Chapter 11

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In the courtroom

I was seated on the throne when I asked the guards to bring lord kang to the courtroom. After a while, the doors opened with lord kang, his hands covered in bandages. A smirk crept on my face, remembering the pleasure I felt when ripping his hands off of his body.

"May I ask what I owe the pleasure? I hope you haven't called me to make a joke of me after the stunt you pulled" he said and rolled his eyes at me.

I chuckled and rested my arms on the armrest. "You still haven't learned your lesson yet, have you? And that stunt of mine, you earned it "I growled. I knew how much I had to control myself from beheading him. If it wasn't for y/n he would have been dead long ago.

"I called you here to inform you that the Min land will no longer be yours and all the lands and property you possessed will be given to the needy," I announced

"WHAT? THAT'S RIDICULOUS. THAT IS MY LIFE WORTH FORTUNE. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO GIVE IT OFF LIKE SOME CHARITY" lord kang shouted, his eyes showing how scared he was. Huh, as he should be. 

Not sparing that worthless soul any glance I stood up and got ready to leave when another guard barged in.

"Your Highness, I apologize for this sudden visit but Her Highness is on her way to the castle" The guard bowed and spoke. "Great, the day couldn't get any worse," I mumbled.

"Please help lord kang to make his way to his quarters. As for Her Highness, let her come. Inform me when she has reached I will accompany her then" I said and dismissed the court.

I left to see the person I knew would make me feel better, no doubt. Entering my chambers, there was no soul in sight.

I moved further in when soft giggles and laughter filled my ear. She wasn't alone. She had company. Male company. With slow steps, I went closer to the bed and saw her seated while Jimin sat in front of her.

"Royal Guard, get me this...get me that. If you don't follow my orders you shall be beheaded. I only care about my kingdom and no other soul. I have no friend"Jimin spoke with a deeper voice, trying to mimic me I suppose.

y/n giggled at his words, and unknowingly a smile crept on my face. "If you imitate me like this you MUST be beheaded," I said and stood behind Jimin and kept my hands on his shoulder.

"Imitate? Me and y/n were having a pleasant conversation weren't we?" jimin chuckled as y/n nodded in agreement, keeping a smile on her face.

"Did you have something to eat? Did you take your medicine?" I questioned ignoring Jimin. "I did, in fact, jimin brought these sweets for me," she told me and pointed towards an empty box beside the bed.

I let out a sigh and moved over to my side of the bed. It was suspicious, my very curious friend wasn't asking any questions regarding my questions.

"What happened to you? You don't seem to be asking what the meds are for?" I asked while he shrugged and replied. "I have been sitting here for an hour, and given the position I hold in y/ns life she already told me the events that took place last night"

"And what's that position that you hold in her life..?" My eyebrows raised, and I gave him a look. "Best friends...or maybe more, I hope," he said and looked at y/n. Let out a scoff and hold her hand and bring it close to me. 

"I am sorry my friend but this woman can only afford to be your friend because she is taken," I said and gave a sarcastic smile to him.

"Who knows? I may be able to sway her" Jimin replied and smiled at me. "Don't you have better things to do than imitate me?" I asked, getting annoyed by his lovey-dovey words for y/n.

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