Chapter 27. New Friends

168 17 4

Candescent (adj)

Glowing from great heat

Cherie's POV

I toss and turn all night.

He kissed me. I talk to myself as I touch my lips with the pads of my fingers. It felt like lightning was striking through my body.

When he pulled away and walked back towards camp, I was left baffled and wanting more.

I hated that I wanted more. Am I a monster? How could I openly just cheat on a man who cares so deeply for me? Perhaps I'm a victim myself. Bakkhos explained that arranged marriages were taboo to them, they've never heard of it and he said it was disturbing to know someone holds power over who you love for the rest of your life.

Guilt coddles me as I start to agree with his statement.

A tear falls from my eye, hitting the quilt under me. Bakkhos is fast asleep next to me. I can't even believe I'm sleeping next to him after he kissed me then walked away like nothing happened. It was rushed and hard but it was better than any kiss Delroy has ever given me.

I'm sorry Delroy. I don't wish to think bad of you. I squeeze my eyes shut as more tears spill out.

The shaking of my shoulders must've disturbed Bakkhos' sleep because I feel him sit up behind me.

"What's the matter, peach?"

I shake my head, "I don't want to speak of it," my voice cracks.

"Can I hold you then?" He asks without pressing me for more information.

When I don't respond, he easily pulls my back into his torso. His warmth makes the heat worse but I refuse to push him away. I hate to admit it but I just want to be held. My mind is being eaten alive by my own thoughts.

Maybe God is punishing me because I'm an adulterer who wants more. The guilt wants me to stop by my heart wants more.

"I don't know much about Abandale, but I know you probably miss home," Bakkhos whispers to not wake up Zuko.

Although that's not in the forefront of my thoughts, I do miss my family. I didn't exactly get to say goodbye.

"The Empress has knowledge most don't possess, you can ask her all the questions you'd like. She's never been stumped on a question." He tries to lighten my mood.

"She knows everything?"

Bakkhos hums, blowing warm are on the nape of my neck. Shivers run down my spine and my spine arches. I feel my bottom rub into him. His large hand clasps around my hip, scooting me a little off of him.

"Do you suppose she knows of God?" I try to further the conversation.

"Anything, peach."

I let out a breath that my guilt was having me hold.

Having his arms around me and his warmth engulfing me has actually helped my sanity not jump off the deep end.

Before I know it, I'm waking up to the smell of meat cooking and the two men talking among themselves by the fire.

I rub the sleep out of my eyes and stretch my limbs while laying down before I get off the quilt.

The candescent pot over the fire holds whatever smells so yummy. A small brown pelt sits on the ground next to the fire and another grey one right next to it. A pair of large ears and a pompom tail at the ends.

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