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TW: Kidnapping, torture, and nonconsensual experiments

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TW: Kidnapping, torture, and nonconsensual experiments.

[Black Out Days - Phantogram]
1:40 ─〇───── 2:13
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

Beverly's POV

My body is moving down a hallway, my feet not moving as I do. Scanning down at my legs, they have dragged down a concrete floor, a long blood trail on the ground as I progress. My entire body feels numb, so I don't feel the set of hands on both of my arms, guiding me through the unknown location. Hanging off the hairs of my eyebrows and eyelashes, a single blood drop stands, trickling from my forehead.

Looking back down at my body, I see that I am still wearing my uniform from the train, which is now caked in dried blood and snow. The skin-cutting cold air is keeping the snow solidified, sticking to my body. The concrete floor is stained with my trail of blood, snow, and unknown mud.

Dragging me through a door, I am placed in a chair. I have no energy in my body to fight, and I can't feel a single cell in my body. A doctor in a long, white coat stalks over to me, his smile covered by a surgical mask. He raises his hand, a single syringe in his gloved hand. He reaches down to my body, pulling my sleeve up and resting it on my shoulder. Sticking the needle in my arm, I don't feel any of it. But, I do scrunch my face, knowing that it is in there making me squirm. The liquid swarms in my body quickly, instantly making me feel even more numb than I already was before.

The door is slammed against the wall, and a few more guards storm into the room. Another guard begins strapping me to the chair, my head slipping closer to my lap. The group of guards begin preparing the other chair in front of me, it was identical to mine. A lifeless body is thrown into it, slumped forward and groaning. I lift my head as best as I can, getting a better look at the body. The legs are muscular, stuffed in trousers and prominently show the definition of the muscles. The hair is brown, sweat and blood ridden, and falling in front of the face. They lift their face, looking directly at me. The blue eyes burrow into mine, a sense of home washing over me.

"What? What is happening?" I scream out, looking directly at Bucky.

I scan his body, seeing he looks as exhausted as I feel. He looks bruised, bloody, wet, and broken. His left arm sleeve is swinging as his body moves slightly, the material looking thin and empty. It looks completely different to his other arm, it being a direct comparison. Following my gaze, he looks at his arm, frowning at the sight. He looks back at me, a single tear falling down his cheek.

"Bevvy, I need you to stay strong for me, okay?" He groans.

I nod my head at him, tears beginning to form in the corners of my eyes. I swallow them back, pushing the lump in my throat down to my stomach. A few guards start strapping Bucky down to the chair, placing wires all over his body. Others do the same to me, there still being no feeling in my body. We are both pushed back into the chairs, a helmet placed over our heads.

The doctor presses a button by the control station and a swerve of electricity storms the inside of my head. It travels down my body, numbing the inside as well as the outside. A scream elects from my throat, bouncing off the walls. Another scream matches my own, coming from in front of me. A burning sensation begins spreading to my brain, pulling a few memories from the muscle.


The cold metal of the table underneath me is the least of my problems as electricity swarms my entire body. I continuously jolt uncontrollably, my veins popping out of my skin. The smell of burnt flesh swarms my nose, me not being sure if it is from me or the previous body on the table. The burning of the electricity feels like fire in every vein and cell of my body.

The doctor stands beside me as the wires pass the electricity through my body. With a clipboard in his hand, he notes down on the paper, writing down every time my body reacts to the electricity. He keeps adding wires, injections, and jells to my body, noting down after he does.

The pain becomes unbearable, my body uncontrollably thrashing against the restraints. I close my eyes, the tears swimming over my eyelids, falling down the side of my cheek. Screams uncontrollably fall from my lips, breaking my eardrums and everyone around me.


The white walls around me cushion me inside, the only opening is a window, which is pitch black behind it. The speaker from the corner of the ceiling booms in my ear, occasionally a voice spilling from it to give me instructions. I still don't know if I should fight them or not. The only decoration on the walls is a sign, detailing the fireproof walls inside the room.

"Use your powers!" A man instructs through the speaker.

"I can't!" I cry out.

"Fine then. I guess you'll need a little bit of motivation." I can hear the wicked smile on his face.

A light flickers through the window, slightly illuminating the dark room. The walls are concrete, grimy and stained. It is dark and muddy, a shadow in the middle of the room. Chains hang from the ceiling in the centre, a body being held up by them. The body looks drained of human life and soul, it barely being considered a human anymore.

It raises its head, the eyes looking through at the window. The eyes are a deep blue, owned by a face I can still recognise. Bucky looks exhausted, in pain, and pale. His wrists are held above his head, holding his entire body upwards. Someone walks through the door, shutting all lights out of the room. With a rope in his hand, he tears off Bucky's shirt, aiming for his bare back. he recoils the rope, whipping Bucky on his skin. He breaks out in a throaty scream, his body slumping forward.

"No! Stop! Please, please. Stop!" I beg.

"Only when you use your powers, Morana." They demand.

"I can't! I don't know how!"

My eyes are trained on Bucky, seeing the pained expression on his face. He keeps looking all over the window, it clearly being a one-sided one. As my eyes travel to the torturer, anger builds in my body. He has a smile on his face, clearly enjoying every ounce of this. My breathing stiffens, I clench my fists, and my face goes red.

A burning sensation swims in my body, exploding as I scream. Fire swarms all around the room, burning the white walls. Quickly, smoke fills the room, making it hard to see past the flames and black air. My body burns at the feeling of the fire erupting from me.

I drop to the ground from exhaustion, my eyes barely being able to stay open. My head hits the floor hard, a ringing storming my ears. Just before the concussion and exhaustion take over my body, I look over to the window one last time. I see a glimpse of Bucky's body being dragged over to the door before the lights flicker off, the darkness swarming the room.


A doctor treats my wounds by using my powers and applying creams and gels to my body. He doesn't speak to me, instead watching as my body heals up with a smirk on his face. I groan from the ache in my bones, turning my head at the sound of a door creaking open. Another doctor walks into the room, holding a clipboard and a smile on his face. He stops in front of me, leaning down to hover over my face.

"Well, Morana. You have done some excellent work today." He beams. "Now, let us look over what new information we have learnt from the experiments. You have gained new abilities. Gifts even. We can now confidently say that you can use Geokinesis, Mind Control, and Telepathy."

Hi. Sorry, it took a while to get another chapter out, but recently a family member very close to me passed away and we have been preparing for the funeral. I am now ready to get back to writing and have some ideas for the rest of the book.

𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐘𝐌𝐈𝐀² - 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ♥︎ 𝘑. 𝘉. 𝘉Where stories live. Discover now