Chapter 8. Planned Escape

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Platonic (adj)


Love or friendship that is intimate but not sexual

Cherie's POV

All the snow has finally melted and warm air has come to kiss our skin.

I've missed this weather so much! It still gets cool at night but during the day, it's warm.

The birds have finally returned! I love to hear their song early in the morning when I wake up, it's a wonderful melody. Bees buzz by, adding to the beauty as they pollinate the growing flowers.

The dead has left and life has returned!

Delroy and I haven't established much. I like him, I really do. But I don't know if it's purely platonic or if it could grow to be something more.

I've tried to become more sexually involved with him, but it's like that little voice in the back of my head talks me out of it every time. It's so confusing because he's handsome and very gentlemanly. Most girls pray for a man like him, I suppose I did too.

Maybe something is wrong with me.

I step into the tavern with the girls and we sit at our usual seat.

Sachi orders us wine with bread and cheese while Keely orders an ale, liking it more than wine. Ale is so bitter and yuck.

"I'm so happy we don't have to freeze anymore." Keely fakes having chills for effect.

I giggle and nod, "yeah, winter is brutal."

The worker returns with the bread, cheese, wine, and ale all on one wooden board. It must be heavy.

Steam emits from the bread basket, creating heavenly smells to waft into my nose. I love bread, it's God's gift.

"I've been thinking for a while now-" I begin.

"Whoa, hold up. You've been thinking?" Sachi gasps, making Keely and I laugh.

"Yes." I steal the piece of bread she was eating.

They both look at each other then back at me.

"I know a way to get past the walls." I whisper as quietly as I can.

Keely freezes as Sachi's face pales. At least it's good to know they were listening.

"What are you talking about?" Sachi leans in with an aggressive whisper and worry lines displayed on her forehead.

"I'm going to go out there, tonight."

Keely open and closes her mouth, wanting to say something but she can't find the words.

"No! Are you insane?" Sachi presses.


"I just have to know. You can't say you know for sure that the other side is Hell." I explain my reasoning.

Sachi's head shakes, "do you not trust what God has said?"

Keely looks downs her whole cup of ale, "how do you know God said it. Did he tell you specifically?" She mocks Sachi's faith.

I don't like when Keely does that, but I think her life has just been so rough that even the thought of God being real angers her because if he were then she'd have to ask where he was while she was being abused.

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