Chapter 20. Trials And Tiaras

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Savvy (adj)

Well-informed and perceptive

Cherie's POV

Everyone goes silent as King Cassius' voice booms over us.

"Cherie." I hear my mom's voice whisper out.

I turn and see my family walking up to me.

Momma wraps me into a hug, flattening my hair with her hand.

Dad holds a sleeping brother, but he gives me a downcast smile while momma holds me.

Keely and I have been friends for a while. My parents knew she would sneak in, every time she was caught she was offered to stay for breakfast but she always left before dawn.

Dad greets Delroy, being careful not to wake Amias but I kiss the back of his head anyways, missing him.

I feel fingers wrap around my hand as we wait for everyone to find a place to stand. Delroy gives it a small squeeze.

I want nothing more than to just pull my hand away. Feeling the sweat build up makes me feel nauseous.

Sachi's husband comes into view, embracing her into a tight hug. She finally lets a tear loose as it slides down her round cheeks.

He whispers something in her ear, causing her to lightly smile before another tear falls.

They make me believe that I'm not in love with Delory, I just have love for him. But other times, I can't tell the difference.

The fear for Keely is on everyone I love's faces. Even dad looks worried which doesn't bring me comfort since he works closely with the King.

He may know something I don't.

King Cassius stands front and center wearing a teal satin top, supporting a pristine white fur. His top has gold embellishments from his collar to the end. His crown has always been extravagant, gold with blue gems; it's so beautiful.

Queen Sarris on the other hand wears a long white gown with a golden vest that pushes her breasts together. Her natural white hair waves down to her rib cage with braids helping her delicate golden crown stay in her hair.

Then there's Keely. She wears basically rags. Not her normal clothing. My heart aches as they make themselves seem so much higher than her. In reality, they are. They are higher than all of us, but they state it so bluntly it comes off as rude.

Why did they have to present her as a peasant? She didn't have much before, but she had more than rags!

My hand squeezes Delroy's, needing an outlet for the anger pumping through my veins.

They are trying to set her up for failure.

"I would like for everyone testifying to come forward and stand in cue." The King doesn't ask. His voice is and always has been demanding.

Dad hands Amias to momma, to which Delroy offers to hold him to take the burden of his sleeping body. It's quite sweet, Amias isn't as light as he used to be.

Dad follows behind me and then Sachi behind him.

I catch a glimpse of Keely to see her already looking at me with a clenched jaw and wet eyes.

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