Chapter 25. Crooked King

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Myopic (adj)

Lacking foresight or scope

Sachi's POV

The girls have been gone for a while now.

So much has changed and they wouldn't believe what has happened.

Delroy was caught freeing Keely. He's been imprisoned since they've left.

I've gone to Malachi, Cherie's father, but he said that his hands are tied and he couldn't do anything even though he wants to.

Trying to visit Delroy is such a hassle, I must sneak past the guards every time since he's not allowed to have visitors. There will be no trial since he was caught and captured in the act. We all know he did it, there is no denying that.

He's been worried sick about Cherie, understandably. Her parents have even begged King Cassius to allow them to venture out to find her and bring her home but of course, he denied them.

Aimee, Cherie's mom, has been spiraling. Even taking care of her son has become something so difficult that she's left him in the care of Cynthia more often than usual. Poor Amias doesn't understand what's going on and Aimee doesn't want him to see her so upset.

I've known Cherie's parents since we were young, I often recognize them as my own family so seeing them so broken up hurts my soul.

All I can do is pray. Pray for them, Cherie, safety, protection, and for Delroy who is hopefully not facing death.

King Cassius has yet to determine if Delroy will ever be freed from prison but since his family has passed and his wife is seen as a traitor who's explored beyond the walls to become tainted, the likelihood of him allowing Delroy to be a free man is slim.

If it weren't for me, Delroy wouldn't have a soul fighting for him. My voice may be small, but one voice is better than silence.

A rough knock at my door pulls me out of my thoughts.

My husband is at work and since both of my friends are now gone, I just come straight home once I'm done looking after the horses.

I take a look through my window before opening the door to see who it is.


I open the door for Cherie's father and hold it open, inviting him in.

"I apologize for this, but King Cassius and Queen Sarris have some questions for you."

My eyebrows knit together, "alright, may I put my shoes on before going?"

I suddenly feel like being in Malachi's presence isn't a place I want to be. He's a good, loyal man. But he's loyal to the King.

After slipping on my shoes, I leave while walking next to Malachi.

It's odd to think about how long I've known him. While I was getting older, so was he. He now has small lines around his mouth when he speaks or gives me small, sympathetic smiles.

"May I ask you something?"

He nods as we walk towards the castle. The castle is on the other side of Abandale so it'll take a while until we get there.

"Why wouldn't you help Cherie when she was trying to save Keely?"

He takes a deep breath, "I may not always have her hand. But I'll always have her back. I didn't stop her from saving her, I just couldn't help the way she would've liked for me to. I knew she would've been successful, I raised my daughter to be smart. Wherever she is, is where God has called her to be and she's built to handle the pressure that comes with that calling."

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