Chapter 9. Small Boy

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Woodnote (noun)

A natural musical sound, like birdsong in the forest

Cherie's POV

My vision becomes blurry as I make it to the barrels. I swear my heart can be seen thumping out of my chest. As I kneel down to the hole, I wonder if my heart is as loud as I think it is. I can hear it beating so harshly into my ear.

I calculate how I'm going to fit through, not sure if I should go feet first, arms first, or head first.

Slowly reaching out my arms, I slide them into the hole. I feel around, noticing the soggy dirt and thin sticks that cover the ground.

It feels the same as the ground inside the walls.

I don't feel anything scary, evil isn't grabbing me and pulling me in so it must be safer than my mind is making me think.

My legs flatten against the ground along with my stomach. I'll slide through arms first.

I wiggle my hips, slowly inching myself forward until I feel a tug.

My dress catches on a sharp piece of worn out metal. I try to let it loose, but it ends up getting latched deeper into the metal.

"For mercy's sake." I whisper as I pause for a breather.

A cool breeze hits my hands, reminding me that I'm right there, I'm almost at the finish line. I just need to cross it.

I can do this. I think to myself.

My knees slide upwards one after another. The tug straining my dress gets tighter and tighter before I hear a crisp rip.

Instead of stopping to inspect, I push myself through the hole and quickly bring myself to sit on my knees.

A jagged rip from my bust to the end of my dress exposes me, making me cover my lady bits from any prying eyes.

With eyes examining the outside, I notice nobody. It's full of trees and greenery that has been darkened by the night. The only source of light is the brightness of the moon casting its blueish rays of soft light onto the wilderness.

The vast beauty keeps me in awe, my eyes welt up with burning tears from forgetting to blink for so long.

I lean back against the wall, smiling so hard that my cheeks ache.

Another breeze filters through the tall trees. The leaves rustle together, making a calming sound that I've always loved.

Even the air feels different out here. It's crisp and smells of fresh earth and flowers. The dirt feels thicker, somehow richer than the soil inside the kingdom.

I crawl closer to a tree, sitting against it's bark and looking at everything with stars in my eyes.

God has blessed me with this gift.

Instead of wasting it, I get my butt off the ground and begin to explore, leaving my ripped up dress on the ground for when I return. It's annoying to have to hold it closed for however long I decide to stay out here.

The cool breeze forces me to suck in my stomach for a hopeful moment of warmth. The only protection I have against the elements are my panties and the sorry excuse I wear for shoes. I've had them for a few years but other than the shoes I wore to my wedding, they are the only pair I have. They are worn out and old with a few holes supporting the leather bottom.

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