passageway is small but big enough for us to pass through quickly. The driver guides me through the door, the bookshelf quickly shutting behind us.

The room behind the door is huge, the walls metal and designed with the same logo as the driver's uniform. Agents rush around the place, frantically running around and trying to keep up with each other. Knowing where to go, the driver takes me through the room, passing huge crowds of people. He walks through a narrow hallway, with double doors at the end, large and wooden. He knocks on the doors, them instantly opening and revealing an office space. The driver leaves me in the office, shutting the doors behind him.

"Beverly Stark, nice to meet you." A man stands from his seat, shaking my hand.

"Hello." I read the tag on his uniform. "Director."

"I've heard a lot about you. Agent Carter has told me about you defending yourself the other night, and from what I heard, you would be a great addition to our organisation."

"Oh, thank you, sir." I smile.

"You will be training with Agent Carter regularly, getting ready to be mission ready. We are hoping you will be fit enough to fight with us soon."

Peggy stands beside the Director, smiling at me. The Director looks over to her, motioning her to guide me out of the office. She stands from leaning on the desk, uncrossing her arms. She ushers me out of the doors, leading me to the end of the hallway. She gives me a tour, showing me the gym, canteen, and locker rooms. I see the training rooms, where you can throw knives, shoot guns, de-code encrypted documents on a computer, and fight other members. We greet more agents, them all being familiar with Peggy. She excludes confidence, always having control over the conversations.

At the end of the tour, she stands by the secret entrance, waiting for the door to open. Just before she goes to leave, she stops me from moving, grabbing my shoulder and smiling down at me.

"Next time you are here, we will begin training."

"Okay." I smile."

"Oh." She looks behind me. "Wait here."

She runs off behind me, stopping a man in a long white coat in the middle of the crowded room. The man looks happy to see her, him holding a large yellow envelope in his hands. From where I am standing, I can see a big red stamp on the front of the envelope labelled 'Confidential'. Peggy leads him over to me, motioning to me as she continues to speak.

"Doctor Erskine, this is her. Beverly, this is Doctor Erskine. He is the brains behind so many experiments here." She introduces.

"Beverly, it is lovely to meet you." He shakes my hand.

"You too, sir."

"Oh no, please call me doctor. Or Abraham."

"Okay, Abraham. It is nice to meet you too."

His obvious brain and stance eerily remind me of Howard, making me feel more comfortable around him instantly. Even his smile looks like Howard's, a slight smirk but harmless. He lets go of my hand, clenching the envelope in his hands.

"Well, I'm sorry to leave you so soon, but I have places I have to urgently be." He frowns.

"I hope to see you again, Doctor."

"I do too." He walks away.

Peggy guides me towards the door, smiling at the previous conversation. She obviously noticed my easiness with the Doctor, seeing how I am slowly becoming comfortable around here. The door opens, revealing the bookstore again. Just before I walk through, Peggy grabs my arm, smiling at me one last time.

"I think we will be seeing each other very soon, am I right?" She smirks.

"Yes, Peggy. I really think I can make something of myself here."

"Now, that I am sure of." She smiles at me.

Sorry if this chapter was a little boring, I just needed to get it out. The plot is slowly getting more interesting, and very soon, you will be seeing the Beverly I have grown to love writing.

𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐘𝐌𝐈𝐀² - 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ♥︎ 𝘑. 𝘉. 𝘉Where stories live. Discover now