Chapter 11. Bakkhos

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Zenith (noun)

Highest point

Cherie's POV

My eyes are forced open from being shook by strong hands.

It took me what felt like hours to fall asleep last night. I felt uncomfortable feeling his eye on me at all times. I don't think he slept at all, if he did, he can somehow sleep sitting up because I kept trying to check and see if I could make a run for it.

"You are a heavy sleeper." His voice is gruff, irritated but delicious at the same time.

What's wrong with you? You're married! Forgive me, God. Cleanse me from these impure thoughts.

He ignores my silence and pushes a small plate looking thing of meat towards me. Out here, all their food sits on wooden surfaces, at home, they sit on clay that has been fired to make strong.

I look at the food, it appears to be chunks of some sort of meat that has a slight char. It smells good, but I'm not fully confident that it's not a human.

"Eat." He pushes the plate more towards me, waiting for me to take it.

"W-what is it?" I ponder, slowly taking the plate from his hand. My eyes travel from the veins in his hand to the nakedness of his chest.

It's defined by muscle, even supporting this black design on his skin that shows a painting of sorts. His abdomen is full of muscles, even as he leans over, going back to his seat, they flex. My brain goes haywire, I feel as if I can't make thoughts.

"Hog," he states, offending me.

"I am not!" I gasp.

He furrows his eyebrows and points to the plate, "this is hog."


"Apologies, I lost my thoughts for a moment. I didn't mean to-"

"Eat." He cuts me off, supporting a devilish smile upon his lips.

With heat on my cheeks, I bite into the pork. I expected it to taste bland and burned but it didn't. It's seasoned with spices and herbs I've never tasted before! Some of the herbs are recognizable, like thyme, but the others are savoury and delicious! Even the char gives it a flavor that compliments all of the strange seasonings used.

I try my best to eat ladylike. Slowly and carefully so I don't bite my tongue or cheek.

I take this time to finally get a good look around the room. It's just as bare as I thought it was last night. There is only a bed, or what they call beds, a chair, and a wooden dresser for his clothes.

He isn't wearing much right now, I should complain but I don't really want to... but he is wearing linen pants and shoes that go up his calf, possibly for protection against the spiders and other creatures that crawl on the ground or perhaps maybe battles. He looks like he could slaughter people...

I eat as much as I can and huff from the fullness in my belly.

"Done?" He asks as he throws a shirt over his head.

My eyes can't help but watch his muscles move along with his actions.

"Yes. Thank you." I smile, handing him the plate when he turns back around.

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