Chapter 17. Guilty Sin

213 15 6

Adust (adj)

Burned or scorched

Cherie's POV

Bakkhos and Zuko both couldn't stop staring when Rabiah and I walked back to her house. Even a few people on the way there gawked at me. It made me feel a little naked. After all, I never wear clothing this revealing. To be honest though, it's kind of freeing.

I follow along the dirt trail with the group. It's weird that there isn't a trail to their camp but there is one to the river.

"Do you get to come out every day?" I ask anyone who's listening.

Bakkhos chuckles, "no rules for us, peach."

Warmth wraps around my body at y nickname. I don't know what peach means, but it sounds good coming off his lips.

"Well, there is one rule." Rabiah explains, holding up a single finger.

She jumps on Bakkhos' back and wraps her legs around his torso with her arms locked around his neck, "whoever loses does laundry!"

I step back and cease my movements as Bakkhos flips her onto the dirt with a thud. He reaches for one of her arms but she thinks quick and coils her arms through his left side, effectively freeing herself. Once they are both standing again, their knees are slightly bent and their hands already are covered in dirt.

"Why are they fighting?" I ask Zuko, hoping he will jump in and stop it.

He shakes his head, "they aren't." He simply states as he doesn't take his eyes off of them.

I've only seen the King's guards do something similar to train like this. Including dad. On training days, he'd come home sweaty and covered in dirt. It always worried momma but he always explained that they had to learn so any weapon formed against them wouldn't prosper.

Bakkhos and Rabiah continue to roll around on the ground until Bakkhos gets her into the same position as before. But he sees her next move coming, she tries to snake her way past him but he blocks her off before she can attempt it further. He grabs her wrists and pins her down. She's laughing so I'm not worried about him hurting her.

"I win." He states. He lets her go and helps her back up.

"You got lucky." She childishly sticks her tongue out at him. I can't help but think about Amias and how much I miss him.

"Have you never wrestled?" Zuko questions to which I shake my head.

It looks unladylike.

Zuko bends his knees and looks me directly in the eyes. His black orbs taunt me, "try it."

I nervously laugh, "I rather not. I'd have no idea what I'm doing."

Although it seems like something a lady shouldn't be doing, Rabiah had a smile on her face the whole time, like it was enjoyable. Zuko said they weren't fighting so it must've been for sport.

"He'll go easy on you." Rabiah encourages. She approaches me and sets her hands on my shoulders, gently pushing me into a crouching position, "you're smaller, so being closer to the ground will make it harder for him to stagger you," her loose black hair brushes against my shoulder and I can't help but notice how soft it is, "he's strong, so you have to think more tactical. Outsmart him." She finishes as she backs away.

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