Chapter 1

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"Your highness, your new maid" the royal guard said and bowed to the person seated in front of you.

"You shall leave" the male said and showed him his hand as the royal guard nodded and left.

"Your name?" he asked as you parted your lips to speak "min y/n your highness" you said as he checked you out from head to toe with a straight face.

"You do know why you are here right?" he again asks "I am supposed to serve you and stay by your side the whole day"

Few days later
It's been a week now since you have been the king's maid. The more time you had to spend with him the more you found out how much of a jerk he was.

Kim Taehyung, the king of the Kim kingdom. Even though he was an arrogant jerk he had the looks and body of a greek god.

Head to toe he was perfect, every girl drooled over his perfect proportions but for him girls are the last priority obviously he got a whole kingdom to run.

Right now, you were standing in the courtroom beside Taehyung while he spoke with the ministers.

As they were done, Taehyung stood up and walked down while you followed him. He stopped in his tracks making you bump in his broad back, you slightly groaned and rubbed your forehead.

He turned around and shot you a death glare "can you even walk properly?" he sternly said as you bowed and mumbled a sorry.

He made his way to his room as the guards guarded the door while you walked inside with him like he asked you to.

He sat down on his bed and threw his head back while groaning. You stared at his figure without uttering a word.

"done staring at me?" he said as your eyes widened and you looked down in embarrassment.

He stood up and walked to your figure and towered your petite figure with his tall figure. "Aren't you enjoying your work too much? Huh miss y/n?" he whispers as you part your lips to speak but nothing comes out.

"I-i -" he just cut off by lifting your chin with his index finger. "Maintain your distance with me" he sternly said and went to the bathroom leaving you dumbfounded.

"What is his deal?" you said to yourself and left his room with furrowed brows.

At night
"Y/N" you heard him shouting your name from the room as you immediately rushed inside. "Yes your highness" you bowed to him as his gaze never left the document ignorant of him, his eyes were glued to it.

"Take these to the royal guard and ask him to give me the scrolls I asked him for '' he said and handed you almost more than 20 scrolls, you assumed.

You somehow managed to lift them up and make your way to the royal guard. You passed them to him as he handed you the ones Taehyung asked for.

You walked through the corridor while humming a tune while your thoughts were clouded by him.

To be honest, he is an amazing king but as a person he is an arrogant jerk who cares about no one's feelings and no one should get involved with him.

His decisions are practical, he goes to extreme lengths for his kingdom. You knew whatever the others knew.

His parents had died in an assaination and when the event took place he was abducted but later was returned. His father had a mistress before his death, because of her position she was able to live her life in peace and luxury after the king's death.

For some reason she was referred to as taehyung's mother. After his parents death she is the closet he had someone related to his parents

Everything comes at a price, just like this luxury,the title, and everything one has to sacrifice his whole life and devote it to the people of its kingdom.

You knocked on the door and went inside after hearing him, you placed the scrolls on his table while he was leaning on the chair with his eyes closed.

"Your highness, are you fine?" you softly asked, genuinely concerned for him. "Mind your own business" he sternly said and opened his eyes, he shook his head and got back to work.

"That will be all, you can leave" he said as you bowed last time, and left for your small room. "He doesn't seem fine though" you said but shrugged it off.

Next day
You were running from one place to another as Taehyung kept asking for things. It was time for breakfast but his demands never lessened.

"You already ruined my morning, I hope the food is good" he scoffed and rolled his eyes "but your high-" you were about to say something but were cut off by a loud thud.

He threw the plate on the floor making the food splatter on the floor, the glass plate broke into pieces.

"Highness, I didn't make it" you slowly mumbled but he heard it. "So? It was your duty to make sure such food isn't served in front of me. Leave, you can do anything right, useless" he whispered the last part and abruptly stood up.

The whole time you kept your head low and didn't utter a word, not wanting to anger him more.

"I am sorry-y y-your highness-s" you stuttered, tears threatening to fall. You slowly lifted your head and took the rest of the food from there.

He seemed to have noticed the tears in your eyes but he couldn't care less. "Put yourself to some use if you don't want me to kick you out. You shouldn't be taking risks when this job is the only reason you are alive right now" he sternly says making your heart shatter into pieces.

He knew your condition yet he said that. It broke you into a million pieces. "It won't happen again" you slowly said as he ignored your words and left. "Jerk" you mumbled with red eyes.

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