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AN: There is no trigger warning for this chapter

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AN: There is no trigger warning for this chapter.

[Main Attraction - Jeremy Renner]
1:40 ─〇───── 2:13
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

Beverly's POV

I follow her orders, punching her hands as she shouts out my next moves. Peggy has her game face on, seriously training me on how to successfully take down an enemy. We circle around each other in the ring, constantly throwing punches and kicks, trying to knock the other down. I've got a few hits on Peggy, but she has most of the control here.

The loud creaking noise of the door slightly knocks my focus, gaining my attention momentarily. I force myself to continue focusing on Peggy, wanting so badly to turn my head and see who entered the room. Continuing to watch Peggy carefully, I ignore the slow footsteps getting closer to the boxing ring. They suddenly stop, standing beside the ring.

I throw myself at Peggy, throwing caution to the wind and hoping that I can knock her on her ass. She looks shocked, but quickly gains back her confidence, watching my next moves quickly. I swing my body over her shoulders, sitting behind her neck. I wrap my legs around her throat, applying pressure slightly and getting a strong hold on her. I push my body forward, and both of us fall onto the floor. I roll off her, seeing that she is still lying on her chest, shocked at the sudden movement. I stand beside her head, looking down at her with a proud smile on my face. Suddenly, she grabs my ankle, pulling me onto my back. I groan beside her as she sits on my chest, holding my hands above my head and keeping me in my defeated position.

A slow clapping comes from besides the ring, the sound echoes through the empty room. I turn my head from looking up at Peggy, seeing the doctor standing with a wide smile on his face, him stopping clapping and his arms crossed over his chest.

"That was impressive, Beverly. You were able to momentarily knock down a professional agent with only a month's worth of training." He beams. "Agent Carter was right, you can really become something, Beverly."

"Thank you, Abraham." I breathe through my nose.

Peggy stands from my chest, pulling me up to my feet. I start unwrapping my hands, whipping the sweat off my forehead with my arm. Peggy grabs two water bottles, handing me one and chugging her own. We both step out of the ring, Peggy holding the rope up for me as I step under it.

"You can take a break, Bev. You've earned it." Peggy catches her breath.


I walk over to my bag, sit beside it on the bench and grab my towel. I dab the wet skin, cleaning up the horrible smell of my workout. Abraham strolls over to me, sits beside me on the bench and places his hands on his knees.

"You are making amazing progress here. It's fascinating to watch you learn, you are very smart, Beverly." He admires.

"Thanks, but, uh, you're giving me too much credit. Peggy is the one who's doing it all."

"No, she's done all her work. She was just like you remember, learning to be an agent. Now, she's teaching you. You are the one who has made all this progress, Beverly, and no one else."

"I want this so badly. I need people to see that I'm not weak and fragile. Just because I'm a woman, doesn't mean I can't fight like all the other men are." I admit.

"And you are doing just that. Soon enough, you will be stronger than most men fighting in the war. You are almost there, Beverly, just keep going." He beams.

"I will, Abraham. Thank you."

"For what?"

"For seeing how hard I am trying. Sometimes, even I don't see it."

"It shows. You are already better than trainees that have been here for 4 months."



I smile over at him, happy at how he is treating me. He's old enough to be my father and is wise enough to be one. He reminds me of a father, mature and loving. In the small amount of time I have known him, and the smaller amount of times we have talked, I can already see him as a very influential figure in my life. He has shown me that I have strength deep down within me, and through what I am doing, I can bring it to the surface. And not just in fighting, but in brains and confidence too.

"Abraham, can I ask? You aren't an agent, but a doctor. But this is a community of Agents. What do you actually do here?" I ask.

"As a doctor of Science, I do experiments. In fact, I'm currently trying to start an experiment. SHIELD funds all my experiments and helps with equipment and space."

"What are you wanting to do?"

"Well, I am trying to help the country win the war. I will build a superhuman that can have all abilities to fight like a warrior, only bigger and better."

He goes on to explain how he will change the cells in the body, making them different to the natural human body. He tells me how the bloodstream, the cells, and the entire body structure will be different and will make them stronger, faster, and more cautious of their senses. I nod my head as he speaks, seeming to understand every word, but in fact, it goes over my head. I don't understand a single word he is saying, science not being my speciality. Bucky would have understood him. He is a science nerd and would adore every word that came out of Abraham's mouth.

"Wow, you seem to know everything about science. That's good that you want to help win the war." I comment.

"Thank you, that means a lot to me. In fact, your brother has helped me a few times."

"Really? He doesn't bother telling me anything about his work anymore. He knows I won't understand any of it." I laugh.

"Well, he does have a way with words. Sometimes he even confuses me."

We laugh together, feeling instantly comfortable with each other. He is more of a father to me than my actual father. He cares about my well-being, is one of my biggest supporters with my training, and values my opinion. He respects me and cares about me. That is what a father should be to his daughter.

"Bev, time's up! Back to training." Peggy orders from the ring.

"On it," I call back.

I stand from the bench, placing my empty water bottle and towel on top of my bag. Abraham sits still on the bench, watching me as I prepare to continue fighting. I re-wrap my hands, getting ready for whatever hardships Peggy is going to put me through in the next hour.

"Thanks for the encouragement, Abraham. I really needed it." I smile.

"Glad I could help, Beverly. It's important for you to see how important and strong you truly are."

"It was nice to speak to you again."

"You too." He beams.

I turn on my heels, walking back over to the ring. Peggy jumps on her feet, hyping herself up. I turn my head slightly, seeing that Abraham is still sitting on the bench. He observes as I stand in the ring, Peggy and I starting to train again. He stays and watches for the entire hour, smiling as I get closer and closer to beating Peggy. Even if I didn't win the fight, he is still my cheerleader, cheering on me every time I get a hit on her.


𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐘𝐌𝐈𝐀² - 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ♥︎ 𝘑. 𝘉. 𝘉Where stories live. Discover now