Chapter 38. Wilder Than Wild

122 10 3

Nesh (adj)

Soft; tender; delicate

Cherie's POV

My muscles ache. My whole body feels like it's been ran over by a horse.

Training ended a few hours ago, I don't understand why or how I'm this sore already. Usually it would at least take a day to settle in.

I'm worried about how bad it'll be tomorrow.

Wilder strolls into the room I'm in, which happens to be Zuko's room. I think Zuko is out hunting for dinner tonight with Bakkhos and Rabiah. I would've gone too if it weren't for deep pain I feel.

"Were you worked too hard, love?" Wilder smiles as he asks.

I nod, accepting that I'm weak, "so much pain," I admit.

I don't want to move, I can't move.

"Let me help," he states as he sits on the end of the bed, "roll over onto your belly."

Even though I quietly hiss in pain, I make it to my belly and melt my face into the straw pillow.

Wilder positions himself on top of me. I can tell he's keeping most of his weight off of me so he doesn't hurt me further.

"Where does it hurt?"

"Yes," I reply. All of it, everything, even my nails hurt.

He laughs as he moves my curly hair out of the way.

Warm hands touch the back of my shoulder. This dress was made by one of the nice women here. King Cassius and Queen Sarris wouldn't stand for a dress that didn't modestly cover my arms. The entirety of my shoulders are showing other than the thin straps of cloth holding the dress onto my body.

His fingertips press in, it hurts for a moment before I find a little relief.

I sink in to the feeling. The pressure feels amazing.

"Damn, love. I have to stretch these muscles out. You're so tense."

I sigh, not wanting to talk but also wanting to acknowledge that he's said something.

His hands dip lower, all the way to my lower back and they massage their way all the way back up to my shoulders as they tenderly dig into the muscles.

My eyes become a little heavy as I find comfort in his actions.

My back pops a few times while he massages it.

Once my back feels a ton better, he moves to my arms. Gently squeezing and rubbing the skin.

"You're so soft," he whispers lowly.

I smile at his words. I love getting compliments, even if they are simple ones like that.

When my arms are loose, he moves to my legs, which is the sorest part of my body. It's horribly painful to move them.

I hiss as he digs into my calves; it hurts so good.

As he moves up, my brain goes to an unholy place.

All the naked people and people having sex around me must be rotting my thoughts.

I think back to when I was training...the man touching that woman while making direct eye contact with me. I found it odd at the time but now I just want to feel what she felt. Pleasure.

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