Chapter 33. Gone Wilder

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Amok (Adv)

In a violently raging, wild, or uncontrolled manner.

Cherie's POV

All three of us follow Bakkhos. Keely seems to be super excited for what's about to happen.

Keely laughs and bounces around as we make it to Zuko's door.

"Open it already!" Keely exclaims, growing irritated with how long the process is taking.

Bakkhos reveals what is on the other side. It's a home full of people. Everyone of importance to Rabiah and I is in there except for the Empress. The smells of food mix together, creating a comforting smell of deliciousness.

"Ahh!" Mavis squeals, "they are here!"

She runs up to us and brings us in for a group hug. Rabiah groans as Mavis squeezes us tightly.

"Alright, alright, let me go," Rabiah laughs, seemingly not into physical affection. At least not from Mavis. Or maybe it's because Keely is around.

I take a deep breath, looking at all the people from the small town in one area is kind of overwhelming. It's all smiles and laughs but the noise is loud. There are so many sounds, smells, and visual stimulation going on that I haven't experienced in a long while.

Wilder is at the end of the home, leaning against the wall in all his glory. His finger curls, lulling me to go to him.

I simply oblige, holding my breath as I pass through the people who are eating food and talking among themselves.

I've already greeted people, Levi is the only person who I have yet to greet. Zuko engulfed me into a tight hug as well, I didn't completely expect that. It's was more of a protective hug than a 'I missed you' hug.

"You look a little pale, love. Come with me," Wilder suggests.

I nod and follow him into Zuko's room.

He sits at the edge of the bed and pulls my hips to stand in between his legs. With fingers grasping my hips, I continue to hold my breath. The warmth of his touch travels to places I'm not sure they should.

"Breathe, love. What's wrong?"

Aside from Wilder's usual playful side, he seems calm and sweet right now.

"I just felt a little trapped, that's all."

Wilder nods, "not a fan of crowds?"

With a shake of my head, he understands. He pulls me to sit on his lap as his arms wrap around my body.

I'm not usually opposed to large gatherings, it never really bothered me before but right now it feels like a lot. Maybe it's the sleep deprivation.

For some reason, I don't push him away. I find comfort in his actions.

His finger tips trickle down my spine, "we will go back out there whenever you're ready. Oh!" He remembers something that excites him, "Levi made his beef stew, you've got to try it, it's the best I've ever had."

I giggle, "I'll try it. He can cook?"

Wilder nods, "better than Zuko for sure. But don't tell Zuko I said that, he'll get all butt hurt."

I laugh thinking about a sensitive Zuko being upset about someone doing something better than him. A big, strong, scary man; pouting over something so small.

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